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Pammon roared gently as Amaranth and Ava tried to pass him and Kaen.

They seem intent on cheating.

I don’t think you said they couldn’t use their flight burst skill.  If you wanted to, you could use your skills as well.

I would not do that.  If I did, Amaranth would accuse me of cheating.

Kaen sighed, smiling as the wind whipped past him and his wife, and Amaranth surged ahead.

What is good for the goose isn’t good for the gander…

I have no idea what that means…

Laughing, Kaen leaned against Pammon’s massive neck and urged his friend on.

Let’s not worry about it.  For now, let’s focus on where we are going.

They soared over the mountains to the west, and as they passed over them, Kaen looked down on the place where Pammon and he had buried their first child.  A stabbing pain inside him appeared and a second later it felt as if Pammon was wrapping his wings around him washed through his being.

I wondered how you might react when we pass this way. Does Ava still want to stop on the way back?

She does. She will pick some wildflowers, and we will leave them there again.  I know it hurts, but it also helps her.  You remember how she thanked you for what you did.

Neither said another word. Instead, they focused on the woman and dragon flying ahead, grateful for a life with them.


Kaen slowly inserted the piece of meat into Ava’s mouth as she lay on the blanket, her head on his leg.

“It’s hot,” he stated again, ignoring her scowl as he made it dance in his fingers a few inches from her lips.

Grabbing his wrist, Ava pulled his hand down and took the strip of meat from his fingers, getting awfully close to the tips that held it.

“You almost bit me!” Kaen exclaimed, watching as Ava smiled and chewed the venison they were about to enjoy. “I was trying not to burn your tongue.”

“More like starve a pregnant woman,” Ava said between bites. “I was hungry.”

Laughing, Kaen wiped his fingers on his pants and then ran his thumb against his wife's cheek as she chewed.

“I love you.  More than anything,” he said, watching her smile and nod.

After she finally swallowed her bite, Ava winked at him, “I love you as well, my love. Just know, though, that next time, I’ll bite your fingers if you do that again.”

Nodding, Kaen grabbed a fork, stuck it in another piece of meat on a platter near him, and handed it to Ava.  “In that case, you can feed yourself,” he teased.

She playfully snatched the fork from his hand and smiled, gladly feeding herself as he watched her eat.

Looking up and out toward the west, Kaen stared even though he couldn’t see Pammon or Amaranth.

“Why are you smiling so much?”

“Please, you know why.  Amaranth didn’t hide her excitement about coming out here today.”

Shaking her head, Ava finished her food and shrugged.  “She might have mentioned some alone time with Pammon was on the list.”

Alone time,” Kaen said, mocking her slightly.  “Even with him doing his best to block what they are doing, it’s impossible now.  I’m just glad they took it a bit away from us.”

“Is it weird? Feeling that?”

Kaen shrugged as he began to run his finger through Ava’s hair.  “It’s hard to describe.  You knew what it was like that night we returned from across the sea.”

Groaning, Ava nodded and rolled over so she could sit up and face her husband.  “Don’t I know it… that was not nice of Pammon at all.”

Kean nodded, smirking as he recalled that night very well.  “I might have earned that, as I mentioned before, but now it’s not as… animalistic? Is that a word?”

“I think I know what you mean,” Ava replied as she moved closer to Kaen. “Amaranth had also commented on that, and I think we both know the difference in those moments.  Sometimes you really want that connection, and other times it is because you show your love for the other through it.”

Kaen nodded and shuffled closer to his wife, grabbing the log he had been leaning against and shifting it slightly to provide support for his back.  She leaned backward against his chest, and Kaen wrapped his arms around her, putting his hands on her growing belly.

Ava rested her hands on top of his and smiled. “No movements yet but I’ll tell you when I feel something.”

“I can’t wait,” he replied, closing his eyes and leaning against hers.

Sitting there quietly, both fell asleep in each other’s arms.


Pammon watched as Kaen helped Ava onto Amaranth.

Each was smiling, and Kaen could tell that Pammon was frustrated. He knew the two women were talking, yet he couldn’t hear what they were saying.

Look at your wife. She almost laughed about something. Indeed, Amaranth wouldn’t say anything about me or my performance that would draw such a reaction.

Kaen couldn’t help but chuckle, earning a backward glance from Ava as she finished climbing up into the saddle.

“Should I ask?”

Kaen shook his head.  “Not unless you want to share with Pammon and me what you two are talking about.”

Ava’s cheeks turned a slight shade of red, but she said nothing.

I would prefer to have some secrets.  We shall refrain from being so obvious that we are talking in the future.

Pammon snorted and shook his head.

Do not make promises we all know that you two won’t keep.

Trilling, Amaranth turned after Ava had clipped herself in and took a few steps before becoming airborne, not waiting for Kaen or Pammon to be ready.

She is cheating again… why does she do that?

