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Somewhere on the side of a mountain nearby

“This is foolish!” shouted Racha as Kode summoned a massive set of stone pillars from the ground, crushing the beast that had been attacking them.  “We’ve already lost two disciples!”

Kode ignored Racha and his constant complaining.

Why did Father make me take him? This man is scared to take risks! How can he hope to grow stronger if he only waits for a sure thing?!

“Focus! Father said we are to acquire the chi of whoever or whatever opened that portal!”

The younger brother nodded, running his hand through the damp brown hair he kept short. Unlike Kode, who felt the need to wear a long braid, Racha saw that as nothing more than vanity and foolishness. Long hair could be pulled and used against one in a fight.  Why give your opponent that opportunity?

“We are pushing through monster territory! These woods are crawling with them. How many have we defeated in the past day?  Ten? Eleven?”

Waving his younger brother’s question away like one might a fly, Kode moved to where the crushed half lizard on top, half frog on bottom chi monster was and plunged his fist through its scaled chest.  Kode could see the ball of mana burning brightly inside it and knew that there was much to celebrate.  Sure, the loss of two disciples would not be good news, but with their corpses stored in his necklace and the now eleven balls of wild chi, they would be able to help the clan grow stronger.

“We still have three more disciples, and each of them knows the reward if we accomplish this task,” Kode said loudly, noticing the smiles and nods from the three who were with them.

They were tired and worn out, but none of them would give up. The promise of chi from the monsters and training from Kode’s father was enough for them to risk their lives.

Stupid fools… none of them realize they will ever get my father's promise.  If one actually manages to survive, I’d personally train them, but they are running low on chi, and the trip back will be just as bad.  If they were better at recycling and absorbing it while we ran, perhaps they would be worth the pill his father had given them.

“Fine,” Racha huffed.  “We are still a day away.  Do you honestly believe we will arrive in time to acquire the one who used that power?”

Kode paused, knowing his brother was smarter than he was pretending to be.  He had been beaten a few times in their duels because he had underestimated the cunning Racha had.  Tricks and schemes were not beneath his brother, and their father, Xcarn, had often praised Racha for his tact.  

“You and I both know it’s not always about who arrives first,” Kode replied. “The odds are sometimes better to come a little bit later.  In case there is a conflict between others, the winning party may be injured or weakened, allowing us to swoop in with less risk.”

Racha nodded, motioning for the three disciples, who were all waiting on an order from his older brother.  “You three.  Let’s move out.  Surely someone wants to claim the honor of helping Kode secure the treasure for our father.”

As one, the three disciples moved down the mountain, pushing past the pain they felt in their lungs.

Kode laughed and couldn’t help but grin when Racha winked at him.  

Those three had no clue they were the bait.  The pills those disciples had consumed acted like beacons, drawing the monsters toward them first, allowing Kode and Racha more time to defend themselves.  

Father, you are a shrewd man…

On a trail between trees

“We are making great time!” 

Thomas ignored the disciple’s comments even though they were correct. Something seemed to be buried in the dirt on the path, which he wanted to inspect later. They kept the creatures he knew lived in these woods from coming as often as he had anticipated.

Only two small balls of wild chi were stored in his spatial ring. It had been a costly gift, but it had paid off numerous times, as he didn’t have to burden himself with a backpack.

It was especially handy when needing to hide corpses or items taken from others.  

“We should be there in about five hours! Be sharp and attack first!  I need to assess our enemy!”

Four grunts came from the disciples that ran in a box pattern around him.

“Do not forget! Everyone who survives and helps will be rewarded! Mistress Hanna has personally offered her time to those who earn that right.”

Another round of grunts came, this time with a slight amount of excitement in them.  

If they all survive, you are going to have your hands full, grandmother…

Smiling to himself, Thomas continued to run with ease, letting his chi go before him as he scanned for any possible threats or traps.

