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The last month had been filled with lots of private celebrations at the news of two more eggs coming in a year or two. None of the dragons knew how long it would take for them to be strong enough to be laid. Still, Aldric and Herb had been excited at the prospect of such a rare thing.

Phillip and Frederick had been excited at the news also, but their two weeks spent in the mines had taken a lot of their excitement out of them.

Kaen spent time with Hess and Bren discussing tactics and plans, and both men worked hard to get the students old enough for battle trained. Even with snow on the ground, they worked them through the basic formations and taught commands. Time was not an ally, and bad weather or not meant nothing when one's life depended on it.


Five months had passed since they had started this plan, and as Kaen went over his list of things to do at the dinner table, Pammon was moving toward the cave opening again.


Ava nodded, and Kaen smiled as Pammon released a steady stream of fire that turned the rocks near the entrance orange. After he stopped and they continued to burn for a few minutes, the air that came into the cavern began to warm up.

Sighing, Ava smiled and looked over Kaen’s shoulder. “Pregnant and freezing is now what I had planned on. It feels really cold this year.”

Kaen joined his wife and sighed as she had. “It is, and things are slowing down because of it. The snow is deeper than we had expected. If it wasn’t for Pammon and Glynnis, I’m not sure we could get some of the supplies we have back and forth between the mines and the forges.”

We both knew it wouldn’t happen.

Kaen smiled, ignoring that Pammon was bragging again. He had started doing that more since the news of twin eggs.

“The good news is that no movement has been spotted at the caves to the south. Pammon checked those out the other day, and it appears the orcs and goblins, if they are still in the caves, are done coming out for now. After the snow melts…”

Ava leaned over and tapped a line on his papers. “Still think they can learn flying by then?”

“Ask Pammon, it’s his call.”

Ava turned and smiled at the bronze dragon, looking over the partition at the two of them.

They are almost strong enough. I believe it will be safe to try again in a few weeks. The loads they are helping to carry are what they need. They are still far away from being able to fly how I would like them to with a rider.

“We have time… not much, but we do.”

Pammon nodded and turned, moving back to where Amaranth and Glynnis were.

You still need to decide when we attack. If I remember the last meeting with Aldric and Herb correctly, it was two weeks. No matter what you decide, we will be ready.

You seem to forget what is holding me back. 

Pammon paused his step and turned his head to gaze at Kaen.

Kaen felt his dragon’s eyes upon him and shifted in his chair so he could peer at them.

Then we go without her. Perhaps it is for the best, but you cannot delay everyone and everything for her sake. Just as I would prefer Amaranth not to be involved in this fight, you and I both know it would be foolish to send your wife into battle pregnant. 

Pammon bent his neck and moved his head closer to Kaen. His massive snout hung over the partition, and Kaen felt his friend's warm breath.

Do not delay what must happen for the safety of your wife and child. Remember that everyone has someone they love who is going to fight. Many will not come home. More than either of us want to acknowledge. Be the leader you must be and make the decision only you can. The longer you hold off, the worse things will get for everyone.

Kaen began to nod. Closing his eyes, he covered his mouth with his hand and let Pammon’s words help him with what he had been struggling with.

You are right. Let us go and tell Aldric right now that we will attack in two months. I will not wait any longer. 

Pammon angled his head slightly and snorted, sending out a well-aimed blast of mucus that almost hit Kaen but completely missed Ava.

After staring at the mess on the floor, Ava began to groan and glared at Pammon. “One of you better clean that up, or so help me; I will make both of your lives suffer.”

Kaen slid the table across the floor and stood, making sure to avoid the spot on the ground. “I guess I will take care of it, even though it wasn’t my mess.”

Pammon thrummed and started to move to where Amaranth and Glynnis were. He froze a few steps as the words came from them both as one.

Clean that up, or don’t come over here.

Pammon looked at both of his mates and saw that their eyes reflected the tone they had just spoken to him in.

Grunting, Pammon turned and moved to the partition and leaned over.

Kaen had taken a few steps to go get some towels when he heard a sound and turned to see Pammon scraping his claw along the ground, collecting most of his mucus on it. His bronze dragon then walked awkwardly to the front entrance and flicked it off the edge.

