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“I’m not sure how this is possible,” Aldric said for the hundredth time.  “You are going to make life interesting.”

Hess nodded and chuckled.  “I have said that since the day I took him in.  That’s my son.”

A groan came as Sulenda shook her head.  “Stop taking credit for what isn’t yours to take.”

Everyone laughed, and Kaen kissed Ava’s hand as she stood beside him.  His legs were weak, and no one seemed to care that he sat in a chair while the rest stood.

“This is what the wood elves wanted you to have.  It connects us to them.”

“I just wish Kaen would listen when Pammon or I tell him to listen,” Ava teased.  “Sadly, he did learn to be stubborn like his father.”

“What will this tree do?” Herb asked as he continued to stare at the tree.  “I mean, I have heard the rumors and reports of the hall.”

“Our land will heal faster.  Soon, the forest and the fields will produce as they should, and if I am right, creatures will return,” Kaen replied.  “I’m not sure how quickly it will come, but it will happen faster than normal.”

Kaen glanced at Pammon, sitting near the tree as Foros and Tazorath continued to circle the tree with Phillip and Frederick.

Life is returning… thank you for helping with that again.

Pammon’s contentment was like a steady stream that never seemed to end. As Glynnis and Amaranth lay near him and watched two egglings and two young men laugh and play, they saw what none had believed would ever come.

We need to train them to be strong.  I will not risk them, but I will gladly die for them.

Kaen nodded, even though no one would know why he did.

Even though my children are not born yet, I feel the same way.


Two days later, Kaen and Pammon were still recovering from the energy they had expended, watching both dragons search the woods for game.

Foros was beside himself, having learned that Tazorath had already caught a rabbit.

Phillip and Frederick were sweating, both men pulling the plows across the open field that Kaen had them preparing for the farmers.

They do not enjoy this kind of training as much.  Did they expect a different type of workout?

They had, but you and I both know that there is much to be done, and a fall crop still has time to grow, especially with the crap they are producing daily.

You know what will happen in the coming weeks.  What will you do then?

I will do nothing; you will do all the work. Training them to fly is your realm. Their two riders, however, may wish I had picked someone else.

Pammon thrummed slightly and turned to see Foros exit the trees with a rabbit in his mouth.  The silver dragon swallowed the trophy and roared.  Twenty seconds later, his sister burst from the woodline, her red scales reflecting the light.

Kaen could see her grin as she dropped two rabbits on the ground, roared briefly, and then snatched them both up, swallowing them whole.

Seconds later, Foros was racing back into the woods while his sister dashed back in the way she had come from.

Imagine if you had a sibling to compete with…

There would not have been a single deer in the entire woods.

Kaen laughed loudly, shaking his head as he knew Pammon was correct.

I am grateful that did not happen.


“How was the training?” Ava asked as Kaen finished whipping himself dry after bathing.  “Amaranth says that the dragons and their riders are passed out in their caves.”

Nodding, Kaen smirked as he looked at Ava, watching her watch him.  “They found out that Pammon and I are serious about training them.  In the coming weeks, things will ramp up and get harder.”

“Just remember they are boys and young dragons.  Do not push them too hard.  An injury would not be good for one of them to suffer.”

“I guess I shouldn’t mention Amaranth could heal any injury they suffered,” Kaen replied, realizing that wasn’t a wise choice.

Ava shook her head, and her eye glared at him.  “There are worse injuries than just physical ones.  You may break their spirit.  Then what?”

“They're dragon riders now and our best warriors in the kingdom.  How am I going to break their spirit? Kaen asked, confused by Ava’s temperament.

“Do you remember how Hess treated you and Pammon? Were there ever days that you two could play and laugh, or was every day as hard as the one you put those four through?”

A slight thrum came across the cave where Pammon, Amaranth, and Glynnis lay coiled together.

She is right.  Hess pushed us for a day or two and then always made sure we had fun.

Groaning, Kaen looked at Pammon and the half-peering golden eye that watched him before turning to look at his wife.

“You’re right… I guess… I just don’t want them to not be ready for when the time comes.”

“When will that be? Three months? Six months? A year?”  Ava fired back.  “Do you know exactly when you were ready to fight Stioks? Is there any chance you believe those boys will be ready before our children are the same age as Callie?”

Three dragons, this time trimmed, and Kaen growled softly as he exhaled through his nose.  “Fine, I will make sure to add some fun and games to what we do,” Kaen relented.

Nodding and flashing a grin, Ava moved to where Kaen was and kissed him on his cheek.  “Good, now finish drying off, and let’s head to bed.  All of us are tired.”

I think you got it way worse than I do.

Frowning at Pammon, Kaen held out a hand and gave his dragon the finger.

