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Ava felt the sweat that was running down her entire body.  Her robe was soaked, and she had finished the last of the water she had hours ago.  Everyone was reaching the point where they knew the moment would come when they would have to make their last stand.

“You all need to flee while you still can,” Selmah ordered as she sat there on the ground, meditating.  “It’s a fool's death unless they make a grave mistake and I don’t believe that Magus is a fool.”

“We aren’t leaving you,” Ava replied without hesitation.  “We didn’t sign up to run away and abandon one of our own.  The only way we go is if we all go.”

“You four know I can’t…” Selmah paused talking as she felt the aura Matthew had cast end.  “Forget it.  You missed your chance and now we have to decide when we will make our last stand.  How many arrows?”

“Eighteen.  We have scavenged all the ones we could.  The goblin ones won't work with our bows.”

Standing, Selmah glanced at the four who were still with her.  Two archers with maybe nine shots each, a healer with no more mana to heal, and an iron token mage who while gifted was out of her league in experience.  That one mistake had cost them everything.  She couldn’t blame the poor girl, she had never been in a situation like this before.  None of them had.

The last option she had was not one she wanted to take.  She had enough power for the spell but it would end her life in the process.

It’s been over forty years on this journey.  Am I really willing to die for this?

“I’ll take over, rest if you still need it or wait for my orders,” Selmah stated as she walked past Ava.  “Give me a few minutes to think.”

What are our odds?” one of the archers asked Matthew quietly.

“Almost non-existent,” called out Selmah, not bothering to turn around.  “We have two hours max before the sun disappears behind those mountains.  Unless something changes I will make one last stand.  For now, you two archers trade shots.  Make sure you hit.  Ava, be ready if I call for you to take out a group.  I need to conserve all the mana I can.”

Pausing for a moment, Selmah let out a small sigh.

“And Matthew, please try and meditate.  You may be the most important asset in the coming hours.”

She heard Matthew’s knees stop knocking together as she knew he was terrified and actually surprised the man had not run away.  She heard the rocks grind and scrape along the ground as she assumed the man had sat down, trying to focus on clearing his thoughts to speed up his mana regeneration.

All she could do now was wait.

“Last arrow!!” the archer shouted before he let it loose.  The sun was almost down, and the shadows were stretched along the mountain range and trees, sending long, dark, black areas everywhere.

“Ava prepare to cast a firewall and hold it as long as you can!” ordered Selmah as she started moving toward the top of the cave entrance along the mountain.  “When you see my hand wave, let it go, and the four of you run!”

Ava’s heart was pounding in her chest.  She knew things were bad as the last twenty minutes had been a steady stream of one to three goblins being sent out to die every so often.  The Magus knew they were weak and wanted to ensure they were still here.  Her mana was going to be gone soon, and even with Matthew finally being able to cast one more buff to help with it, the constant fighting had taken its toll.

Her fear was the truth she knew.  She would never see her parents again.  She would never see Kaen again.  Selmah’s promise was not possible.  No matter what that woman did, there was no way she would be able to prevent their deaths.

Kaen, I pray you are safe!  Don’t forget me…

Goblin’s began to move again, and she opened herself and created a wall of fire stretching inside the cave.  She knew it only went so far in, but it had to buy time for Selmah to do whatever it was she was going to do.

Seconds felt like hours as the mana drained from her body, her heart pounding.  The last little bit would soon be gone in moments, and there was nothing she could do… she knew she would be dead in a few moments.  Hopefully, it would be quick, even if she had to use her own weapon to end her life, lest they do the horrible things she had been warned about.

As the wall began to flicker and she saw that Selmah had still not given a signal to cut it yet, she cried, knowing her best wasn’t good enough.  Knowing she couldn’t save all the people she wanted to save.  That silly idea to help people with potions would never come about.

As those thoughts ravaged her mind, her lifestone did something she had only felt one other time in her life.  It didn’t just pulse gently as it had when she was first trained.  No, it roared for a moment like it had that night on the floor with Kaen.  When he danced with her, she gazed into his eyes and saw how he looked at her. How he smiled at her.  How he laughed with her.  It had taken her by surprise and was the real reason she had run away that night.  It had never beat that strong in her chest before and now it did so again.

The wall of fire that had begun to flicker and fade surged again, roaring taller and wider and changing to a darker shade of orange and blue.  She fell to her knees as she went weak, her lifestone draining her life for mana she did not have.  Her body burned as her life powered a spell she could not hold, knowing somehow the need she had at that moment.  Struggling to stay focused, she saw Selmah waving her hands.

She let the spell go and felt her strength return just a little bit.

“Are you ok?!” she heard Matthew shouting as he stood beside her.  She had not realized that he had been there this whole time.

