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Max gave in, letting the wall he held back his desires come tumbling down.

Knowledge and something overwhelming filled his mind, but none of it mattered. He felt himself pushed back, as the presence inside took control.

[ Consume is cleansing Weakness Curse ]

[ Weakness Curse Cleansed ]

[ Berserker ]

[ Weakness ]

The world seemed to slow down as Max’s halberd whipped through the air, the axe blade slashing at the guardian of the portal.

Its yellow eyes went wide, and it tried to move back, bringing up both arms to block the attack, but his blade sheered through them, cutting off over two feet of the demon’s blades.  

It roared, and there was movement around Max as the other demons rushed towards him, but he watched as his weapon came around, the butt of the polearm slamming into the demon’s side, cracking its armored skin and ripping a chunk out. 

His ice spell went off before Max even realized it had been cast.  Ice rippled around him revealing a dozen stealthed demons, but its true target was the creature he faced.  

It roared, releasing an aura from its body, yet it washed over Max like a gentle rain, doing nothing as the blade of his weapon came around again to slice halfway through the demon’s neck. 

The demon cried out, trying to hold its head in place with a hand, but was unable to block the speed and power of Max's attack.  Less than three seconds later, its head was gone and power flooded through him.

Max’s halberd swung around as the skill that desired this spun him like a top, the blade carving through limbs and heads like a thresher through wheat during the harvest.  Every swing of his weapon detached at least one head or cut multiple demons down.

Roars and cries sounded out while abilities were going off, all trying to stop the man tearing through their gathered forces. Some demons froze in place, unsure what was happening as Max rushed toward four twelve-foot demons, each with six arms and holding a sword in each hand. Each had two heads, with six eyes and two mouths that said things he couldn’t understand. The pack of four was coming at him with their blades ready.

As one, the four moved. Twenty-four swords came at him in various combo attacks, and Max felt a sneer on his face.  He could feel contempt flowing through him, as if this wasn’t a challenge.

His body moved in ways he hadn’t realized it was capable of. Leaping, twisting in midair, his weapon parried and used the force to push him closer to the first of the demons. In a single breath, his blade swung out, taking off both heads in a one strike. His foot found purchase on an extended arm and he leaped toward the next one.  

Max felt a calm in the middle of something that would have a normal person pissing their pants.

A wall of air appeared beneath his feet, allowing him to jump and twist, going over and behind the next demon, seeing their red eyes go wide as his blade reaped their soul in an instant.

Everywhere he turned, the demons fell, body parts littering the dirt and black blood covering the floor of the chasm as if it was bubbling up from under the earth.  

Demons cast spells at him, but even when they managed to land, they rarely had any effect. The damage caused was minor, gone in moments as his skill cleansed them from him. The weaker creatures, having hidden behind the stronger demons expecting protection, fell so quickly that Max almost wondered if they were real. The demons weren't a threat. It was like Max was an adult picking on a toddler.

Time seemed to pass without end, and Max watched as the beast inside him chased down the demons as they realized they were now the prey. Something far greater than them had entered their domain, hungry and consuming everything in its path.

During one of the many fights Max saw a brief flicker of blue light far off in the distance and realized they were moving away from the portal.

We need to go back!

NO! We need to kill them all! We need the power they provide!

A battle of wills took place, as Max fought against it.  Like a starving man who had an endless table of food placed before them and was gorging themselves with no end, tearing famished beast inside away from its meal wasn’t easy.

I need to help my friends! We cannot stay here!

A dagger pierced his side, and pain roared through him.

His will faltered, and his hand swung around, decapitating the demon that had thought it could attack when Max had suddenly stopped moving.

The demons still around him backed up, retreating to the edges of the walls. Some tried to climb, digging their claws or weapons into the stone, seeking escape.

We need more power for what is coming! You need more power!

None of it matters if my family dies!

