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Been using names from the earlier list and realized I needed a few more names (Haha no I won't tell you if I took yours... just wait)

I need 2 Elf (Male / Female) 2 Dwarf (male / female) 2 Human (male / female) names (no dragon ones yet).

You can give 1 for each so:

Elf - Mr elf.  Mrs Elf

Dwarf - Mr Dwarf Mrs Dwarf

Human - etc...

Happy name making!



edathunkus pringle

Mario Schade

Human (m): Yamen ("the blessed") Human (f): Maliya ("The Divine / The Royal") Elf (m): Vuai Alvar ("The skilful" + Old High German "elf, nature spirit" and "warband, army") Elf (f): Vitani Tuuli ("who goes into battle" or also "the demon of war" + Finnish word "wind") Dwarf (m): Haakon Terbium (Old Norse ""the high-born son"" + a rare earth metal) Dwarf (f): Freydis Berryl (Old Norse "woman" + a rare gemstone "red berryl" = her beard) Have fun.