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Kaen watched as Bosgreth leaned forward, anticipating what Kaen would say next.

“If I’m going to risk my freedom, I want more than just a promise to help.  I want complete access to the kingdom’s forges, weapons, and armor crafters.  Obviously, I will pay for or supply my own materials, but I do not want to wait in line unless a request from you alone is made.”

A smirk formed, and a look of consideration as one eye lifted flashed across Bosgreth’s face.  Slowly, his head began to nod as he considered that request and what that might mean.

“That sounds like a reasonable request,” he finally admitted as he held out his hand.

“As I am sure you are aware from my dealing with Marfo, I am not one to ask for anything too great or costly,” Kaen replied, extending his hand to grasp Bosgreth’s.

Snorting, the King nodded and motioned to Kaen with his head.

“Make a promise.”

Giving his best smile, Kaen nodded as he willed his lifestone into a roaring fire.

Now Pammon.  Let your rage and anger fill me for being an eggling.

With those words, the fire that burned within Pammon flooded into Kaen, causing his skin to break out in goosebumps as his lifestone flared even hotter.

“I promise to protect the people of all those who rally to my call,” Kaen declared, grasping Bosgreth’s hand tightly.

The King squeezed back, his eyebrows drawing close as he took a breath and seemed to will every fiber of his being into this next moment.

[ Charm Resisted ]

A look of amusement flashed across the older dwarf.  Shaking his head slowly from side to side, a small sigh could be heard.

“Want to go for double or nothing?” Kaen asked, his eyes blazing from the power of his dragon and his lifestone.

Freeing his hand from the grip, Bosgreth tsked his teeth with his tongue as he took a step back.

“Never in my life,” he muttered in awe.  “You have one formidable will, boy.”

“A single purpose is all I have,” Kaen replied.  “To protect those that I can.  To ensure that families will never be forced to live without a father or mother if I can help it.”

For a brief moment, his face betrayed him as Bosgreth’s eyes went wide, and his mouth hung open for just a second.  Quickly catching himself, he set his face back to its normal stony appearance and took two steps forward, smacking Kaen on his arm as he smiled.

“Dwarves of Tanulivar,” he belted out, his voice echoing across the room, “Tonight we celebrate an agreement to help Dragon Rider Kaen.  We will help defend Ebonmount from the goblins and orcs that seek to attack it, causing them to once again fear the dwarves!”

Shouts and stomping of feet echoed throughout the room as Kaen let a small sigh of relief escape his lips during the noise.

I survived, Kaen informed Pammon.

A wave of frustration and thankfulness came through their bond as the rage Pammon had been channeling, and the fire inside his lifestone faded.

I would have made you suffer to no end had you not, Pammon promised.

The shaking of his shoulder and arm brought him back to the moment where Bosgreth was turning him around to face those who were cheering.

“Tonight, we will eat here, and then I will allow you to depart tomorrow.  Elnidith had already informed me of your need to return to Ebonmount.”

Kaen shook his head and groaned as he saw a grin cracking the wrinkled face of the older King.

“You were playing with me?” he asked, waving to those still cheering and shouting.

“Up until the moment I tried to bind you,” he admitted with a sigh.  “Marfo told me that If I didn’t do justice for the debt he owed and you let him off the hook, he would collect a debt from me.”

Cocking his eyebrow at the King, Kaen smirked, his face asking the question he hadn’t voiced.

“No, I won’t tell you what I owe him. Just know I would rather do what I know is right even if people think I am too old and cautious.”  He tugged on his beard and shrugged.  “I have heard the rumors, and while I dislike the name given to me, it allows me great room to navigate those who think they can outsmart me or try to push me around.”

He motioned to a few dwarves around the room that had not cheered as much as others.

“There are a few here even now that will not know how to react when I let certain details about our wager slip out.”

Unable to hold back, Kaen began to laugh out loud, realizing he had bought into the rumors himself and underappreciated the wisdom of the dwarf who had risked much at a chance for a dragon rider to command.

“All this was a farce just to see if you could bind me?” Kaen asked, knowing the answer before it was given.

“It was,” he admitted with a shrug as he motioned to a door on the side of the throne room.  “Once you told me what Havannath had attempted in secret, doing things dishonestly, I figured why not try and do it to your face.  Either you proved you are a man worth following, or I win a dragon rider.  You would have to agree it would be hard to complain since you gave me permission to try.”

Walking next to the King as they moved toward a set of doors, now open, Kaen couldn’t help but nod.  Had he lost and the King bound him, he could only blame himself.

“Forgive me for doubting the wisdom you possess,” Kaen said with a wink.  “I had not realized you were outmaneuvering me even before I stepped into the playing field.”

Laughing and smacking Kaen on the back, Bosgreth patted him a few more times as he grinned.

“I would like to think I still play the game well, even with my lack of hair on my chin.”

Reaching up to scratch his growing patch, Kaen motioned to it, sending the King into a fit of laughter.

“It appears we both are lacking a little hair.”

Glancing behind him, Kaen saw Dagan looking relieved as Bosgreth, and he laughed and joked on their way to the dining area.

It was late when Kaen got outside to where Pammon was waiting, feeling slightly tipsy from the small taste he had finally relented to trying at the King’s request.  Dagan was walking him carefully toward Pammon, keeping a hand on the back of the honored guests, unable to lose the smile that ran from ear to ear.

