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"You're a brave one, aren't you?" D'tash purrs as the seconds tick past.

"I... suppose," Rai replies with an uncertain shrug. It wasn't so much that she was brave in sitting in tentacle's reach for so long. She just didn't want the big mitanni to have the satisfaction of being an easy 'winner' in front of so many curious pairs of eyes. 

D'tash laughs in response. "If we keep sitting here, one of us is going to get snatched. I suppose now it's just a matter of who, hmm?"

"You know... we could always get up together," Rai suggests as the clock approaches two minutes. "I mean... unless you really, actually, want the things to grab you and... you know."

D'tash smiles. "I suppose we could, couldn't we."

"Well? Do you want to?" Rai inquires.

D'tash looks down at the glistening black tree and its insidious fruit. "Why not? There's so much more to explore in this place, isn't there? We can always come back if we..."

Suddenly, and without the least bit of warning, a pair of slender black tendrils shoot out from among the shimmering black biogel leaves. The mitanni gasps as they waste no time at all in wrapping themselves around her ankles. In an instant, she is pulled off the seat and into the open air above the floor below.

"OH!" D'tash exclaims as she bobs about in the protective cushion force field that prevents injuries accidental falls from the bench. More tentacles reach out and wrap around her waist and upper arms.

"Shit," Rai mutters as she looked down at the mitanni, who's expression of mixed confusion and displeasure does little to help maintain the tigress' impression that there's any actual fun in getting snatched by the tentacle orbs for real. "That doesn't look like much fun at all..."


What does Rai do now?


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