“No but I will be,” she gasped as she took the hand he offered, helping her to stand.  “We need to run, I think I know what she is going to do.”

Selmah felt her life draining.  It had been over a decade since the last time she had needed to use her life for a spell but there was no time to hold back now.  A smile crossed her face when she saw the flames that Ava had summoned.  Perhaps that girl would be strong enough in time.  She had found a way to tap into her lifestone.  She had the resolve to be willing to give everything when the moment was required.

The blue flames below were flickering, and soon they would be gone.  Left to linger from the power embedded in them.  She knew it had been hot to stand where she was, right over the roof of the mouth of the cave, but the flames had not bothered her.  She wouldn’t be able to move once she cast this spell.  She would have to fall and let the earth accept her and the power she would release.

She felt her hair standing on her skin, even the hair on her head began to rise up as all her mana filled the spell she was summoning.


The greatest fire spell she had learned, taking two centuries to actually figure out how to cast.  It burned hotter than any other fire she knew outside of dragon breath.  Her body felt alive and yet weak as the power of her lifestone roared, draining her health and her strength, putting into her enough power to kill everything forty yards around her.  It would almost melt stone if she was stronger.

Smiling, she gazed ahead, looking over the forest as the sun almost vanished against the mountains.  The beautiful colors of the sky, red and orange, as the sunset.  It seemed to be an acknowledgment of what she was going to do now with fire.

All this was happening so fast.  Seconds flew by, and yet movement over the trees caught her eye.  Something large was moving fast.


Flying toward her.

A dragon?  Impossible!  Elies?

No, it couldn’t be him.  He wouldn’t have come they said, and it was not large enough for his dragon, Tharnok.

Her eyes focused as the power filled her, and she saw it was streaking across the sky.  It would be here in less than a minute.  Its bronze body was so perfect as its wings flapped over the trees, the light of the sun glistening off its scales.

The rider on its back…

“It can’t be!” gasped Selmah as her body struggled to stay erect.  She couldn’t hold this much longer before she would topple over, yet it was there, no doubt about it.

A dragon and a rider!  Not the massive black dragon Juthom and not Tharnok.

Someone new!

Chills ran up her body, almost sending a wave of pain and ecstasy as she held the power inside her.

Generations! It had been forever since a new dragon rider had been found!  How could this be?!

It was almost upon her.

Could it be a foe? An ally?  If she cast her spell while it was in range of her, she might kill it.  If it were an ally, the consequences of that would be impossible to replace.  It might be the one chance to take it out if it was a foe.


Less than ten seconds.  It would be in range by then.  Orcs and goblins were starting to stream out.  None had noticed her yet. None had noticed the dragon either.

Why would a dragon rider be coming here?  No enemy would bother coming as none would expect them to fail.  It had to be an ally!

Everything in her was burning.  She tried to pull back the spell she had begun to cast.  Something had to use it and she couldn’t do what she had planned.  She couldn’t risk killing this hope flying toward her like an arrow towards its mark.

She screamed as the pain she felt and changing the spell tore through her.  She felt the fibers in her body that allowed the mana to flow through her bulging and rip.   As she screamed, she turned, sending forth a solid column of fire to the east, away from the mouth of the cave, and creating a pillar of fire blowing from her hands for a good seventy yards.

The orcs saw and motioned at her. One of the hobgoblins shot an arrow at her, hitting her in the shoulder.

Tears ran down her face as she felt her life slipping away but she turned and heard a roar that felt like her ear drums were going to shatter as she watched a spout of flame leap forth and consume the orcs and goblins outside the cave before streaming into the mouth of it.

The rock below her felt hot, and she could smell burning, unsure if it was her own skin or the creatures dying below.  The pain was overtaking her, and she was beginning to black out when she felt herself being lifted up.

Her eyes were heavy. It was so hard to focus as she glanced at the massive bronze belly of scales and saw a massive claw holding her carefully.

Ava was running when she heard a sound like nothing she had ever heard before.  It echoed off the rocks and the side of the mountain.  She turned as she ran and saw a dragon appear from nowhere, spewing flames inside the mouth of the cave.

Tripping over a rock, as she looked backward, she fell and stood up, turning around to see the dragon unleashing its fury upon the horde of creatures that were hellbent on killing her and the others.

Dazed she realized someone was on the back of the dragon.

That’s not possible!  There are no dragon riders that small.

She gasped as she saw the dragon carefully pick up Selmah from the top of the cave entrance, and it began to fly toward them.

Panic struck her as she began to back up and tripped over another rock, falling to her rear.  She scooted across the ground and felt someone grab her shoulder.  Glancing up, she saw Matthew had run back and was trying to help her.

“We need to go!” he exclaimed, jerking her to her feet.