Because she knows it bothers you.  She can tell how much it affects you, and in a small way, it is because she cares.

Grumbling, Pammon lowered himself as Kaen jogged and jumped almost to where his saddle was, easily getting onto it in one go.  Pammon didn’t wait for him to clip in, already moving and going airborne before Kaen wrapped both legs around his neck.

One of these days I’m going to fall and then what?

It won’t be that big of a fall; besides, you’re strong enough to handle it.

Groaning, Kaen got set and clipped in, laughing as Pammon did his best to catch up with Ava and Amaranth.


Kaen held Ava in his arms, watching her as she stood back a few feet from the clear stone that marked their child's grave.  She said nothing, just staring at it, holding the small flowers she had picked earlier.

The wind whipped around them and the sound of the air over the rocks made a melody that sounded almost calming.

“It’s perfect,” Ava said quietly.  “I still owe Pammon.”

“As he said before, it was his honor.  This was his gift and an expression of his love.  Besides, you have no cows to give.”

Chuckling, Ava sniffed back a few possible tears and leaned her head against Kaen’s chest.  “Thank you for coming with me.”

“You know I’ll always come with you whenever you want if I can.  Now let me see the flowers, and I’ll take care of them.”

She handed the flowers to Kaen who moved the last few steps and wedged them into the crack where he had put the previous bunch.  Eventually, they would dry out and be swept away by the wind, but for a day or two, they would stay, hopefully bringing joy to their child’s spirit.

Kaen turned, sensing Amaranth already coming to land on the small ledge.

“So soon?”

Ava nodded and smiled.  “I don’t require as much time now.  Besides, I have been gifted with two children, and I know they need their mother to stop freezing her backside off on the top of this mountain.”

Kaen moved and embraced Ava, holding her close as he watched Amaranth approaching them.

“Pammon is dying, by the way.  He was concerned she might have said something humorous about his performance to you based on how you were giggling and smiling.”

Looking up at Kaen, Ava winked.  “What could a female dragon possibly tell me about a male dragon and them having sex that could make me laugh.”

Rolling his eyes, Kaen shook his head before shuddering.  “Forget that I asked… not the image I want in my head.”

Ava nodded and reached up, taking her husband's head in her hand. She pulled him close and kissed him on the lips.

“Just like you don’t need or want that image, she doesn’t need or want the image of us.  That is why there is now a barrier in the cave.”

Kaen realized his mouth was open, and Ava began to laugh, turning to see Amaranth finally settled on the ledge.

“I didn’t realize –”
“She and I know… as I said, not everyone wants to see that.”

Moving quickly, Kaen hurried to help Ava onto Amaranth and saw the green dragon watching him, her eyes having turned silver for now.

He felt his cheeks turning warm and realized he was embarrassed at the thought of Amaranth and Glynnis being uncomfortable with what they had done. He had never considered it until now.

I wondered if I should have said something a while ago, but you seemed not to realize it, and I wasn’t sure how you would respond to that news.

Groaning, Kaen shook his head as he helped finish getting Ava into position.

If it was that bad, someone should have said something to me!

We just did.  Amaranth said she would handle it and she did.  Your wife took care of that problem without embarrassing you because, apparently, she was right. I can feel how you regret all that now.

Sighing, Kaen moved back, letting Amaranth fall off the ledge and toward the ground before her wings caught the air and she swooped back up into the sky.

Next time, tell me… I’m assuming this is why Ava has almost told me to make sure I’m always wearing pants.

Kaen could hear Pammon's thrumming as he approached the ledge. The laughter and humor in that statement flooded their bond.

I did threaten once to bite off the worm… As a male, I understand the desire one might have to flaunt their appendage, but even I do not desire to see that again.

Clearing his throat, Kaen smacked his mouth a few times before he started to run.

I swear… why is it everyone tells me important stuff way later than they should?

Swooping by the ledge as Kaen jumped off it, Pammon arrived at the right speed and height for Kaen to land on both feet against his shoulder.

Pammon continued to thrum as he flew, glancing back at Kaen who wore a scowl.

I’ll try to let you know sooner next time. That means pay attention to why Ava has your boots closer to the cave's opening. The smell is pretty awful.

Plopping down into his saddle, Kaen clipped himself and grunted.

Anything else?

The tone of his question hid none of the frustration Kaen felt at realizing he had been blind to so many things in his own home.

Why don’t you ask Ava when we get back? I’m sure she has a list and would be happy to know you are prepared to learn how long it is.

Pammon’s enjoyment of the moment bled through their bond, and after a minute of it, Kaen couldn’t help but smile and eventually laugh.  He knew he was fortunate enough to have those who loved him and did what they did while trying not to embarrass him.

Never mind.  I’ll just live in the joy of blissful ignorance.

Pammon groaned and again turned his head to look at Kaen once more.

For our sanity, please talk to your wife.

Kaen leaned back and laughed, ignoring the glare Pammon gave him.


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