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“Welcome home, adventurer!”

Fiola shouted those words, and it somehow seemed louder and carried out across the yard and the area of the fountain.  The people who had gathered had closed the wall around him and the wagon, leaving only a small opening to the doors of the guild hall where Fiola stood on the steps.

Hess was standing a few steps below here, smiling and nodding at him.

“We have heard the report that you managed to slay the five orcs all on your own!” Fiola projected loudly to the crowds.  “You slew three tier 1 orcs and two who are classified as tier two orcs!”

When Fiola paused her proclamation, a few people murmured at that statement before the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.  Five tier-one orcs would be a difficult feat for a standard iron team, but for an unranked testee to do this was an unbelievable event.

After a few moments, Fiola held up her hands, and the crowd quieted to hear what else she might say.

“It appears that our scouting report for this quest failed to gather enough information, and there was also a tier three orc at the camp!”

People glanced around at Fiola and at Kaen, who stood at the base of the steps, looking at her, unmoving or flinching at the words she spoke.  Hess raised his eyebrows even though the rest of him did not move.  It appeared no one else, but Fiola here knew the truth about the sixth one.

“Kaen completed his quest as the sixth one arrived.  He sought out his observers, and they assessed that he had indeed accomplished the quest.  Even though the beast they faced was far beyond the one a group comprised of theirs should ever attempt, they each knew the risks of letting a beast like that roam free.”

Fiola paused again.  Taking a few breaths and watching the crowds.  People waited to hear what she would say next.

With a nod of her head, a man moved to the back of the wagon and pulled out the large barrel that contained the six heads.  He carried it over to the steps and placed it next to Fiola’s feet before moving back to where he had come.

Fiola twirled her fingers, and a dagger appeared in them.  She smiled, put the dagger in the top of the barrel, and popped the lid off.

“This is the result of what they faced!”

When those words were spoken, Fiola picked up the barrel and dumped out the contents.  Six orc heads rolled down the steps and came to rest at the feet of Kaen.  When the crowd saw the orc head that was twice the size of the three smaller ones with a broken arrow sticking out from its eye and temple, the sound of the cheers made the entire courtyard shake.

Hess clapped his hands in amazement as he stared at the head and then at Kaen, who nodded and gave a small smile.

Aubri suddenly appeared next to him and lifted up Kaen’s hand, and shook it in victory.  She turned him around and made sure he smiled and cheered for each person that was there to celebrate this victory.

For almost a full minute, the sounds of whistles, feet stomping, hands clapping, shouts, and yelling went without end.  The moment Fiola held up her hands, the crowd went deathly silent.  An eerie silence seemed to rest upon the group that now stood there in awe.

“Testee Kaen Marshell, is there anything you wish to say to those who have come to celebrate your great feat today before I pronounce the rank that shall be bestowed upon you?”

Kaen glanced at Aubri, who was by his side.  He saw her shake her head no slightly, but he could still see the pain in her eyes.

Kaen moved between the orc heads until he reached the largest one and grabbed its matted top knot, and carried it with him up a few steps.  When he was just two steps below Fiola, he bowed and then turned to face the crowd.

His heart was beating, and even more, was the lifestone that knew what he must do, what he had to do if he would accept whatever token was given to him.

“This trophy,” Kaen shouted as he held the head of the orc high for all to see, “shall serve as a reminder of the commitment to that which we swear as adventurers.  Luca gave everything he had, even to the point of being unable to stand or move, so that Aubri and I could live.  He knew the cost and gladly gave it so that we who call ourselves adventurers might fight another day to protect the kingdom and its people that we swear to protect!  So join me in honoring Luca and his sacrifice!  Shout with me his name so that his spirit can hear we honor him!”

When Kaen stopped shouting, having finished telling the story of what happened from the time they engaged this orc and to the moment he finished it, not a sound had been made by the crowd.

Everything changed in that next breath.

His lifestone surged as the crowd took a breath as one.

[ Story Telling Skill Increased x3 ]

Luca! Luca! Luca!

The noise as the crowd chanted his name over and over washed over Kaen and reverberated off the stone walls and street.  As the crowd chanted Luca’s name, Kaen moved the head of the orc with the rising and fall of each one.  Kaen saw Aubri below him, tears rushing from her eyes as she shouted Luca’s name with the crowd.  Time seemed to stretch on, and finally, the shouting died down as Fiola moved down two steps, put one hand on Kaen’s shoulder, and held the other up for the crowd's attention.

A few more Luca sounded before the area went quiet again.