That was a little disgusting, but uh… thanks… I think.

Glaring at Kaen, Pammon’s eyelids became tiny slits.

We need to go. A breath of fresh air is what we both need.

Kaen saw the look Ava was giving him and nodded. 

Let me finish up this last bit, and then we can go.


Looking at the town below, the snow that accumulated in some places painted a beautiful picture in the grey light of the day.

The places where forges were roaring nonstop had no snow on the roofs or even around parts of the buildings. They could see the paths that had been made on the streets, and Kaen watched as men scooped snow and put it in carts, taking it elsewhere to drop before repeating the task again.

Kids were playing in the snow, throwing snowballs, and building snowmen. 

Even in the coldest times, those children love to play.

The snow that attacked his face slid off, and Kaen nodded. 

Aldric seemed relieved at the news. It was time to commit.

It was. Now, we must finish what we started. 

Kaen rubbed the scale on his friend and stared up at the clouds, which continued to gently release snow upon the land.

It is… now let’s return home and see if our wives are no longer upset with us.

Pammon began to laugh as he slowly changed directions in the sky.

I don’t think that will ever happen completely.


“You’re sure about this?” Hess asked as he cinched the harness a little tighter around Glynnis.

“Who else can I send?” Kaen asked. “Phillip and Frederick aren’t ready for a trip like this, but I cannot leave the capital undefended. If I had to think of a time Stioks might attack, this would be it. I could send one of them with Glynnis, but then I’m left with the problem of not being able to have them practice flying.”

Hess nodded, grumbling as he did. “I’m just saying I’m going to freeze my balls off, and we both know it.”

Kaen laughed and shrugged. “Good thing you don’t use them anymore, then I guess.”

They embraced, and Hess sighed. “You’re a good man and a leader. Hoste would be proud of you.”

Kaen smiled, giving Hess a gentle punch on one of his arms.

“He would say the same about you. Now go be safe and return quickly.”

Kaen turned to Glynnis and scratched her neck as she patiently waited. 

I owe you this, and I will try to find some way to repay it. Thank you, as always, for doing what I ask of you.

Glynnis playfully pushed against him with her neck.

You have always shown me kindness and favor, and as we have mentioned before, you always ask. I am grateful for how you treat my child and my mate. Anything I can do to help keep them safe is no problem at all. How quickly do you want me to get to these places?

Kaen glanced at Hess, who was slowly making his way onto Glynnis’s neck. 

The man wore more clothes than Kaen imagined possible. The cloak he had around his face and head would hopefully keep him warm. He even had a cloth mask that would help protect his mouth and nose.

“Hess, remember to let her know if you need a break. Otherwise, she will keep going as fast as she can.”

Hess nodded, slipping on a glove with his teeth. “I’ll manage.”

Kaen gave Glynnis another scratch or two before backing up.

“Be safe, both of you. If something happens or comes at you, fly away. There is no one faster than Glynnis.”

After waving, Hess pulled up his mask and yanked his head, covering as far as he could over his head. He gave three taps on Glynnis’s neck and then grabbed onto the rope even though he was buckled in.

In a moment, the yellow dragon was airborne, already speeding quickly through the air and getting altitude faster than Kaen could imagine.

How come you aren’t that fast? Kaen teased.

A groan came from behind him, and a massive amount of snow suddenly slammed into Kaen's back.


Kaen spun and saw Pammon grinning. Another claw full of snow was already on its way. Diving to the side, he barely avoided the snow that could have easily filled a wagon.

Perhaps you should instead ask, why am I not smart enough to realize that keeping my back turned to a dragon with this much snow around isn’t a good thing?

Pammon thrummed as Kaen grabbed a handful of snow and tossed it at the massive dragon. The tiny ball of snow hit a scale and fell to the ground.

Groaning, Kaen held both hands up in surrender. 

“Fine, you win! Now, let's get back to work. We have too much stuff to do, and I don’t want to be completely wet.”

Still thrumming, Pammon moved closer so Kaen could climb on.

On a side note, snow down one's backside, even if the cold doesn’t bother you, isn’t a pleasant feeling.

Pammon leaped into the air, unable to stop laughing as Kaen shifted multiple times on his saddle.


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