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Kaen started to smile the moment he knew what Pammon had found out.

The eggs, they… you already know…

Laughing, Kaen felt frustrated at Pammon for not being able to share that news.

Sorry, I could feel it and knew the moment you did.  Tell both Glynnis and Amaranth I said congratulations.

We need to find a way to hide or surprise the other, at least at first. This will be difficult at times.

I doubt that. Since you already ignore most of what I think or feel, what will be different?

Snorting, Pammon turned his head and looked back at Kaen and Ava, each looking at him.  They were slowly creeping up in altitude so they could go above the mountains an hour away.  Seeing Pammon’s massive bronze body with those peaks in the background made Pammon look larger than usual.

I choose not to reply to or respond to most of what you think. If I did, I would never get a moment of peace. Why does your mind wander so much? Ava also wants to know the names, but I was told even I would have to wait to meet the egglings.

Two days ago.  I guess they came sooner than expected.  A silver and a red dragon.

There is a boy and a girl. I am not certain how I feel about dealing with two egglings.

I’m sure you’ll do fine.  One look at you and they will probably not bother you at all.

Kaen felt the pain and worry of that statement from Pammon.

You want them to!  Bah, I knew you were a softy!

Thrumming slightly, Pammon turned his head back toward the mountains.

Ava’s hands tightened around Kaen, and he groaned as he grabbed tighter on the leather strap.

[ Flight Burst Activated ]

Don’t deny you are excited, just as I and Ava are.

I will not deny it. You know, I couldn’t hide it even if I wanted to. Having children before you feels weird, though.

That statement hurt both of them, as Pammon said it.  Each knew the struggle of how it affected them both.

You are fine. I understand.  It will give me time to spoil them just as I know you will spoil mine.

As they sped through the sky, Pammon thrummed, joyful at what awaited them back in Ebonmount.


Kaen and Ava were laughing as they saw the scene unfolding beneath them.

At the base of the mountain they had carved a home into, within the walls of Ebonmount, were two tiny dragons running around and playing with Phillip and Frederic.

“They are so tiny!” Ava yelled as they approached the four dragons on the ground.

Kaen nodded and smiled as he saw all four dragons lift their heads up and watch as Pammon’s body filled the sky above them.

“Amaranth says the red dragon is hers!” Ava exclaimed.  “She is very excited from how she is yelling in my head.”

Your wife has no idea how excited they both are.  The two of them will not stop talking and bragging about their eggling.

From what I can see, they look like strong dragons. I honestly think they are larger than you were two days after hatching.

Pammon snorted, and Kaen smiled.

That is not true.  You must have forgotten.

Rubbing his friend's neck, Kaen smiled, ready to meet the newest members of their family.


“Phillip! Frederick!” Kaen shouted before he turned and helped Ava from Pammon.

Both young men were waiting a little off to the side, their dragons each with them.  Phillip was scratching the scales of his silver dragon, and Frederick and his red dragon were wrestling as they waited to introduce their newest friends.

Amaranth and Glynnis did not worry about waiting, as the boys and their dragon had. Each of them was alongside Pammon, rubbing their necks and snouts against his.

Kaen smiled as he sensed his friend's joy when the two dragons greeted him.

Moving a few yards from Pammon, Kaen, and Ava stood side by side, waiting as Phillip and Frederick moved toward them.  Their dragons came alongside them, each watching Pammon with their eyes.  Kaen noticed the silver male dragon had gold eyes like Pammon and the female red dragon had green eyes like both mothers.

Amaranth’s child is the silver one, which means Glynnis’s is the red one.

Thank you for the reminder.

“Kaen! Ava!”

Both boys quickened their pace and waved, smiling from ear to ear.

“Foros come say hi to Kaen and Ava!” Phillip exclaimed.

The silver dragon came forward first, holding his head high and seeming unafraid of being close to Kaen or Pammon.

Holding his hand out, Kaen smiled.  “It is a pleasure to finally meet you and welcome you to our family, Foros.”

The male dragon, almost seeming to move and act how Pammon did, quickly pressed the top of his head into Kaen’s raised hand.  He trilled as Kaen began to scratch the scales between his eyes.

“Just like your sire,” Kaen said, motioning for Ava to come closer.  “This is my wife, Ava.”

Ava held her hand out, and Foros looked at her. His golden eyes were bright and almost shining in the light from the sun overhead. Without hesitation, he again put his head against Ava’s hand and trilled as she started to scratch Foros’s scales.

“Congratulations,” Kaen said as he moved to where Phillip stood, a proud expression on his face.

Both men shook and hugged as Kaen patted the young man on the back.

Turning to face Frederick, Kaen saw the red dragon watching him, her green eyes studying him.

“Tazorath, come and meet Kaen,” Frederick said as he moved closer to Kaen. The two of them embraced for a moment.

With her head slightly lower, she approached slower. After looking once more at Frederick, who smiled and nodded, she thrust the top of her head into Kaen’s hand. Her trill was higher than her brothers' as Kaen moved his fingers, took a small step forward, and began to scratch under her jaw.

“You are a beautiful dragon, Tazorath,” Kaen said. “You are strong and sleek like your mother.”