Back in the garden

“I’m not going to run, grandmother, and that’s final!” Nini argued, her body mimicking the stance her grandmother had taken.  “You can either fight me or have me beside you, but I won’t run!”

With her hands on her hips and feet spread slightly apart, Mimi glared at her granddaughter, who was standing a few feet away. The gentle breeze moved the girl's nightgown.

“You are as stubborn as–”  The old woman cut herself off, knowing that neither of them wanted her to finish that statement. Only pain and distractions would come from mentioning her daughter at this moment.  “Fine.  We shall get dressed and prepare for whoever is coming this way.  Full gear.  Now go.”

Nini’s face broke, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open. “You’re serious? I can help?”

Laughing for a second, Mimi nodded and smiled.  “You didn’t back down.  It’s good to see you have a backbone.  Now go get ready.  I’ll be in there in a moment.”

The teenage girl was gone in a flash, her nightgown barely covering her arse as she ran through the garden with a speed that surprised Haylock.

“Now listen,” Mimi said, turning her attention to Haylock.  “We’re going to fight in this garden.  I know you’re not as strong as I had hoped, but if we are lucky, your familiar, and you can help with whatever comes.  No matter what happens, protect Nini, do you understand?”

When Haylock realized she was done talking, he nodded, trying to figure out how he could help.

“Good.  If you excuse me, I must prepare for what is coming.”

Haylock watched as the old woman began to move, her chi suddenly coming to life and moving with such speed for a moment.  

Is she preparing it? Is that what I should be doing?

A sound near his roots caught his attention, and Fufu tapped the ground with his foot like a machine gun.  

What are we going to do?  Can you transform like you did yesterday?

Fufu shook its head.  

Great… I guess he can’t hulk out every time I need him to.  Are you still able to fight?

The little rabbit's eyes gleamed in a way that would have scared Haylock if he didn’t know he was protected from attacks by it.

Fine.  Protect Nini.  I’ll try to figure out what I can do.

The rabbit dashed off toward the house, and Haylock let it go.


RePlant System Active

Day: 57

Daily System Credit: 1

Consumed Credit: 558

[Spend Credit?]

[Demonic Shoot (Age: 1 Month)]

[Chi Power: 4th Stage] 351


  • {Absorb [C]}

  • {Basic Sight [C]}

  • {Basic Chi Sense [F]}

  • {Polyglot [C]}

  • {Improved Sight[A]}

  • {Basic Hearing[F]}

  • {Deeper Roots[E]}

  • {Enhanced Growth[E]}

  • {Combatative Roots[D]}

  • {Luring Scent [E]}

  • {Expanded Domain [C]}

  • {Demonic Companion [B]} - Fufu (Rank Unknown)

The number of credits waiting for him to make a decision was mind-boggling. He had hoped to see what six hundred might give, yet with the lives of the only two people who genuinely seemed to care for him on the line, Haylock made the decision he knew was required.

Spend Credits!

[Credits spent successfully, 559 credits spent]

[Chi Power Upgraded: 5th Stage]

[Unlocked Demonic Fighting Mode [C]]


[Spend Chi to Increase Strength and Speed of Evolving?]

Haylock felt the words flood his vision, and his body felt like it was being torn apart.  Pain lanced through him everywhere.  Whatever happened reminded him of that moment in the manure and fertilizer mixer.  Everything felt like he was being pulled out by the roots.  Gasping for air if he could do such a thing, he willed his mind to help in the process.

Spend Chi!

[Spending Chi - 100]

[Spend Chi to Increase Strength and Speed of Evolving?]

The pain grew tenfold, and Haylock wanted to shed tears, wanted to scream, wanted to somehow let the world know that what he was experiencing was not what he had expected.

He ravaged against it all, knowing that whatever was taking place must have a reason.  As darkness prepared to overtake him, Haylock forced himself forward once more.

Spend… Chi…

[Spending Chi - 100]


The message faded from his mind.  He was unable to hold on to his consciousness as the power of his chi flooded through him.  

Everything went dark.


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