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The night with Callie, Hess and Sulenda had been a salve that both Kaen and Ava needed more than they realized.  Seeing that little girl curled up between three dragons, a hand resting on one of the eggs as she slept, reminded them both how precious life was.

“Can I come again soon?” Callie asked as Hess clipped her in between Sulenda and him on Pammon.

“Anytime I am free, and if Mom and Dad say it’s ok,” Kaen replied.  “Just make sure that you are doing your work and helping out around the inn.  If those chores aren’t done, you won’t be able to come.”

Kaen saw the grin on Callie’s face and heard her already start to bug Hess about when she might come spend the night again.

Grateful that Pammon was watching the three, Kaen saw Hess roll his eyes as he chuckled.

“Love you son! You two take care and don’t be afraid to stop in when you are able to make public appearances.”

Max waved at them as Callie squealed with glee when Pammon walked toward the opening of the cave.  Her screams of delight echoed after Pammon had leaped off into the air from the edge.

“She is a handful,” Ava muttered, squeezing Kaen as she snuggled closer to him.  “Is that why Hess looks so old now?”

Giving her a kiss on the forehead, he chuckled and sighed, feeling the world go dark as Pammon’s eyesight no longer helped him where he was.

Kaen focused, finding the right amount that his lifestone needed to be filled with power and saw the world of energy flowing around him.

The stone floor was there, barely visible with a single line that somehow marked the part he stood on. It didn’t matter if it was dirt, stone, or carved bricks. Each time, the landscape showed up with a view that had been impossible to describe to Ava.

Next to him, squeezing tightly, he saw his wife, a body filled with more green lights than Phillip or Bren had.  It left him with a few questions about what exactly he was seeing, but until he could surround himself with more people, the answer wouldn’t come anytime soon.

“Now that they are gone we could head back to bed for a few…”

Kaen glanced down at Ava and even though he couldn’t see her face, he saw the energy inside her moving slightly faster than before.

“I would enjoy that,” he replied, lifting her chin and kissing her on the lips.

A thrum behind the two of them was soon joined by another and Kaen heard the sound of claws on stone.

We shall go and find ourselves some food.

Amaranth’s tone made him laugh and he used his hip to gently bump Ava.

“Did you ask her to leave?”

Ava snorted and began pulling him back to where they had set up their bed.

“Sometimes a woman has to take charge.”


Kaen gently stroked Ava’s hair as she lay on his chest.  He had been so afraid to touch her or even think about having sex after their child had passed and so with her leading and letting him know it was ok, he finally felt like he could see the light on the other side.

She was doing better.  There were moments he heard the waver in her voice on certain topics but Ava was strong, stronger than most realized.

Her lips kissed his skin and Kaen groaned slightly, always ecstatic anytime she touched him.  He had never known how amazing it could be when someone you loved reached out on their own accord and put their body against you.  All those years without touch had left him looking in places that he shouldn’t have.

Kaen’s chest rose a few times as he held back a laugh.

“What?” Ava asked, running her fingernails up and down his stomach.

“I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you and what I a fool I was before you.”

She laughed, poking him gently in the side before returning to gently run her fingers over the contours of his exposed abs.  “You are wise to realize how lucky you are… now what exactly was it that made you a fool?”

“You sure you want to know?”

“I’ll trust your judgement to not say something you shouldn’t,” she replied, kissing him again on his chest.

Taking a deep breath, Kaen shifted a little on the bed and drew her closer.  “Growing up with Hess I never really got to experience a physical connection with anyone.  I fooled around with a few girls in the village, sneaking a few kisses but no one every really connected with me.  Also, Hess was not a great example at the time with how to relate to women.

“Looking back now I can see how he missed Sulenda and was struggling raising me.  That led to him showing me the wrong way to flirt with women.  So when we moved to Ebonmount, I tried to emulate him. I had seen his bravado and how lack of fear with them.  I saw how they responded to his larger than life actions.”

Kaen groaned slightly and then sighed.  “So I tried to flirt with every woman I could.  Compared to Minoosh this place was filled with women who seemed interested in me… even if it was for the wrong reasons.  I even flirted with a woman old enough to be my mother and I’m grateful she never allowed it to go anywhere.”

He squeezed Ava and then leaned over so he could kiss her head.  “All that changed when I met you.  None of the other girls mattered.  I only wanted to be with you.  It drove me crazy not knowing who you were and when I finally knew I was certain you would see me for the bumbling backwoods boy that I was.

“Yet here I am, with you and realizing how blessed I am.  The only person I desire to touch me like you do is you.  Just having you here in my arms, our skin touching each other fills me with a happiness that is hard to describe.”

Ava started to laugh.  “Oh, I’m pretty sure your happiness was evident from that earlier.”

