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“I won’t ask because I’m not sure I can understand what you just said,” Bren said as he tried to understand what had just happened. “I expected you to do what you always do, but not like that… not like…”

“Able to see your abilities and block them?” Kaen answered.  “That last ability you used… it’s a level forty skill, right?”

Bren chuckled and nodded.  “Blade dance.  Most won’t ever get that option, but somehow I did.  The fact you blocked it and, not only that, anticipated every strike was what I couldn’t believe.  If you had your vision, I figured you could probably stop me now, but… knowing you were blind and doing it.”

Phillip came over, and Kaen realized he couldn’t see expressions. He allowed his lifestone to reduce itself to a slight smolder and switched to Pammon’s eyes.

There on his young trainee was a smile that reminded Kaen of the day he offered each of them a lifestone.

“What?” Kaen asked as he faced Phillip.

“Nothing,” the boy replied. “I just can’t figure out how you do what you do.  Ever since that first day we met, the way you smelled, learning it was because you trained so hard.  Frederick and I both believed we could be like you if we trained hard enough.  No matter what…”

Phillip sighed and then chuckled as he looked at Pammon.  “We both knew there was going to be a limit because you had a dragon, yet we never let that stop us.  Even on the days everything hurt, we pushed each other…  Had it not been the both of us, I’m certain we wouldn’t have made it this far.  Then, when you made that offer to both of us to give us a chance to bond with a dragon egg… it…”

Phillip began to sniff, and tears started to drop to the ground.  He lifted his head, ignoring the streaks they caused on his dusty cheeks.  “It told us we had finally accomplished what we had promised you.  We had worked hard enough to prove how committed we were to this kingdom and everyone here.  It’s why we never doubted we would make it through that cave.  Even when things were bleak and our dwarven friend shared his doubt, we both knew you would push through. Knew you would get us home.”

Wiping one cheek, Phillip smiled. “Now here I stand, having dealt with the fear and frustration of knowing you are injured and yet seeing you push yourself to get better, allowing no excuse to hold you back. I’ll admit I wasn’t sure I could offer much, but knowing that you trusted me with this secret of your injury and felt I could… it means more than words can express.”

Phillip chuckled a few times as he smirked, giving that boyish grin from so many years ago. “Now you prove why we know someday this land will be free. I just watched you do the impossible. I’m not sure how, but it gives me hope that my dragon and I will be able to push through those moments when all hope seems gone and come through on the other side, stronger because I have watched you do it.”

Kaen stood there silent, not sure if Phillip was finally done talking. When Kaen realized Phillip was, he smiled and reached out, grabbing the young man and giving him a hug.  He felt Phillip sniff a few times as he hugged him back, more tears clearly visible from Pammon’s exceptional eyesight on the young man’s cheeks.

“I cannot be more proud of you and Frederick, and to hear you say those words… knowing how broke I was for a while. Thank you. I will continue to try to be worthy of emulating.”

Kaen saw Bren moving toward them both, and the older man slapped each of them on the arm before grabbing it and squeezed.

“All this talk is going to make me cry, and I don’t need to do that.  Just know I’m proud of both of you.  This kingdom would be long gone if it wasn’t for men like you all.”


Kaen sat on Pammon’s back, feeling the wind against his face, not caring that his jaw was sore from smiling so much.

I have not felt that level of joy from you in a long time.  Perhaps getting blinded was the greatest thing that could happen to you.

Kaen chuckled and gently rubbed his friend's neck.

It took me being blind to finally see how blessed I am.

Where to now?

Back home.  I need to get a few more things to bring back to the cave.  Ava seems content staying in there, and I have some items being brought by. We also need to have a chat with Hess later today. Can you retrieve him?

I guess I could torture myself with a visit.  Would you like me to bring the other two?

Kaen couldn’t help but smile at that thought. He knew how much Callie loved being around all three dragons. She had seen the eggs once and almost had to be dragged away.

That sounds like a plan.  Tell Hess to bring some food and we will eat here.  Maybe even a bedroll if they would like to spend the night.

A rumble came from Pammon, and Kaen started to laugh as he felt his dragon’s feelings through their bond.

That is if you don’t mind doing all that. I know you are not a pack mule.

I was about to say some unkind words, but since you asked nicely, I will refrain. There is no point in ruining the moment.

Kaen nodded.  For the first moment in a long time, he felt like he was breaking free from the prison he had locked himself away in.



Grinning, Kaen stood off to the side where he had finished setting up a small privacy screen for the bed he had brought over on Pammon.

He had listened to Pammon regale to him how Callie was talking and how excited she was at getting to see all three dragons and both eggs.

His little sister raced toward him, seemingly not concerned that his eyes were covered with a cloth, and jumped up, fully expecting him to catch her as always.

