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Bosgreth's serious look caught Kaen and Ava off guard. "You two are adventurers, and I have spent enough time and effort to research a few things. Your children are going to be like both of you.  Strong and capabable.  With you both raising them, they would be humans my people will accept—just as I have made that happen."

The attendant came forward, pulled a rolled-up piece of paper from his vest, and handed it to Bosgreth.

"Inside here is a document that lists Kaen as an honorary dwarf."

Kaen couldn't help but chuckle, and even Ava snorted at that comment.

"Don't laugh even though I see the humor in that statement," Bosgreth continued.  "Your status as a dragon rider carries many things, but this changes everything.  You can go anywhere without needing an escort.  Your presence will be treated as one of our own.  You can even have a place built within the mountain for you."  Leaning forward and ignoring the obvious effort it took, Bosgreth motioned to the map that hung on the wall across the room.  "Every dwarf has the ability to own land.  No human or elf can ever own land in our domain.  You, Kaen Marshell, can be the first human to have that privilege.  Upon my passing, a portion of my family's estate has been willed to you.  Some have not taken kindly to this gesture of mine.  The act of giving you the dwarven title was one thing.  Giving  you land told them how serious I am about this."

Bosgreth held out the paper to Kaen and waited.  Kaen accepted it and opened it quickly to avoid making the king wait longer.

Reading the document, Kaen felt a warm feeling inside him growing.  "Bosgreth... this is too much."

"No, it's not!" exclaimed the dwarf as he slammed his hand on the rail of his chair.  "You and your dragon fight for something you don't have to.  Every report I have ever heard from our people in Ebonmount is how you have treated them as your own.  As such, today, I have adopted you as my own.  You shall carry on a part of my name, and I cannot be happier hearing that it shall have two children with it."

Ava had a few tears forming in her eyes as he moved to read what Kaen was holding.

Kaen pointed to a paragraph, and both read it multiple times.

Dragon Rider Kaen Marshell is formally added to the bloodline of Bosgerth King of the Dwarves.  They shall be granted a tomb upon the day they require it, buried with the royal family.  All spouses and children shall bear the name and receive the same privilege for a thousand years.

Kaen gave the paper to Ava, knelt and bowed to the dwarf.  "Thank you," he whispered.  His chest shook slightly from the strain of what he felt inside.  His lifestone was raging on its own, and his mind was trying to comprehend all this would change.

"What does all this mean?"Ava asked as she motioned at a few other lines on the sheet.

"I'm assuming you are looking at the lines about war?" Bosgreth asked after nodding at Kaen.


Smiling, the dwarf raised his white eyebrows and shrugged.  "When he finally feels the time for a battle that will end all battles, the dwarves will follow him.  Not even Dagan can deny that request if I am not here to honor it."

"I will do what I can to earn this," Kaen said, rising and moving to stand beside Ava. “There is something I want to do if you are willing to allow it."

Bosgreth's eye narrowed, and he studied Kaen's face, the grin his now adopted family member proudly displayed.  "I may regret this, but what is this request?"


Sighing, Bosgreth felt the grass beneath his bare feet and smiled as they moved through the park.  A crowd of dwarves had gathered around the edges, spreading word that their King was in the garden, walking with the dragon rider and his wife.

"This is not a feeling I have felt in a very long time," Bosgreth said as he grimaced a little, feeling blades of grass slide between his stubby toes.  "It has been far too long since I have allowed myself to feel the earth against my skin."

Kaen smiled, and they all slowly walked toward the tree in the center, choosing a path through the grass rather than the stone one most used.  "I want to give something to you all, and I am starting to see a pattern.  Things are given for a reason.  I believe what I was given for this moment as well."

The murmurs of the dwarves, who watched as the three finally came to stand next to the tree, rose to a clamor when Kaen moved to where the tree was and pulled out a knife.  The sounds of a few armored guards on the edge made Bosgreth turn and hold up his hand.

"Are you really going to try and do that?"

Kaen nodded and smiled. "I feel I need to, to show my people that I am willing to give them a part of me."

The king's face now showed a smile that Kaen had only seen a few times, and he nodded as Kaen sliced a piece of bark off the tree. The bark was brittle and weak, and even with the dirt that had been brought in and the stones they used to give it light, the roots were unable to acquire the nutrients they needed.

You ready?

I am, though I must say the guards were not very excited when I landed and moved close to the bridge. It is good that you had some guards come and warn them this would happen.

I did mention what was in the letter: a flock of animals for you to always enjoy when the dwarves are once again no longer forced to hide inside.

When that day comes, I hope they are prepared for the meal I shall enjoy.  Let's get on with this.

Kaen smiled and motioned to Ava, who came close.

"Hold my hand if you would."

Ava nodded, giving Kaen an expression he had seen countless times as she wasn't sure what would happen but trusted him with every part of her.

Kaen cut his palm with the knife, putting it away and then pushing his bleeding hand against the cut he had made into the tree.  Reaching out, he grasped Ava's hand and smiled.