Kaen’s words seemed to embolden her, and Tazorath rose up from the ground.

“Good, never be afraid of me or my wife.  We are your family and are here to help you grow and be the greatest dragon you can be.”

Ava moved from Foros, came to stand next to Kaen, and held out her hand as before.  Only a second of hesitation occurred before Tazorath pressed the top of her head into Ava’s hand, trilling again as Ava scratched the female dragon.

“You have some beautiful egglings,” Kaen said loudly as he turned and looked at Amaranth and Glynnis.  Are they giving you four any trouble?”

Mine is like his sire: stubborn and believing that he already knows everything.

Kaen snorted, as did Pammon at Amaranth’s words.

Tazorath will be an amazing flyer and strong like her mother and sire.  She will shed the shadow her brother tries to exude from him.

Pammon moved from between the two and came close to his children.

Kaen saw both take a step back slightly, Tazorath a few more while Foros held his ground.

Lowering his massive head, Pammon brought his snout till it was almost against the ground.

Come, my children.  There is nothing to fear.  I will do whatever I must to protect you and help you both grow to be great.

Foros moved forward quickly, almost knocking Ava and Kaen down as he moved to get past them.

Phillip started to object, but Kaen cut him off with a shake of his head.

The silver dragon moved along the ground and slowly began to approach, his gold eyes watching and studying the same color of eyes from his sire.  As he got closer, Pammon began to thrum, watching as the silver dragon, so small, came up next to him and stopped just a foot from his snout.

Foros lowered his head, and Kaen felt his eyes widen as the dragon spoke.


One word tore through Pammon like a fire through a dry forest.  So many feelings and emotions that had been held back and locked away by the fearsome dragon flooded through their bond, and Kaen saw a single tear forming.

Pammon moved forward, brushing his snout gently against Foros's neck and body.

My son… never be afraid to approach.

A trill came from Foros as he rubbed back against Pammon, and Kaen felt Ava squeezing him, her arm having encircled his waist.

Seeing the safety of the moment, Tazorath moved forward and joined her brother, not pausing as he did.


Her voice was so sweet, and a higher pitch than Glynnis’s was.

Pammon’s heart leaped as the red dragon brushed against the bottom of his jaw.

Daughter… I will always be here to protect you.

He began to alternate between the two egglings, scratching both gently with his massive snout as each of them trilled with delight.

“Not what I expected,” Frederick said as he moved up next to Kaen and Ava. “Of course, nothing has been like I expected.”

Phillip laughed and nodded in agreement.  “By the way, your warning about the smell of their crap… it did not prepare me at all.”

All three men laughed at that truth.

“No, not much can prepare you for that.  I’m assuming they understand why they cannot do that inside?”

“They do now. Amaranth and Glynnis have been exceptionally helpful, especially since they only speak a few words,” Frederick replied.

“I do remember those days,” Kaen sighed, feeling Pammon’s gaze shift to him as his friend knew exactly what he was talking about.  “How has the food situation been?”

“So far, so good. We have a few deer in cold storage. Glynnis and Amaranth have gone hunting, each returning with food. I’m not sure what to expect as I see how much each of them eats,” Phillip answered. “Foros is only two days old and acts like a single deer isn’t enough.”

Laughing, Kaen nodded.  “That won’t change for a while.  Do either of you need anything?”

Both boys shook their heads even though Kaen could see they looked a little tired.

Frederick shrugged as he grinned. “King Aldric has graciously sent helpers to feed and clean up with the dragons.  Hess came by and told us both that we are spoiled.”

“Hess told us that you might be jealous,” Phillip added.  “From what I heard, you were forced to hunt for the food you fed Pammon.”

“I about cleared out a forest trying to keep him complaining.”

“Everything go as you hoped?” Phillip asked, switching the conversation.

“Better. There is a lot to discuss with both of you, but I also need to make sure my wife and our two children can rest.”

“That sounds like… Two children!” Phillip exclaimed.

Frederick stood with his mouth open, and both of the egglings turned to look at what had excited their riders so much.

Ava laughed and nodded.  “Yes.  I am carrying twins.  We haven’t told anyone, but since the dwarves and wood elves know, I guess we can share this news with you.”

“Dwarves and wood elves?!” exclaimed Frederick.  He then groaned and looked at Phillip, who was shaking his head.

“How long till we can fly and visit their homes?” Phillip asked.

Sighing, Kaen shrugged.  “Honestly, I have no idea.  I hear that each dragon is different, but if they eat and train, it will hopefully only be a few months.  In the meantime, we have a lot of training to do.”

Kaen’s face changed as he gazed at both boys.  “You need to know that how we have trained before will be nothing like it.  Everything you think you know about pain and suffering, forget it.  I need to prepare you both to be as strong as possible.  War is coming soon enough, and you two may be the key to helping win it.”

Both boys nodded, their smiles and excitement gone in a moment. Instead, they were replaced with a look Kaen knew too well: soldiers obeying orders. Gone were the young men in a moment.

Before him now stood two new dragon riders.



*squeals in baby dragon* heyy, that name sounds familiar.. ;-) and seeing it in the story makes me more giddy than I feel it should :D