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Are you sure you can make it? Do we need to rest?

I will be fine, the orcs did not taste great but they gave me the energy I was lacking.

If you say so but don’t push yourself.  I can feel your body hurting from how much you have exerted yourself.  We both know I don’t want to get injured because you fall from the sky.

Pammon gunted and snorted, sending a small shower of snot at Kaen who had learned to dodge it, knowing it was coming.

As I said before, I will be fine.  We are twenty minutes out from the next spot.

Kaen nodded and flattened himself against Pammon’s neck.  He hoped they were not too late.

Next time I tell you to let me carry the casks, do not argue.  You are far better at defending and attacking while I do that.  The only reason you lived was because they ran from me.

I wonder why that is… perhaps it's because you are a dragon, and I was just a guy carrying explosive kegs…

Pammon thrummed and continued beating his wings as they raced to the fourth spot he knew of.

They had found the three kegs and most of the goblins and orcs present took off the moment Pammon came into view, running into the cave or woods based on what was closer.  Kaen had carried two casks on his shoulders into the mouth of the cave, setting them down inside and blowing it from a charged shot.

Mana check


Mana: 32/196


Ever realize you have no idea how to actually do something or how it works? I mean, I just realized I don’t know how fast mana regenerates, and I have been using my explosive shot without any thought on this.

Pammon nodded and Kaen felt some a trickle of energy flowing through their bond into him.

Are you sharing your mana with me?

Yes. I cannot use any more since the skill I used is unavailable.  I have one hundred and sixty left.  How much do you have now?

Mana check


Mana: 132/196


You gave me one hundred mana!  I didn’t know we could do that.

I didn’t know I couldn’t do that, replied Pammon with a thrum.  Perhaps that is why I could.

We really need to find another dragon rider and learn from them.  I’m tired of not knowing what we are missing out on.

Perhaps you are looking at it wrong also.  We might be able to do something they say is impossible.  Which is better to have?

Mumbling to himself and glad that the wind carried it away, Kaen just rubbed Pammon's neck with his hand as they flew.  One day, they would figure out what they could really do.

It appears they have won.  The cave is sealed and I see at least six adventurers going through the dead bodies and making sure they have killed them all.

The breath he had been holding when it was the fourth point Pammon had scouted before came into view left his lungs as he offered a small prayer of thanks to anyone who would listen.

So, angle for the next point. There are still three more left.

As Pammon angled slightly to the southeast, Kaen could feel his eyes still on the battle that had taken place miles away.

What is it you are looking at?

There are two large orcs like the one Hess faced.  They are dead, but I wonder why there are two here.  The amount of dead is also more than the first two spots.  I think I realize now that the further east we go the larger the groups are.  I believe the ones that attacked Minoosh were from the farthest one.  We were not supposed to have found them at all.  I am guessing that doing so allowed your adventurer guild to scout out here and find what they were not meant to find.

Kaen had not considered that thought, and now he felt exceedingly lucky that none of the larger orcs or other creatures had come to Minoosh. If they had, he knew the town would have been destroyed.

Then let’s hurry.  The sun is moving toward the mountains, and I don’t want to imagine trying to do this at night when we can’t see.

You… You can’t see. I can see just fine at night.

Whatever.  How long till the next camp?

I would say an hour or more.  Stop talking, and let me focus on flying.  Perhaps I can shave some time off of it.

They need help! It appears it is a stalemate right now as there are adventurers on both sides of the cave entrance, yet no one is going in, and nothing is coming out.  A large pile of dead bodies is blocking the entrance.

Tell me your plan.  What do you think we should do?

Pammon’s thoughts tingled against Kaen’s brain. He wondered if his lifestone was active like it had been when Hess was in danger if he could somehow read them, but right now, it was like he could feel them to a degree.

Do you want to go in hot and heavy, laying down a trail of fire?

His backside felt the laughter after he asked that.  Pammon was obviously amused that Kaen could feel his thoughts.

Impressive, you felt that.  I think it might be the best option.  From what I see, that pile of corpses is going to prevent anyone from getting close and setting off their casks.  The only way to fix that is to remove the pile and figure out what is inside, sending out more to die.

How much time do you have left on your flame?

Eight or nine seconds.  I won’t use it long.  Three seconds should be plenty of time to come in and send it inside the cave.  If I focus on it, I can cause it to go further and spread less.

Weighing the options in his mind, Kaen realized he had not asked the question he really had on his mind.

Can you see the adventurers at all?  Like what they look like?

Perturbed at that question, Pammon snorted before replying.

Yes.  Why ask such an ignorant question?  I can see the beard on a dwarf and the way he has it twisted into a…. Wait… Is that another dwarf woman?  How do you tell if they are a woman or not?

Laughing, Kaen thumped Pammon’s side.

You have to look for female curves.

They are wearing plate armor… there are no curves!

I guess we will have to wait.  For now, I’m trying to find a dark-haired human woman with green eyes, wearing a robe.  Do you see one of those anywhere?

Even if I did, I’m not sure I would tell you.  You need to focus on the fight, not on some woman you barely know!  Besides, we will be there in a minute, and I need to adjust the angle I am coming in from.

