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The celebration that night and the next day had been the first moment the dwarves had remembered to live in so long.

Every dwarf came and saw the new park, getting a chance to walk on the grass and feel it under their feet.  Each of them was in awe of the change and how the air seemed alive and refreshing near it.

Food and beer flowed as King Bosgreth opened the stores and had a celebration marking what Kaen, Ava, and Pammon had done for their people.  He also announced to all the proclamation he was making, granting Kaen and Ava the dwarf status.

Pammon received a rare treat of a cow, brought out to him for what he had done to aid the tree's growth.

That night, Kaen and Ava met their new family and celebrated life coming back to the dwarves.


“I know you must leave, but we have a few things to discuss,” Bosgreth said as Dagan joined them in his private room. We must reveal some changes the two of us have agreed on.”

Kaen and Ava sat in the chairs, watching the pair as both dwarves smiled.

“I will step down in the coming weeks, aiding Dagan’s transition to king. After hearing your praises the other night, none shall go against him.  Thank you for that.”

Kaen nodded and smiled at Dagan, who seemed giddy with the news he and Bosgreth planned to share.

“We have also decided it is time for us to move back to the world outside the mountain and not hide in here as we have.”

Kaen felt his jaw drop at that news, seeing both dwarves nodding and excited about that announcement.

“It will come slowly and in stages,” Dagan said, taking over from where Bosgreth had stopped. We will need to select specific groups to help strengthen different areas, but we must remember that we will not be scared into hiding.  If the orcs choose to attack, they will find us ready to meet them on our land, using their blood as the fertilizer for our plants.”

“I don’t know what to say, but wow.  I’m sure that news will be well accepted.”

“It will be my first act as King,” Dagan replied. With Bosgreth standing next to me and the two of us announcing our agreement, it will help secure the desire of all the dwarves.  Now, on to another thing. I will have our smiths working as quickly as possible on your armor.  It will probably take us four months to complete all the sets.”

“Would it be faster if you only did one?”

Shaking his head, Dagan tapped his chest.  “It’s faster if we make each of the four pieces simultaneously.  Making one chest and then starting the greaves would be longer than making one and then making the other three.  Only one forge in our mountain can actually heat and shape them.  It would be best if we gave you all four at the same time, or you are welcome to come and pick up the pieces that are done every month.”

“Don’t forget,” Bosgreth cut in. When your children are born, I want to know right away.  I want to personally oversee the etching of their names under yours in my family quarters.  I have our craftsmen and women working on that right now, adding a branch for the Marshell.”

Ava nodded and smiled, bowing slightly.  “I am grateful for that.  I cannot wait to see that one day.”

“Now, is there anything else we can do to help the two of you before you leave us?”

Kaen stood and moved to where Dagan was.  “How about you hug me before you become too stuffy and act like Bosgreth, unable to show emotion.”

Roaring, Dagan rose to his feet, and both men grasped each other’s forearms and embraced.  “I am grateful for you, Kaen Marshell.  Forgive me if I have been a bit gruff with you.”

Laughing, Kaen shrugged.  “You wouldn’t be a dwarf if you weren’t a little gruff.”

Bosgreth choked from laughing at Kaen’s comment, and Dagan winked as he nodded.  “Spoken like a true dwarf.”


As the air whipped through their hair, Ava squeezed Kaen tightly.  Both smiled as they flew through the sky, sad to see the kingdom of Tanulivar fading from view but excited to hear about the change coming to their people.

Things are changing. I can smell it in the air.

I would ask if that was yourself you were smelling, but we are flying too fast.  Life does seem different.  Everything seems different.

Pammon nodded, and Kaen felt an itch he needed to scratch.

Go ahead.  I know that you want to.

You really can sense everything I am thinking, can’t you?

It’s like the walls we try to hide behind, or the feelings we were too scared to be honest about are no longer there.  I feel what you feel for Ava; it isn’t like before.  I don’t feel overwhelmed or controlled by it.  The love is different than the way you sometimes think.

Pammon's thoughts flowed through their bond, and the confusion that came through them echoed in Kaen’s mind.

What is that? Those feelings?

Amaranth told me something before we left.  Realizing what made dragons and humans worth bonding.  Only now do I finally see what makes the bond worthwhile to a dragon.  Family.  My family includes you, Ava, Hess, Sulenda, Callie, and many more.

It goes beyond not desiring gold, land, or countless mates.  There is a connection that satisfies me more than all those things.  The power I gain from you is not enough to make this worthwhile for most dragons, but the joy I feel surpasses everything else.

I belong.  I have a home.  I even have a purpose that brings me a sense of peace.

Laughter came through their bond.

So go ahead and see what your growth looks like.  I can feel it eating away inside.

Chuckling, Kaen couldn’t help but agree with Pammon.