“This young man has demonstrated not only his courage, his skill, his ability, and commitment to this hall, but he has also done something even greater than all that.”  Fiola wore on her face the first smile Kaen believed came from what she felt in her heart.  “Kaen reminded us that we must never forget those we lose and why we attempt these tasks.  Kaen understands the life of an adventurer.  He understands the call.”

Fiola motioned to Herb, who had been standing off in the crowd to her left.

Herb came down the steps and held up a small plain-looking wooden box toward Fiola.  She opened it up and smiled.

“Today, we honor this young man by granting him a silver token!  Three cheers for Kaen!”

Pandemonium broke out through the crowd as people started cheering.  None could remember the last time an adventurer had ever started at that rank.  None could doubt that he was not deserving of such a rank after the feats he had accomplished.

As Fiola turned Kaen around and slipped the token on its chain over his neck and connected it in the back, she leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

“Congratulations Kaen.  I cannot wait for when we can speak in private.”

Kaen smiled and nodded as he waved to the crowd.

Somehow the chain around his neck with his token suddenly felt more like a noose put on by a hangman.

Kaen sipped his tea as he watched Fiola sitting on the other couch in her office smiling at him like he was a piece of meat to possibly purchase in a market.

“You know it might just be easier to get this over with,” Fiola declared as she leaned back against her couch. “You got what you wanted, and now I believe we have a deal to complete.”

Kaen nodded and sat down his cup on its little plate.  Glancing at Fiola, he wondered if she wore this black pantsuit outfit on purpose.  The color seemed very disheartening to him as if he had been led here by an executioner.

“I won’t ask why you want it, but I am curious about why me,” Kaen informed her as he slowly fondled his silver token.  “I know you have a reason, and I have come to realize it has to do with my dad somehow.  I don’t know the exact reasons, but I believe in time, I may understand.  Do you wish to share anything with me before I do?”

Fiola smirked and shook her head no.
“I have risked much for what I feel is a fair price in return for what I gave you.  Rumor has already spread that the king may offer you an invitation to his palace soon to see this rising star in the guild.  Even my fellow guild masters and the council cannot deny you earned what you wear around your neck.  Who knew that this quest would take the turn that it did.”

Kaen felt his lifestone surge when Fiola said that last sentence.  His mind and his stone called out to him, and he sat there staring at her with a blank face.  Had she known there were more than just a few standard orcs?  Was there any chance at all she knew of the tier three orc?

Resisting the urge to press further, Kaen suppressed the fire he felt building up in his chest.  Something about this seemed wrong now.  It left a bad taste in his mouth, but until he could speak privately with Hess, there was nothing he could say or do about it at the moment.

“Very well, I will honor my part of the bargain.”

Simple Status Check


Kaen Marshell - Adolescent

Age  - 17

HP  - 242/242

MP - 0/0

STR - 19

CON - 19

DEX - 29

INT - 13

WIS - 15


Fiola’s eyes betrayed her as they dilated with excitement.  The rest of her body was rigid like a statue.  Her breathing never changed as Kaen informed her of each stat.  Many great gamblers had mastered the art of giving no physical tell, but the eyes are a pathway to the soul, Hess had said to him many times.

“That is impressive,” Fiola declared as she finally ventured to speak.  “I cannot imagine all of the things Hess must have made you do to achieve stats as high as that.”

Kaen nodded and shrugged.

“I broke a lot of rocks, ran a lot of miles, and dodged an assortment of projectiles for many years.  Sleep was a privilege I earned.  Food was also a part of my training,” Kaen lied.  “I think any young man or woman who gets a chance to live how I did and be trained by a man like Hess could have stats similar to mine.”

Fiola narrowed her eyes as she tried to read Kaen.  She could tell he was telling the truth, but she also felt he was leaving something out.

“And you swear those are your stats, and you are not lying about them?”

Kaen stood and put his hand over his lifestone.

“I swear the numbers I just shared are my actual ones.”

Fiola smiled when she heard that and moved to stand up.

She smoothed out her black pants and then extended her hand as she leaned over the table that separated them.

“It has been a pleasure getting to know you, Kaen Marshell.”

Kaen nodded and shook Fiola’s hand.  After shaking it, he gave a slight bow.

“I cannot wait till next time,” Fiola stated with a wink.  “Be safe out there and do your best as you protect our kingdom.”

Kaen nodded and exited the room.  As the massive double doors shut behind him, he swore he heard a cackle coming from Fiola just before the doors sealed shut and the runes which blocked sound engaged.

Staring at him across the room was Hess.

Kaen smiled and walked toward him.  He had so much to say.


James Squibb

I am curious if you there will be a Fiola POV chapter or section. That laugh is interesting as it could mean multiple things!

James Squibb

Awesome! Looking forward to the machinations behind the scenes!