“But they have Selmah!” she shouted as he took back off.  “They defeated the Magus!”

Matthew kept running, not wanting to risk it.  Surviving the orcs and goblins was enough. A dragon was too much.

Selmah watched as the dragon flew closer, amazed and enthralled at its bronze scales that shimmered in the ending light of the night.  As she gazed at the dragon, its head moved to the side and she saw the rider on its back.

Her knees went weak, and she fell to the ground.


It wasn’t possible, but it was him.  There was no doubt and her heart had skipped two beats the moment it saw him.

She watched as the dragon laid Selmah on the ground gently and flew a few yards away before coming to rest on the dusty ground.

Kaen hopped off and ran to Selmah, taking something from his pouch as he ran.

The dragon just looked at her, holding her eyes with its.  Somehow it felt like it was peering into her soul.

Turning her eyes back at Kaen, she saw Selmah now sitting up, no longer lifeless but still looking weary.  Strength returned to her body, and Ava ran toward the two of them.  She saw Kaen turn and smile at her.

“Go,” Selmah wheezed.  “She is coming for you.”

Smiling, Kaen nodded and, knowing Selmah was fine, turned and saw Ava running toward him.

She was a mess. Her hair was going in every direction, her clothes were matted against her body, and dirt was all over her face, hands, and robe, and yet she was just as beautiful as that night in her carriage.

Running to her, he smiled, and when she slowed down, he did not.

“Kaen…” she uttered before he embraced her and put his lips on hers, holding her close and feeling her return the kiss.  Time seemed to stretch on until it was interrupted.

You need to let her breathe, or she will die.

Kaen felt a tinge of jealousy and humor coming through Pammon.  The thrumming of his laughter let him know for certain it was more of a joke as he broke the embrace, and they both took a deep breath.

“How? When?” Ava asked as she glanced at Kaen and then at the dragon behind him, who was turning his head to look at the area where the cave was.

“It’s a long story,” Kaen answered as he brushed her matted hair from her forehead.  “For now, you are safe, and I need to go seal the cave with Pammon.  The rest of you need to head back to town.  I have one last spot to visit.”

As Kaen gave her a kiss on her forehead and began to turn, Ava grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

“Your dragon?!”

Chuckling, Kaen nodded.

“Let me introduce you two real quick,” he stated as he pulled her along with him.

“Pammon, this is Ava.  Ava, this is Pammon.”

She is awfully skinny not even worth eating. Pammon declared as he gave a small snort and shook his head.

“Play nice, Pammon, or I won’t give scratches for a long time,” Kaen declared as he winked at Ava, keeping it hidden from her.  “Forgive him. He likes to protect me and keep him for himself.  Perhaps if he is kind, he will let you touch his snout for a moment before we really must go.”

Ava glanced at Pammon and saw how it looked at her, then glanced back at Kaen.

“Uh.. are you sure? It doesn’t appear he is interested in that.”

Laughing, Kaen nodded, took her hand with his, and held it out.

Be nice.  We don’t have time for this, and I don’t want to have to bring up someone acting like an eggling.

Pammon began to thrum, and Ava started to move her hand back, but Kaen held it in place and smiled.

“He is just laughing.  He makes that noise when he laughs.  You will get used to it, trust me.”

I will do this for you, but she will have to prove herself worthy of you to me.”

Thank you.  I know it isn’t easy, but it means a lot to me.

Pammon moved his head forward and slowly put his snout against her hand, letting Ava feel the scales underneath her.

“See, he isn’t that bad,” joked Kaen as he took his hand off hers, letting her feel it all on her own.  “Now scratch between the scales with your fingertips.  He likes it.”

Ava nodded and began to scratch a few small areas gently, and even though Pammon did try to fight it at first, he began to trill as she found a spot near the ridge that needed a good scratching.

Ava laughed and smiled and pulled her hand back.

“Thank you, Pammon.  I will remember this always.”

“Good,” Kaen announced as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek and moved to climb onto Pammon’s neck.  “I need to go.  Selmah, get them home safely.”

Ava glanced and saw Selmah standing there, having forgotten all about her, mouth wide open and in awe of what she was witnessing.

“Kaen Marshell…. Be safe, and thank you.”

He nodded, and Pammon backed up before taking off a little bit.

Ava watched as Pammon reached the spot where the kegs had been dropped and flew them over to the cave where the fire was almost out.  He pitched them forward with his legs, and Kaen shot an arrow that collapsed the tunnel the moment the two collided inside.

“Amazing,” Ava mumbled as they turned and flew off to the east.

Selmah moved over to where Ava was and shook her head as she stared at the girl.

“We are going to have a long talk,” Selmah said before she turned and moved in the direction their horses were.