A primal and angry roar came from his mouth.  A wave of anger, frustration, and hunger flooded the area around him.  Every demon within its range ran, terror gripping creatures most believed knew no fear.

His side still burning, Max suddenly felt himself running forward toward the portal, slightly to the side. The demons along the wall became Max’s preferred way to heal. 

Unable to flee, they tried to fight back, but found their weapons or bodies too weak to stop the attacks cutting them into pieces.

Max suddenly found himself near the portal.

He could see his body, dripping with the black blood he was covered in.

Very well.  You have given me my fill for now.  The next part falls to you.

Max stumbled for a moment. His body returned to his control, and he snapped his head up. He tried to ignore the massive number of notifications vying for his attention. 

Nothing mattered more than entering the portal.

Rushing through, he prayed his friends were still alive.


“Where were you?!” Fowl shouted.

“Are you ok?” Batrire asked, even though she could see Max’s health bar was full.

Tanila just rushed to him, and threw her arms around him, ignoring the blood that covered him from head to toe.

“I was worried,” she whispered.

Max hugged her back, holding her tight and trying not to crush her as he did.

After a few moments he finally let go, stepping back and looking at Fowl and Batrire.

“I’m ok.  I had to let go… Bo… I needed my skill to help, and it did… I’m not certain how many things I killed, but…”

He finally paid attention to his notifications.

[ 6 Strength Consumed ]

[ 6 Constitution Consumed ]

[ 6 Dexterity Consumed ]

[ 6 Dexterity Consumed ]

[ 6 Dexterity Consumed ]

[ 6 Dexterity Consumed ]

[ 6 Dexterity Consumed ]

[ 6 Strength Consumed ]

[ 6 Strength Consumed ]

[ 6 Constitution Consumed ]

[ 6 Dexterity Consumed ]

[ 6 Constitution Consumed ]

[ 6 Strength Consumed ]

[ 6 Constitution Consumed ]

[ 1 Strength Consumed ]

[ 6 Intelligence Consumed ]

[ 6 Wisdom Consumed ]

[ 6 Intelligence Consumed ]

[ 6 Wisdom Consumed ]

[ 6 Intelligence Consumed ]

[ 6 Wisdom Consumed ]

[ 6 Intelligence Consumed ]

[ 6 Wisdom Consumed ]

[ 6 Intelligence Consumed ]

[ 6 Wisdom Consumed ]

[ 6 Intelligence Consumed ]

[ 6 Wisdom Consumed ]

[ 3 Intelligence Consumed ]

[ 6 Wisdom Consumed ]

[ 5 Wisdom Consumed ]

[ Consume has successfully Consumed a skill ]

[ Unable to Obtain Skill - Power Saved ]

[ Consume has successfully Consumed a skill ]

[ Unable to Obtain Skill - Power Saved ]

[ Consume has successfully Consumed a skill 

[ Unable to Obtain Skill - Power Saved ]

[Consume has successfully Consumed a skill]

[Would you like to learn [Demonic Magic]?]

[ Yes / No]

[ Demonic Magic - Rare Successfully learned ]

[Consume has successfully Consumed a skill]

[Would you like to learn [Demonic Summoning]?]

[Yes / No]

[Demonic Summoning - Rare Successfully learned]

Max stood there, trying to comprehend what he was seeing.  



Tanila called his name multiple times, Max only managed to focus on her when she touched his cheek.

“Sorry… I… I just saw the results of the battle,” Max said, his voice matching the stunned look on his face.

“Dare I ask?” 

“Give me a second and I’ll find out the base numbers.”

[Base  Stats Check]


Max Hoste

18-Year-old Human Male

Level 1

Exp 1/1000

Demonic Essences: 273

STR: 115

DEX: 115

CON: 115

INT: 95

WIS: 95


“Impossible,” Fowl muttered.  “And that’s your base…”

“How do you feel? Not physically, but inside?” Tanila asked, a concerned frown on her face.