Scooping her up in mid-air, he laughed and hugged her before tickling her neck.

“What’s wrong with your face?” she asked, her hand reaching out to touch his eye covering after she stopped giggling.

“Oh, I hurt my eyes, but I’ll be fine in a week. This is just to help them heal.”

He could see her looking at him and moving her head slowly from side to side as Pammon kept his eyes on the little girl he loved more than that dragon admitted.

“Hmm, it makes you look less ugly,” she said, eliciting a round of laughter from all the dragons and adults present.

“I can’t help it if our parents are ugly… at least you don’t look ugly like they do,” Kaen replied as he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then set her down on the ground.

He saw her biting her lips as she stared at the dragons and the two eggs.

“You want to go and see the eggs as well as Glynnis and Amaranth?”

She nodded, her head moving so fast a woodpecker would struggle to keep up.

“Go ahead, they said it is ok.”

Squealing with glee, Callie took off running toward the egg Glynnis was curled around.

“You sure they don’t mind?” Hess asked as he came forward and gave Kaen a hug.

“Pammon told them it would be okay, and so they don’t mind. They understand you are family, and as such, neither mind. Besides, that egg is harder than one might imagine. I don’t see her doing anything to it.”

Sulenda groaned as she moved over and hugged Kaen after having embraced Ava.  “You say that, but we will have to listen to her jabber about those eggs and her desire for one.  ‘Surely brother Kaen will let me have a dragon…’ or something like that is said by her more than twice a day.”

Kaen shrugged and chuckled.  Letting Sulenda go from the massive squeeze she gave him.  Unable to see her face, Kaen could tell she was probably not excited about how he looked.

“If I said I’m starving and we should eat first, would you three mind?”

“I’d rather eat it now while it’s warm. I won’t tell you how excited Sulenda was to finally use the meat she had been saving.”

Kaen smiled and nodded, moving toward the table and sat in his chair.

“Well then, if you don’t mind, I need some advice, Dad.”

Hess looked at Ava, who rolled her eyes but nodded while helping Sulenda with the pack she had.  “You two boys have fun.  We’ll get dinner finished up.”


The four of them sat in their chairs, watching Callie continue to race around the room, climbing over Pammon and laughing when he scooped her up in his claws and set her down somewhere else.

“Hard to imagine this would be a sight that wouldn’t surprise me,” Hess said, picking at his teeth with a bone.  “Who knew three dragons would be a common thing in Ebonmount?”

“I, for one, am glad she is here,” Ava chimed in. “I have missed getting to see all of you, and hearing her laugh does me a lot of good.”

Sulenda and Hess smiled, each not wanting to comment on what happened a week ago.

“Did you two ever figure out what skill to pick?”

Hess glanced at Sulenda and shook his head. “It’s not easy.  Both have advantages, and each has a weakness.  Kaen knows what he wants to pick, but he can't commit to it.”

Sulenda and Ava looked at Kaen, who no longer used Pammon for vision but instead let his lifestone help him see the energy within their bodies.

“It’s true.  It took me all these years to finally hit level forty.  Fifty could be decades away.  The right setup with Fan attack would allow me to send out so many arrows, each of which I think I could imbue with energy.  If that happened, the potential for fighting is hard to compare.  It works from all angles and has good uses when on Pammon.  That said, one of the problems is how it would actually work on Pammon and could only be used while facing behind him or in a diving attack.  Otherwise, his head or wings would get in the way.”

Sulenda snorted.  “You have gotten a lot smarter since you barged into my office all those years ago.”

Kaen chuckled and squeezed Ava’s hand gently as they rested them on the table together.

“I try… but still, Homing Shot could be a game change against Stioks or any other dragon in the right environment.  Hess says it travels as fast as an arrow the entire time, and it would keep chasing that bastard until it hits something.  Combined with the penetration rune on my bow and the ability to charge an arrow… I may only need one shot.”

“Do you believe it would be that easy?” Sulenda asked, leaning against the table.

Shaking his head, Kaen sighed.  “Nothing is ever easy, but what matters now is I have heard from Hess and his thoughts.  I’ll make my decision soon enough.  I want to practice with whatever I choose sooner than later.  Let’s not worry about that problem and enjoy our time together.  Ava had me pick up some tiles if you are interested in a game.”

Hess chuckled and nodded, and Sulenda groaned.  “As long as the two of you aren’t on the same team, yes!  Both of you cheat when you play!”

“I would never do that,” protested Hess as he winked at her.

As Hess and Sulenda playfully squabbled, Kaen leaned over and kissed Ava on her cheek.  “I love you and want you to know that.”

She smiled and kissed him back, this time on his lips. “I love you too.  Now, don’t cheat unless it's with me,” she whispered.


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