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Foros, focus on that turn! Your angle is off, and the speed isn’t right! If you don’t fix it, you’ll–

The sounds of limbs snapping as the silver body crashed through some branches of the nearby trees echoed through the forest.

I’ve got him…

Pammon didn’t come down this time, keeping his position in the air as Amaranth moved to where Foros was, now on the ground and in obvious pain from the impact.

Alright, daughter. You saw what your brother did wrong. That turn requires you to slow into it and then explode out of it. Make sure the angle is right, or you will end up like him.

Tazorath said nothing, dropping down toward the forest and the start of the path they had cut through the woods last week.

Pammon studied it again, still impressed with what Kaen had created. Kaen had marked every tree Phillip and Frederick had cut down. The man had somehow designed a path in his head while they scouted out this area.

How is he?

Amaranth had reached Foros, and the green glow of healing was visible from where Pammon soared.

He will be fine. He has a few minor scrapes and a broken bone, but in a few minutes, he will be ready to go again. Have you tried this course yet?

Pammon grinned, knowing full well that question was now asked for the third time, and Kaen would lose the bet they had made.

I have. Multiple times.  Though I am not the fastest, I would say I did rather well, considering my size.

Perhaps I should give it a try later and see if I can do better.

Pammon could sense her attempt at humor, a tone as she spoke that had become more assertive since bonding with Ava how she had.

Maybe you can show our two children later if they don’t figure it out.

Amaranth finished healing Foros, and both dragons left the ground, getting airborne again and moving into position to watch Tazorath as she attempted her first full run.

You may go!

Thank you, sire!

Pammon smiled as he saw his daughter spin and dive, gaining speed as she approached the opening near the road.  Unlike her brother, she had a natural flying ability like her mother.  She could see the spot she needed to line up with on the first straight part and took off like a predator after a meal.

Tazorath knew the next turn was coming, a sharp one to the right that would quickly turn left after only fifty yards. She used her red-scaled wings to angle and catch some air, slowing quickly before banking around the turn and flapping them to gain back some of the speed.

The trees were at most fifty yards in height, and staying within them was hard for maintaining speed in the narrow path.  Pammon had struggled with how his wings almost touched the edges, knowing Kaen had also intentionally done that for him.

Watch that side!

Tazorath reacted instantly, shifting her entire body and leaning into the left turn, following the wide arc.

You need more speed. You’re dropping!

Pammon saw his daughter as her body began to slide down toward the ground.

Once she had reached the end of the turn and reached the straight area again, her body leveled out, only thirty feet or so above the forest's ground, and she started trying to gain as much speed as possible for the next series of turns.

Tazorath had seen where Foros had messed up and knew she had to at least beat him.  It was only two turns in that he collided with the tree branches sticking out.  Eight turns back to back like a snake moving across the ground were designed to pinch them in tighter at each turn, making going fast harder as there was less room to beat their wings as they shifted side to side.

Moving to the top of the trees as she gained all the speed she could, Tazorath banked to the right, going as far wide as possible toward the trees before cutting into the turn.

Nice work! Now, roll for the next turn!

Tazorath focused on the angle she knew she needed, rolling as her father instructed.

The speed she had as she came around the turn pushed her toward the same branches her brother had just knocked off, but she was able to tilt her wings slightly to slow down, making the turn.

You’re dropping! Prepare for the next turn.

Her move and change of her wings had sent her downward, requiring some height for more speed as she approached the next turn, rolling again to angle for it.

Move! You’re too close to the branches! Fix the–

Pammon sighed, seeing his daughter clip two branches.  Knowing her run was over, she slowed down and came to a stop on the ground.

I’ve got her.  She should be fine, but that was good for the first run.

She learns fast; I think she almost figured out that next part.  Thank you for checking on her.

Pammon looked at Tazorath and saw her left wing looked to be held a little different and knew she probably had injured it when those branches had clipped her.

Foros, are you almost ready?

His son looked up at him from where he was flying beneath.

I am.  I’m not sure I can make that turn… It is too narrow and–


Pammon’s words cut off his son, and Pammon began to move toward the direction of the entrance to the course they were trying to learn.

I know what you want to say, but do not doubt yourself or make excuses.  Size matters for some things, but what is more important is pushing yourself and finding out what is possible.  You can do this, and you will do this.  We will focus on this course and other things for the next few weeks.  When we are done, your mother will praise you for how well you accomplished this feat.