“I’m okay,” Max answered, trying to smile and assure her he was fine. “My options were limited, and we both knew it. I couldn’t get past the guardian that was hiding by the portal. I  could have tried with my own skills, but I didn't think that would work.”

Max looked at Batrire and saw her frowning at him.

“I was cursed and weakened, and there wasn’t time for me to drink a potion and hope everything would be okay. My skill… It removed the negative effects, like it did with the red aura. After that, I realized just how much I lack understanding of how to fight.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Fowl asked. “You’re one of the best fighters I’ve seen. What do you mean you lack in fighting?”

Max chuckled and put his hand in front of him.  He then ran his fingers across the top.  “I actually ran along a sword that was coming at me.  I jumped off an air wall I created for the specific purpose of getting behind an enemy.  My skill used the momentum of the demon's attacks to propel me where I needed to be.”

Shaking his head and trying to understand, Fowl muttered to himself.  “I can’t imagine… and skills?”

Max nodded.  “Let’s not worry about those right now.  Am I seeing this floor correctly?”

Grunting, Fowl nodded and turned to the room Max was now focused on.  

“Where’s the boss? It’s empty…”

“We haven’t looked very hard,” Tanila said, gently pushing Max. “Every one of us was more focused when you would return.”

Bobbing his head, Max looked at the space just a few yards past the portal. 

Two massive metal doors, thicker than five feet and over fifty feet tall, appeared ready to close behind them once they walked onto the grey stone tile that ran the length of a two-hundred-yard colosseum.  

“It looks… almost like the one back in Peltagow,” Max muttered. “The walls are taller, but the rest, including the box where the queens would sit, is almost identical. Why?”

“He’s right,” Batrire said. “I didn’t noticed until Seth pointed it out.”

“We don’t need to worry about that part, just what happens once we go past those doors.” Tanila pointed out. “I’m certain we won't be able to open them. We’ll be trapped inside if they actually close behind us.”

No sound came from inside, and as the four of them tried to consider the next path, a loud bell tolled and a timer appeared in the air in the center of the arena.

“One minute?” Fowl asked.  “Till?”

“The doors close or the demon appears.  Either way, we need to decide fast if you three are still ok with going forward,” Max said as he pointed at the huge doors.

“They're moving!” Batrire gasped.  

“Judging by how slow they are, we have fifty seconds, at most, to pass them. I’m okay going on. What about you, Fowl?” Tanila asked.

“Don’t put this on me,” he grunted, motioning to the doors.  “I’ll follow Seth wherever. He just need to hurry up and decide.”

“Ogre nuts, Fowl!” Batrire cursed.  “Grow a pair and decide before the doors shut!”

Max heard Fowl start to curse, but the dwarf stopped himself and moved toward the closing doors.

“Let’s go!”

Max brought up the rear, waiting for Tanila and Batrire to catch up to their dwarven friend, who stood on the tiles of the colosseum floor.

The timer reached the last ten seconds, and the doors were almost shut, leaving no path to return to the portal. The blue escape point hidden from their sight.

As the timer hit zero, the doors shut completely with an earth-shaking impact.  They felt them close and heard something click inside.

Then laughter echoed across the arena all around them.

“Shite, this can’t be good,” Fowl muttered as portals began to open over all the seats of the Colosseum.



Bob is so dumb. He is so focused on “just think how strong you could be if you gave me control”, not realising that there is another option. Just think how strong they could be if they worked together! If Bob helped Max, guided him, was an ardent supporter and team player. We could have a more symbiotic relationship (read: Bromance!) between Max and Bob which would be just lovely


Max should also let Bob go loose in the other level 50 dungeon. I bet Bob would love to be given some free reign rather than having to force Max to give him some RnR time...

Sly Bayesian Fox

I dunno, Bob thinks time is on his side and he can just outvvait Max. He's playing the long game to get everything he desires. Until both can strike a stable collaborative bargain, they're stuck as competitors