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Hard to believe April is next Monday.

I’ll try to not play any jokes that day 😂

Im sure you have seen the Demonic Sunflower story. It hits Royal Road on Monday next week. If you like it, feel free to head over there and let people know! If not… well lets keep that between just us.

Im going to drop the first chapter of my newest story. Maybe two.

These are EARLY beta versions and will see a lot of edits and changes as i write. Just know this story will see a full developmental edit and copy edit before it hits RR. Ill sprinkle some here to get ideas from you all. Interested to hear thoughts / ideas / what you like or dont. Trying to write better and grow. You all have been great at advice and thoughts on all my stories.

Ultimate level 1 - Book 2 hits Amazon April 23rd! Per amazons early reader clause you all can reciew day 1. So if you enjoy it Ill remind everybody on the 23rd.

Don’t forget that I’m going to upload later this week, a large chunk for my dragon rider series of all the chapters that have been changed and will be one massive post with multiple chapters

I would have to individually ping everybody on all the changes across each chapter so instead of making everyone endure that, Ill go the other route.

Hope your week goes great and feel free to reach out to me anytime here or on discord!



How's your son doing?


I really appreciate you asking. Right now he’s doing OK. We have a test and a neurologist appointment this week and next week is a MRI. The second week of April, we will be at one of the top hospitals in our area meeting with a child neurologist We are not sure what is going to happen yet, but just the fact that he is able to laugh and play is good