Pammon thrummed for a few more seconds before settling down and closing his eyelid completely.

“Leave Pammon alone,” Ava called out over her shoulder.  “No one likes it when you act like an eggling.”

Sighing, Kaen quickly finished drying off and ran to catch up with his wife, ignoring the satisfaction Pammon was expressing through their bond.


Kaen smiled and watched as boys and dragons waited for him to say go.

They had been training and playing different games for the last three weeks, and today would be a new challenge.

Foros bristled at having lost to his sister. His silver scales rose and fell rapidly as he took deep breaths, preparing to launch into the air and start flying.

Tazorath snorted and gazed at her brother, her green eyes watching him

Remember, brother, when I win again, I eat first.

Foros snorted and shook his head, not risking a glance to the side.

You will not win today.  That, I guarantee.

Phillip and Frederick both laughed as they heard their dragons arguing.  Each boy held a bow in their hand and an arrow ready.

“Remember, your dragon spots the prey. You shoot the prey.  Stay on your own side,” Kaen called out.  “The winner gets the coveted prize of a trip into town.  Rumor has it Sulenda is making a special stew tomorrow.”

Both boys laughed as they grimaced.  That was not the prize, but getting into town for a few hours was.

“Go!” Kaen shouted, not bothering to countdown.

A flash of silver and red scales leapt into the air, wings beating rapidly as the two took off for their side of the forest. After a few seconds, both boys rushed in, letting their dragons gain a little bit of height before trying to track the prey they found.

“Let’s go watch the fun,” Kaen said as he patted Pammon’s neck.

Thrumming, Pammon took a few strides before launching himself into the air, his massive wings causing the trees to sway as great billows of air were sent their way with each stroke of them.

You enjoy this game almost as much as they do.  Makes me wish we had a dragon back then to compete against.

You are correct, Kaen said as he saw both dragons circling as they continued to climb, trying to spot either a rabbit or a deer.  I was always amazed at how well your eyes could see things.

In a few moments, Pammon was higher than his children, his wings propelling him at a speed Foros and Tazorath quickly learned they could not achieve.

Kaen shifted his eyes to Pammon’s and watched the game beneath them unfold.

Tazorath has found one first. It appears she is as gifted as her mother when it comes to this.

She does fly faster than her brother, but he is committed.  Like you, he doesn’t like to lose.

Pammon thrummed and watched as his son’s silver frame moved beneath him in the sky.  Those silver wings reflected the sun, and Kaen considered how hard it would be for Foros to hide except on moonless nights.

It's not something I would have expected you to be concerned about. Remember what Ava said. Do not make everything they do about fighting.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Kaen scratched his beard absently as he saw Foros find a rabbit.

He has found one, and Phillip is closer than Frederick is to the one Tazorath has located.

You ignored my statement.

Only because that is harder than it sounds.  Every day, I carry my bow and the one arrow that will work with this for Stioks and his dragon.  I still need to scout that mine Herb reported a few days ago and see if I can find more ore.

Then go. Let them be like we were.  Let them play and have fun in the forest.  Make them sleep out in the woods.  Stop being so protective.

Kaen felt Pammon’s scales on his neck and scratched them.  He could sense that Pammon meant those words.

When did you learn to let go?  At first, I thought you wouldn’t let them out from under your wing.

When Amaranth and Glynnis informed me that treating a dragon like that did not create a strong dragon.  Those who were coddled were weak.  They know that I love them.  Right now, that is enough. Let them be the strength each other needs.

Somehow, you have become wise; I’m not sure when this happened.  Has my wife been talking with you?

Pammon thrummed and then stopped.

Look! Phillip got his rabbit, and Foros has already located another!

Kaen laughed as he felt pride pour through their bond.

Are you ever going to tell me which one is your favorite?

Pammon snorted loudly.

Bah, you and that stupid question.  I have no favorite!

And yet, I see you give Tazorath more nuzzling than Foros.

Pammon’s vision shifted to where his daughter was, and Kaen smiled as Frederick retrieved the rabbit he had shot.

She has found a deer!

Oh, that will not go well for Phillip and Foros… still, it is a good half mile away, and Frederick isn’t that stealthy.

That boy could wake a dead dragon with his running through the forest.

You’re ignoring my question about why you give Tazorath more physical touches.

Because my son feels that getting too many is a sign of weakness, I do not know where he got that idea. He is stubborn, like his mother.

Choking, Kaen thumped his chest a few times with his fist.

Yes… because his father isn’t stubborn at all…

Pammon snorted and tucked his wings on the right side, flying upside down for a moment before righting himself.

You know I hate when you do that…

Yes… yes, I do.


Mario Schade

"Their dragon riders now and our best warriors in the kingdom" -> I have to translate, but it should be.. They are, or?