“You really can’t handle alcohol, can you?” he asked again for the twentieth time.

“No… Itz hard fur me,” stammered Kaen, well aware that his tongue did not want to work right.  “Never havez.”

Chuckling still, Dagan motioned to his dragon, which appeared to be glaring at the two of them.

“I have returned home a few times, drunker than I had anticipated… the misses was not very happy, to put it mildly,” he stated, chuckling for a moment as he took in the number of teeth on Pammon.  “You might end up in a worse spot than I ever did.”

Kaen laughed and then stopped, leaning over, emptying his stomach for the third time.

I swear if you vomit on me, I will make you wish you were dead.

Holding his head in his hand, Kaen groaned as his dwarf escort helped him get moving again.

Why must you shout… it hurts…  You know I didn’t have a choice.  The King insisted.

Oh yes… the King forced you to drink by having every guard there hold you down and empty the barrel into your throat.

One sip! That was all it was.

Pammon snorted, visibly showing his disgust at how Kaen appeared.

“So… I’m going to let you make it the rest of the way if you don’t mind,” Dagan muttered.  “Not interested in getting on the bad side of a dragon if you understand.  Good night, Dragon Rider Kaen, and thank you again.”

Feeling the gentle pat on his back, Kaen staggered the last twenty feet and fell against Pammon’s scaly neck.

“I’m sorry,” Kaen blurted out as he belched, his face turning green from the smell of his own bodily function.

I promise you, I will find a way to make you suffer if you throw up on me.

Holding up his hand, Kaen turned and took a few steps away before sticking his finger down his throat and allowing himself to bring up the last bit of stuff in his stomach.  As he wiped his finger dry on his pants and tried to give a thumb up, Pammon shook his head.

You look awful.  Your eyes are bloodshot, and tears are running down your face.  You look redder than an apple also.

I’m fine… now stop being a mother hen and let me get on you.

Growling again, Pammon finally lowered himself and turned to the side so Kaen could get on.  Once seated, Kaen got himself harnessed in before laying across Pammon’s neck.

“I owe you one,” he muttered as Pammon stood up.

More than one but I’ll collect later, for now just remember what I told you twice already.

Kaen nodded as he patted the scale he always did and closed his eyes.

The following day, Kaen’s head felt like someone had used it as a punching bag.  Having been hit before by Hess when they trained, it was perhaps worse than the occasional hard strike.

Tell me I didn’t throw up last night.

Not on me but you did once we reached Elnidith’s place.  She didn’t look happy to see that either.

Muttering, Kaen got up and slowly made his way to the wash bin, glancing in the mirror and shaking his in disgust at his reflection.  His eyes were bloodshot still.

I’m not sure what was in that drink, but I want to promise no matter what, I won't drink again.

Even though Pammon wasn’t there, the sensation he felt through their bond was like the dragon was rolling his eyes at that comment.

With no more complaining from Pammon, Kaen dunked his head under the cold water pitcher and got ready for the day.

“You look like someone put you in a sack and went a few rounds on you,” teased Elnidith as Kaen sat at the table near her.

“I feel like it,” he groaned as he massaged his temples with his fingers.  “Bosgreth said this was his special brew and only given to a few select people, and it would be a dishonor if I didn’t at least taste it.  What the heck is that stuff?”

Trying to not laugh too loudly, she shrugged her shoulders as she poured him a glass of water.

“I have no idea.  I’m not select enough to get a taste.  You managed to escape better than some who attempted to drink a whole glass.  I hear it is pretty potent.”

Snorting, Kaen took the drink and drained the glass, feeling the taste in his mouth again.

“You heard the news, I take it,” he asked after setting down his cup.

“I did.  I am still amazed that you managed to get him to agree to all that, but I will gladly take it.  This will help both kingdoms.”

Kaen nodded and reached over for a small piece of bread, tearing off a small piece as he put it in his mouth and slowly began to chew.

After swallowing it and taking another drink, he sighed.

“Six months?”

“Maybe less, but let's plan on six months,” she answered, her face returning to her serious look.  “I have a lot to accomplish, but with Bosgreth’s backing, it will be much easier.”

Taking another bite, Kaen closed his eyes, savoring the taste and the short victory they had achieved.

“I’ll inform King Aldric and Guild Master Herb.  Some things will need to be done to prepare for your arrival.”

As they sat there, watching Kaen slowly eat, Brabrel came in after about ten minutes and motioned to Elnidith.

“It appears all the supplies you requested are outside, bound, and ready for you to load onto your dragon.  Is there anything else I can get you, Dragon Rider Kaen?”

Snorting, he glanced at her and noticed she was smiling.

“Are you kicking me out?” he asked jokingly.

“Yes and no.  You have work to do, and so do I.  Sitting around watching you suffer after drinking too much is not part of my job description.  As a hostess, it would be bad form for me to leave you, though.  So the only way we can both get to what we need to,” she stated, emphasizing the him part of that,” is for you to get on your dragon and let the kingdom of Ebonmount know they have an alley coming to help.”

Grabbing two more rolls and stuffing them in his pocket, Kaen took one last swig from his cup and stood up.

“Elnidith, I am grateful for you sharing your roof with me.”

She smiled and gave a bow.

“Providing a roof for a Dragon Rider is always an honor.”



To bad Kaen is such a wholesome young man already bound to another 🤣