Suppressing the comment he wanted to say, Kaen gladly let his frustration drift through their bond, and he felt Pammon ignoring it.

As the battle area below came into view of Kaen’s vision, he saw hundreds of dead orcs and goblins, burnt and frozen and hacked to pieces.  He picked out the corpse of an adventurer as Pammon glided across the clearing between the forest and mountains.

The fire inside Pammon began to grow, and he wondered for a moment if Kaen would feel it as he did.  One of the adventuring parties saw him coming, and it appeared they were hunkering down behind the two warriors with shields.

I hope they don’t attack us…

Pammon kept his path, knowing he wouldn’t have a better chance than he had now.  Inside the cave, he saw a massive group of orcs with goblins around them and some large orc behind them.  They had not noticed him yet.

He felt Kaen rising up on his back; an arrow was in his bow, and he could feel the power inside him. He was going to shoot an arrow when he used his fire.

Pride and joy filled him, knowing that Kaen was brighter than most, seeing the opportunity to do double the damage.

As Kaen got into range, his arrow flew ahead, flying into the cave where he was looking, watching the orc leader, and saw the arrow explode inside, causing death and damage to those around it.

The last fifty meters approached, and he began to open his mouth, letting the fire begin to rise up his throat.


It was too late, and Pammon ignored Kaen’s warning.  He would have to endure the arrow and finish this task.  He felt pain hit him in the side near his back leg as he reached the last twenty yards and flared his wings, lurching to a stop and letting the jet of fire stream from his mouth over the pile of corpses and into the cave.

He could see them dying in the flames immediately, pressing against each other as they tried to run the other way, wedged and stuck.  The skin and armor melted off them as they turned to ash.

Cutting the flow, he took three giant beats of his wings to raise himself up in the air and begin his turn to move away from the mouth of the cave.


He heard Kaen shouting but moved on instinct, knowing he needed to flee until they knew he was not a threat.  One day, perhaps they would not attack first, but for now, he would show mercy to the archer foolish enough to shoot him.

Are you ok?  Are you hurt?!

I am fine.  It is still in me near my back leg, but it is not deep.  It barely penetrated.  I just need to land and get you to pull it out.

I’m sorry that he fired, and I am going to beat his arse for it!

Kaen’s frustration and anger were filling his senses.  It took everything he had not to give into a rage he felt because Kaen felt it so strongly.

Please let it go.  Your anger is making me angry, and we don’t want me to get angry.

He heard Kaen grunt and felt the amount of frustration reduce some, but it was still there.

Fine… but I cannot promise I won’t hit the guy.

I will allow that. Pammon replied as he sat down on the ground a good hundred yards from the nearest group.

“Where are the casks!?” shouted Kaen as he jumped off Pammon and began running to the group that had not shot at them.

He saw them staring at him as he ran toward them, glancing back at Pammon and then at him again.

When he was within thirty yards, he recognized the gold warrior woman he had seen the first day he entered the guild hall.  She had a few bandages wrapped around her one arm, and her massive sword was missing.

“The casks! Where are they?”

“How the bloody hell is a dragon here and helping you?!” yelled a dwarven guy who looked like their healer.  “That’s not possible!”

People are idiots.

Yes, they are.  Some even shoot at you when it is obvious you are not attacking them.

Refusing to smile at that comment, Kaen was now just a few feet from the party and saw all of them were wounded and barely standing.

“The casks.  We need them now! Stop worrying about my dragon, who is here to help, and tell me where the casks are!”

The dwarf pointed at the other group, which had not moved yet.

“Of course they are,” grumbled Kaen as he pointed at the gold token warrior.  “You come with me and help me get the casks.  Pammon will keep the enemies at bay provided no one attacks him again.”

“A dragon… a bloody goblin-licking dragon,” cursed the dwarf as he stared at Kaen.  “How the hell do you have a dragon?”

Frustrated, Kaen walked over to the dwarf, grabbed him by his robes, and lifted him almost off the ground.

“Listen, I don’t have time!  There are still two more spots to check, and I need to go help.  Now get your arses over there to help with the casks, or the dragon will be the least of your worries!”

Letting go of the robes, the healer fell back, barely keeping from falling on his butt.

“Now go!” he ordered, running toward the other group.

Watch the cave, and tell me if you see something.

They are all hiding or burning right now.  You are safe to move.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know!”

Kaen glared at the archer, who was holding his hands up as if he was surrendering.

“I understand,” he stated as he glared at the man, able to almost kill with his gaze.  “Had you hurt him, I could not promise you I wouldn’t return the favor.  Now stop pissing your pants, get those three casks, and follow me!”

The two warriors there and the gold token one each picked up a cask and followed Kaen as he kept an eye on the flames.

Still clear?  I need like ten or twelve seconds.

Let me help.  Prepare them, I’m going to get loud.

Kaen chuckled as he ran and looked back at the three following behind him.

“Pammon is going to roar, so don’t trip or fall when he does it.  Right after, I will tell you when to toss those in and run.”

They nodded and kept pace as Kaen turned back toward the entrance.

Seven coppers says the archer pisses his pants.

We both know he is going to.  Perhaps I should see if I can make him do it more than once.

You’re on!


Milton Skipper

lol even in war the immaturity of youth shines forth :) TYFC