Kaen snorted and pulled her up toward him, kissing her on the lips again.  “Perhaps I can show you that once more.”

Lifting her eyebrows, Ava smirked and nodded.  “Perhaps you can.”


Perhaps next time you could give me a warning when you are going to be doing that.

The tone in Pammon’s voice and the angst he felt through their bond caused Kaen to start laughing harder than he had expected.

I had not planned it.  It was Ava’s idea.  She even got Amaranth and Glynnis to leave.

I am well aware of that… they both tracked me down, knowing what would be taking place between you two.

I didn’t sense any major problems on your end from that.

That is because I was nice and blocked what we did from you and Ava… unlike some who forgot what we agreed upon…

Kaen groaned, still snorting at the fact he had forgotten to do that.

Sorry… it had been a while and I–

I understand. Just remember, when you fail to do that, I do not want to be responsible for scaring the populace like that again.

His mouth fell open and Kaen began to imagine where Pammon must have displayed their mating flights.

Do I want to know?

Oh I am sure that you will hear about it eventually.  I was caught off guard and the east side of the city got a view I doubt any of them expected to see.

I’m sure bards will sing of your exploits in taverns all across the city now.

Kaen was laughing and he could tell that Pammon did not find his joke nearly as funny as he did.

Are you doing better now? Amaranth has told me it was safe to return and that Ava is returning to her usual self.

Sitting there at the table in the cave, Kaen tried to decide how to answer that question.  Ava was across the room, washing a few things and had told him to stay put since he would not be much help without his vision and she needed a few minutes to recover.

I am ready for what must come soon.  The time is limited, and we both know that eventually I must act.  Knowing Ava is doing better helps me to be prepared for this as well.  I owe Amaranth something.  I’m not sure what but she helped in Ava’s healing.  Not because of her ability with it but the bond she formed.  Since then, I have felt a strength in Ava that was different than before.

Pammon was flying east of him and Kaen could feel something coming through his bond.  A concern he hadn’t felt before.

Do we want to have this discussion while I am not near you?

Kaen tried to imagine what Pammon was talking about but nothing came to mind that he felt needed to be discussed.

I’m lost.  What is it we need to discuss?

A moment passed and Pammon said nothing.

Let me finish what I and the other two are doing and then we will return and talk then.

What are you doing right now? Eating?

A sense of humor flittered across their bond.

I will do that later. Right now I am providing the farmers with my magical crap.

Kaen started laughing, his voice carrying over the empty cavern.

Shite!  I feel bad for those men and women… the smell…

Yet everytime I come they bow and smile with looks that are worthy of my crap.  We both know it is the only reason why food supplies have kept up for so long.

Kaen scratched his newly grown beard.  Pammon was right.  The amount of crap those three dragons produced had been a godsend.  The farmers had taken it, excited to handle such a disgusting task, having been told how well it worked.

Those first few fields they used it on out produced every other field and had allowed for two crops instead of the usual one.

Every orchard and fruit tree in the kingdom received a steady supply.

Tell me they aren’t still mixing it with water…

They are.  That smells worse than I want to admit.  The number of barrels they fill with that concoction would fill your house from floor to ceilings a few times over.

Groaning, Kaen recalled the one time he had been present when they demonstrated what the heads of the agricultural group had achieved.  The stench had brought back nightmares of the one time Pammon had sharted inside his room in Roccnari.  It had taken weeks for the smell to go away and those poor elves had turned green.  The only good side from that is it had kept Huethea from invading his personal space for a few weeks.

Kaen winced at the thought of that kingdom now.  The destruction he had seen and the knowledge that any elf who had lived was hiding in the forests around their old homes or on the road toward Ebonmount left a bad taste in his mouth.

What are you thinking about?

I’m thinking that I need to heal quickly. Every day I can’t see and am unable to do what I must is another day some innocent will be injured.

Kaen tapped his fingers on the table, knowing that he needed to get better.

The sound of Ava’s steps echoed slightly as she came toward him and he activated his lifestone, seeing her enter the range of his new way of seeing the world after a few seconds.

He smiled and considered how amazing she looked comprised of green magical lights that outlined all the curves of her body.

“Why are you smiling?”

Kaen chuckled and grinned even more.  “I’m just thinking you look exceptionally amazing.”

He heard her snort and moved his chair out slightly, tapping his leg for her to sit down.

After she plopped down on his legs and put her arms around him, Ava leaned forward and put her lips near his ear.

“I just thought of something while I was over there and… it seems foolish but it may actually be something only you can do.”

Pulling her close, Kaen laughed.  “Do I need to tell Pammon to stay out longer?”

She pushed against him, her head shaking.  “No… but we will need him to take us somewhere.”

Intrigued, Kaen could feel Ava shifting slightly on him, excited about something.


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