"I love you," he whispered and then closed his eyes, opening his lifestone to the power that raged inside him.  His heart was overwhelmed at what Bosgreth had done.  It showed acceptance and was something Kaen had never considered possible.  Now, he wanted to give back to those he might one day be able to dwell among for short moments.

The tree heard him, and pain filled Kaen’s soul as he saw the lack of energy and life within it.  It was so dull compared to what he had seen in the forest with the wood elves.  How it was even alive surprised him.

Thank you again, Pammon.

We do this for family.  Which I am learning is growing daily.

Kaen couldn't help but chuckle at Pammon's joke until the power of his friend, and in this moment, he realized his closest family member, flooded him.

The tree drank from him and Pammon. Power flowed through their bond and into the tree. Kaen could see it pour through the tree, and his eyes saw the power spread through the entire park in an instant. Branches extended, leaves grew, the trunk became stronger, and a crack echoed in his ears.

Grunts and then sounds of people murmuring and then cheering rang out through the mountain.

Ava's hand squeezed his, and he felt her through that connection. A small flicker of power came from her hand into his, and even with all the noise of the dwarves around them, he heard her gasp.

His mind went back to the tree. Roots grew and burrowed through the rock, somehow forcing their way through the stone prison they were kept in. Deeper and deeper they went, finding weak points in the stone and following a path to a place they somehow knew.

How much will we give?

I will give everything I can.  They need this.

Pammon didn't reply, but a surge of power came from Pammon, and Kaen matched it, willing his lifestone to burn hot.  From his hand with Ava, he felt her lending power, not the storm that surged from his dragon but a reminder that she wanted to be a part of this.

The root burrowing through the rock expanded, growing thicker, and drove like a spear through leather, easily penetrating the stone prison.

Kaen could see and feel it as it plunged through the mountain, amazed at how much life and power was flowing through the tree.  He could sense it spreading around him, and it was connected to the rest of the park.  His focus was on the root that was doing what seemed impossible.

And then it stopped, branching out from where it had broken through the stone into an area filled with water.  Those roots surged toward the water, filling the space with tiny roots that soaked up the water that it desperately needed.

Exhaustion hit as the tree cut the connection between them.  Kaen leaned against the tree, using its weight to support him, and felt Ava collapse against him.

You always seem to give in ways I cannot imagine possible.  Open your eyes.

Kaen turned off the view he had been using and looked to see the park that had once looked barely alive, now lush green and having spilt out past the original borders erected for it. All around him, the grass had extended almost fifty yards in every direction, springing up and growing under the feet of the dwarves who had been standing and watching.

The tree he was leaning against was now strong, its bark no longer dry and brittle; instead, a canopy of branches and lively leaves covered the area. The other smaller trees that had been planted were also thriving, their limbs having grown some and leaves covering them in thick foliage.

Turn left.

Kaen paused, wondering why Pammon had said that.

Turning to the left, he felt wonder and awe through their link.

That is a marvelous sight.  Now I see what the world looks like through your eyes.

Shock hit Kaen as he heard those words from Pammon, and something happened in their connection.

[ Two Souls Become One ]

[ Bond of a Single Being - Unlocked ]

Kaen’s legs went weak and became stronger at the same moment. For half a heartbeat, he felt ready to collapse, and for the next half, he felt he could climb the tallest mountain without pause.

What was that?!

Pammon said nothing, but Kaen felt everything his dragon felt.  All the fears and concerns that Pammon had been holding back, keeping secrets from Kaen, were no longer blocked by the wall that had been built.  The fear of losing Glynnis or Amaranth, the death of his rider.  The angst of the pain of how it felt to lose their child.  An ache from hearing the words of Juthom talking about what Stioks did to his mother.  Like a flood, it rushed through Kaen’s mind and heart.

Are you… crying?

Pammon felt everything Kaen had been hiding as well.  All his doubts, fears, and the overwhelming regret and pain of his decisions.  The loss of a child still ached, and knowing Ava was pregnant with twins scared him more than he would ever admit.  Neither could hide anything at that moment, and the emotions swirled between them.

I am so sorry… I didn’t know…

How could you? We both have hid our pain from each other, trying not to burden each other with what we feel.

Time stopped as they saw each other for a moment without any pretending.

Two beings who were scared about people and a dragon they loved and never knew if the next day might be their last with them.

You need to forgive me. I am sorry for not being honest.

And I you… I am sorry for what I hid.

No more.  I am not certain we can hide those feelings ever again.

I don’t want to.  You mean so much to me.

You need to answer Ava.  She is talking to you and looks worried.

Kaen blinked and saw Ava staring at him.

“Are you ok? What’s wrong?”

Reaching up with his free hand, Kaen felt his cheeks.  They were wet.

“Sorry… I… Pammon and I… we are different now.  Our bond has changed.”

Ava’s face scrunched, and her eyebrows narrowed as she looked at her husband.  “We will talk later.  Right now, we need to deal with Bosgreth.

Turning around, Kaen saw the dwarven king on his knees.  Tears had washed down his wrinkling face, yet a smile greater than one Kaen had ever witnessed was plastered on his face.

“My boy… thank you.”


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