[ Simple Status Check ]

Kaen Marshell - Adolescent

Dragon Bond - One Soul 30%

Age - 23

HP - 3405/3405 (33%)

MP - 758/758 (33%)

STR - 53 (33%)

CON - 60 (33%)

DEX - 57 (33%)

INT - 53 (33%)

WIS - 47 (33%)

Pammon snorted. He could feel the numbers as Kaen gazed upon them.

Those numbers… are they–

Good enough to actually fight against Stioks? I’m not sure… still, that is hard to imagine.  Are there any more bonds after this?

Pammon began to thrum.

I was surprised to find out about this one.  How can I have any idea about that? Your wife would like to know what we are talking about.  May I share your stats with her?

You know you can.

Kaen felt Ava squeeze him tightly a few seconds later and started to laugh.

She is very… jealous.

Well, I have no doubt that I will never hear the end of it now.


Having spent one more day camping out in the woods, Kaen felt a tingle of excitement as the tree he knew Sedel was near came into view.

I could feel it calling to us.  I’m not sure how I feel about that.

It is like a part of you, and I are there.  As we get closer, it calls to me, telling me more about the forest and how it is doing.

Do you realize that Sedel knows we are on our way?

Kaen smirked as he rubbed Pammon’s neck.

I thought I could feel that as well.  Almost as if I could see her turning and smiling in the direction we are coming from.


Sounds of laughter and cheers rang out through the forest as they landed in a clearing near the trees that seemed to sing to them.

Ava pointed at a few children dancing and carrying necklaces made of flowers, waiting just a few yards from Pammon.

“It appears they are no longer afraid of Pammon.”

“You are correct, my love,” Kaen replied, unhooking them both and starting to climb down. Then again, we both know he is really a soft and gentle creature underneath this hard outer exterior.”

Pammon snorted and glared at Kaen, who laughed as he dropped to the ground, waiting to help his wife dismount.

I shall find a way to repay that comment later.  Have no doubt it will come in time.

Rubbing Pammon’s side as Ava climbed down, Kaen just smiled.  He felt alive, and the forest seemed to recharge him.

As they stepped away from Pammon the children rushed forward, bowing and giving each of them two necklaces of white flowers.  After Ava and Kaen acquired their gifts, they couldn’t help but let the children grab their hands and draw them closer to the rest of the wood elves, waiting for them in the center of the trees.

Glancing back at Pammon, he saw two men bringing him two deer.

Seems everyone gets a little treat.

Pammon said nothing, but Kaen could feel how happy the gesture made his dragon.

“Kaen and Ava Marshell! Welcome back!” Sedel called out as the people clapped and cheered.  “Join us at the table we have set for you!”

More tables were lined up, and Kaen realized there were at least thirty more wood elves than he had seen last time.

“When did–”

“After you and Pammon helped the forest, it brought home some of the ones who were out there, trying to find a new path.  They returned because of you,” Sedel said, cutting Kaen off.  “Now, please, let’s sit so we can celebrate as creatures of the forest!”


Leaning back in his chair, Kaen watched Ava play with the children.  They had brought her various flowers, each one a different color and type.

“The children are excited about the news of your offspring.  It will be a great day when they are born.  Now tell me, what did you do in the dwarven kingdom? I can feel the faint touch of a tree there even though the distance is so great.”

Sighing, Kaen put his elbows on the table and leaned against it.  “You can feel it from here?  How?”

“If a tree fell somewhere in the woods, but you were not there to hear it, would it make a sound?”

Kaen felt his face scrunch as he considered Sedel’s words.  “I mean… I guess even if I wasn’t there to hear it.  What does that have to do with anything?”

“I can hear it because the forest would tell me it fell.  The magic that flows within you and your dragon and slightly within your wife tells me what you did.  I had not expected it, but it seems that the forest feels it was a great act and is excited about it.  In so little time, you have done things never achieved in our history.  One day, when this land is no longer at war, the forest has a request of you, but do not ask.  For now, focus on the path before you.”

Feeling like his head was swirling from everything Sedel had said, Kaen could only bob his head.  “So, does that mean you have finished my bow?”

“It's always so straightforward… no time to sit back and enjoy good company,” Sedel teased before standing up and raising her hands.

The wood elves all went silent. Even the children hushed and looked at her with anticipation.

“My people, today, we shall give our savior the greatest bow the tree has created in a millennia. May we pray that it serves him well as he fights to protect us and all who inhabit this land and seek peace.”

Kaen had almost expected applause, but instead, it was so silent that only the wind and the sounds of the forest could be heard.

“Bring forth our gift,” Sedel said, clapping her hands.

Men rushed off in two directions as Sedel stepped down from her seat.

“Kaen Marshell, please follow me. It is time to give back to you as you gave to us.”


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