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Attached is a ZIP the Release 1.0 of the Hero Me Gen7 Magnet Edition STLs. This uses all the same components as the standard Hero Me Gen7. The only STLs in this ZIP are the Base and Gantry Adapters that use the magnets.

I have posted the Hero Me Gen7 Magnet Edition ZIP to the Discord Server channel #hero-me-magnet

ZIP is now attached.  Patreon fixed the bug.




When I go to the hero me discord channel it doesn’t show me anything. It’s blank. Can someone help?

Andrew Soderberg

John, I am sorry about that. Did you associate your Discord ID with your Patreon account? Without that, you won't get your proper Discord Role assigned. What is your Discord ID. I can then assign your Role to get all the channels.


My discord username is John Burkee#4613


Hi, can you do a magnetic gantry adapter for elegoo neptune 2/s please?


Hello Andy, HMG7 ME MSDD Ender 5 Gantry Adapter has faults on the two right side holes where they're not allowing the M3 socket head to be screwed in all the way to clear anything to be attached on the right side of the base...the difference is about 1.6mm.


I am in your Discord server right now and cannot find #hero-me-magnet.


Hi Andy, did you ever find a supplier for the magnets?


Hi. Could I please get an invite to the discord server?


Hi Andy I joined up via patreon on the all access teir but I am unable to see any channels other than the into in discord, please can you advise how I can get access


I have the same problem as Philip. Joined the all access tier and still can´t see any channels @discord.


OK it looks like it was user error on my part - if you go to your membership page in Patreon there is a connect to discord option which should authenticate your subscription on discord. At least that worked for me.

Andrew Soderberg

If you go to your membership page in Patreon there is a connect to discord option which should authenticate your subscription on discord.

Andrew Soderberg

if you go to your membership page in Patreon there is a connect to discord option which should authenticate your subscription on discord.


Thanks Andy 👍, I managed to get in last night, it took me a little while to find it - I have not used Discord much. I commented on the patreon post for the gen7 magnetic version and helped another patron get onto discord. I will be taking a look in the magnet edition discord to see what the specs on the magnet is so I can get some to give it a go.


Hello Andy, will there be gantry adapter for Ender 6 for magnet edition? Would love to use it!


Hallo :) will there be a gantry adapter for the tronxy X5SA? I would love to print the Magnet Edition, it would ease a lot of things :)

Andrew Soderberg

Ask and ye shall receive! Here is a DropBox link to the HMG7 Magnet Edition Gantry Adapter for the Tronxy X5SA along with a revised Gen7 inserts version. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ld4ors7bs04v9hp/HMG7%20ME%20Tronxy.zip?dl=0


Wow, that's service 😳 thank you so much. Absolutely incredible