Pammon didn’t need to see Foros to sense the waves of pleasure from him after that praise.  It always struck Pammon as something weird.  He could sense how his children were feeling when they were close.

Amaranth, please let me know when you are done. I want you two to go up into the sky and watch me with Foros.


Pammon raced through the last straight away, his massive body barely fitting between the trees as his wings stretched just enough to flap and gain the altitude needed for the last part.

Kaen, you are an evil man for what you did here…

Pammon’s thoughts made him thrum as the last thirty yards quickly approached.

The last two movements required flying sideways and rolling completely upside down to maintain the speed necessary for a fast drop in altitude.

Pammon pulled his wings in, rotated his body, and flared them slightly at the top. They dropped downward as he angled toward the almost ninety-degree turn.

A few yards from the top of the ground, he came out of his roll, having picked up the speed required, and his wings stretched halfway out, letting him finish the back turn that angled almost ninety degrees.

Having cleared the last turn, he saw the end of the straight path zooming toward him and began to beat his wings quickly, rising toward the tops of the trees.

As he flew past the trees at the end of the course, his talons and tail almost clipped them.

Breathing heavily, he extended his wings completely and flew till he was circling the air with his family.

That was incredible…

Pammon smiled at Tazorath, who was watching him. Her green eyes sparkled as she watched her father approach them.

You two can do the same. Remember, you are young, but you are gifted. Inside, you are the blood of your mothers and me. Right now, it feels like we are pushing you harder than you desire, but it is for one purpose: to win a battle that will end a war and allow you to live with your rider in a new age—an age where you can travel this land, find new things to eat, and see places.

I’m ready to go again.

Pammon smiled and turned to where Foros was preparing to dive toward the course entrance.

I’m sure you are.  Now, show me what you have learned.


That sounds like a good first day.  I shouldn’t have doubted you showing off for the three of them.

Pammon groaned and forced his side out, pushing Kaen some as his rider leaned against him.

They will get there.  I can see what improvements they need.  Glynnis and Amaranth will train them until we get back.  Are you ready to go in the morning?

Stretching, Kaen nodded.

Look at those two. They are gone.  I don’t think they were prepared for today at all.

Pammon nodded. He had already seen Phillip and Frederick asleep a little away from where he and Kaen were.

Any luck today?

There is actually a lot. I scouted all the mines in the area and marked half a dozen or more spots where there was ore. It’s not what we want, but I found the ore for the weapons and armor we need. One mineshaft actually opened to a rather large cavern, and there were lots of areas in there with some potential. I doubt they will have it all done before we return, but Aldric said they are already preparing the forges. Wagons will come tomorrow and start hauling off everything.

Pammon glanced around the camp where buildings were set up.  The shacks they had erected didn’t look sturdy, but Pammon knew all this had only been done in a few days.

Are they going to build a place for Phillip and Frederick? Seems unfair they are sleeping outside.

Kaen chuckled.

You seem to forget we slept outside most of the time as well. For a dragon rider, it’s not that big of a deal, especially if their dragon can spend the night with them.

I did mention that to Amaranth and Glynnis. They will try not to wear them out as much as I did so that both Foros and Tazorath can make it here at night. A dragon and a rider need to be close.

You’re right… That is why I had them do the first two tasks together.  The mine isn’t a place they can help out.  Besides, I have no doubt that in a few weeks, the lessons those two will learn when it comes to flying will be greater than anything you have ever had.

Pammon thrummed once before stopping, realizing it would wake everyone up if he continued.

Do you remember what Tharnok told me the day he tested my flying skills?

Kaen began to laugh, holding his hand over his mouth.

You move like a bird with only one wing that is about to die or something like that… right?

Yes… Pammon answered, sighing as he laid his head on the ground facing Kaen.  He had told me on many occasions that I flew about as well as a moth or other creatures who fluttered around, not doing anything.  It hurt, but now I realize why he pushed me so much.  Imagine if he hadn’t.  We would have never made it to the land of the dragons if he hadn’t.  I’m not sure we would have survived that first encounter with Stioks.

Kaen stared at Pammon, those massive golden eyes almost glowing in the night.

I’m grateful for them every day as well. I pray that Elies and Tharnok are finally at peace.

As do I.

Both closed their eyes, knowing the next week would be important in the training.


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