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A week passed and Vreek had kept his promise. Each day I was bruised and battered. If there was a goblin or orc in the inner camp I had not fought yet, it was only because they had just earned a place in the circle. Vreek had assaulted me with sheer numbers, massive orcs, my own sons, and combinations of everything else. I had cuts and a few scars from where I had been struck. The worst part was after all the training I had accomplished, the thing most of them talked about was the facial hair growing on my chin.

Most commented on it because only those who grew strong enough, like Brar, ever had facial hair. Orcs and goblins started to grow a top knot as they progressed. All of Brar’s captains and most of the first three rings of warriors had hair on their heads. It was a sign of their strength and they displayed it proudly. To have facial hair was something most would never expect to achieve.

For the moment all I wanted to do was eat this bowl of food in peace before I had to head back down to the training grounds in a bit. I did not need another orc or goblin coming by and commenting on my scars or scruff.


I knew it was Dirk who had yelled out my name, even though his voice had changed. It had gotten deeper and sounded less like a shriek. Perhaps goblins had puberty too.

I kept shoveling the food into my mouth. I knew he would come over here in a moment. Glancing down in my bowl I noticed I had been spooning an empty container. I whistled and the cook saw me and I lifted up two fingers. He nodded and sent a goblin to me with two bowls. As I lowered my hand I felt that bracelet slide down on my wrist. I knew everyone in the camp expected great things out of me. Brar had been right. Being in charge carried a responsibility that sometimes felt overwhelming.

Dirk made it to me just as the goblin arrived.

“Great thinking! I’m starving!” Dirk exclaimed.

I watched as he easily picked up a log that would have given him trouble a month ago to move. Now he moved it like it was nothing more than a small stone. His body reminded me a bit of when he was on the soccer field. No fat and shredded beyond belief. He and Turk had always worked out, trying to be in shape and look good.

“Have you talked to Turk lately?”

Handing him a bowl I sat there looking at him for a moment.

I could see him shifting under my gaze.

“You ok? Is something wrong?”

“I’m fine. Just a lot on my mind. Still a bit sore from the other day when you and your brother beat me up.”

Dirk laughed and pointed his spoon at me before he used it.

“I think we remember that event differently. You beat the two of us up and we managed to only get a few hits in. I remember being sore for a few days after that. Turk thought you broke his ribs when you kicked him.”

I chuckled and let out a sigh.

“You are right. I did kick both of your butts. Perhaps someday you two will be good enough to take me on.”

Dirk nodded and started eating. I had not been able to spend the time I wanted with the two of them but I had obligations to keep if I was going to protect them. Dirk had risen to the third rank in the Blackhand. The only thing he lacked was experience, he said. His ability to sneak up on anyone and his skill with daggers and poisons were supposedly unbelievable from what Brar told me.

Turk had become proficient in magic during all the time I had been training. Between his time with May and time spent with Brar, books, and some trainer Brar had summoned, Turk could now cast magic and shoot a bow with deadly accuracy. Brar believed that Turk would one day evolve into a new path no goblin had ever achieved before.

“So what did you come over to see me about?” I asked.

Dirk finished swallowing and glanced around.

“Turk says he is fluent in the language of the land. May says there is not much more he could teach and only practice will improve it. Turk also says that May is getting restless. The two women Brar sent have kept him placated for the moment but Turk said eventually we must do what we talked about.”

I growled and spit on the ground. That whole ordeal left a bad taste in my mouth.

Brar had managed to get two women who would do what I asked. The cost had been humorous to him. Both of them wanted a child with me. Neither would go into May’s tent until I had performed what was required.

I still had not told the boys about what I had done but I knew they must have heard about it from someone in the camp.

For two nights both of the women joined me in a tent and had their way with me. Both women were attractive and strong, something like a female bodybuilder and I tried to enjoy it but I still felt a connection to my wife that I could not shake. I did what was required to make this plan work. I learned how much the woman controlled the act of sex for orcs and goblins. They told me how they wanted it and when I was not doing it right they made sure to adjust me or them.

After the second night, both announced they were pregnant and that they would now fulfill their side of the deal. They felt it was funny when I got embarrassed that they complimented me on my ability to perform and do the things they desired. Part of me did feel a little honored knowing I still had it after all this time.

Brar told me that both of them should give birth in a month. He was not certain though since I was no longer just a goblin. Goblins, I found out, could have a child with almost any humanoid species and the birthing time was quick. It was one of the reasons the three races feared us. In the past, the number of goblin children had exploded as the goblin race had ravaged so many different races. It was the main reason they had forged an alliance to defeat us.

Turning my attention back to Dirk I saw him staring at me, waiting.

“I’ll talk to Brar then,” I stated with a small groan. “He has a few things left to teach me and then we will prepare for the attack on the city. Go tell Vreek there is no training today and to find me later.”

Dirk nodded and stood up. As he started to walk away I called out his name.

He turned around and looked at me.

“I’m proud of you. Know what I do next is for you and Turk,” I told him.

Dirk walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder and leaned in next to my ear.

“I know Dad. If you were not here I doubt either one of us would be either. I love you too,” he whispered.

He walked off and I sat there trying to keep tears from forming in my eyes. Crying was not allowed.

“Are you sure about this?” Brar said as he was drumming his fingers on the side of his staff. His eyes were almost glowing right now.

“I am. It is time. Are you ready for this?”

He nodded and put his finger on the map where we had been moving pieces around.

“This is where the first group of goblins will come out,” he informed me. “There will be about forty in that group. The farms and people there will be their target. The ones here will be a few captains and Blackhand. They will secure the road to the town from this direction. If anyone comes they will do their best to stop them or delay them. There should be no travelers at night on the road but it is better to be safe. If they cannot win they will run and try to lead them away.”

Brar took a few stones and pushed them up from the south side of town.

“Here I will have twenty goblins and orcs to draw out some of the soldiers. They will engage from a distance but they will flee back into the woods if they are pressed. I will not risk them but I realize you need them for this to work.”

I nodded and put the colored green stone at the entrance to the city.

“My group will enter here. The twenty orcs you send and the ten goblins with them will deal with the townspeople. They will stay far enough back to not get caught in our fighting. You also have a captain in mind to manage them and defend them if need be?”

Brar nodded and continued pointing at the map while he talked. “There are a lot of pieces to this. I am committing a large portion of my camp. Once you and the others start towards the town I will move my camp. We will relocate further down the stream and deeper into the forest. I need some to keep some warriors here to deal with any animals or creatures we encounter.”

It made sense. Both of us knew even if I did my best to leave a trail of destruction, some might follow their trail back here. It would be better the further away they got from what we were about to do.

“You are still good with me keeping Vreek?”

Brar chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder.

“He is yours now. I know you feel the weight of lives like I do. Some think I am cruel and mean for how I deliver justice and punishment. Orcs and goblins are nasty creatures. We fight and are moody. Young ones only care about themselves. They operate on fear. Those of us in power know the need for them. We know their weaknesses and their strengths. In order to survive as a group we must keep them in check. Harsh penalties remind them of the need for obedience.” Brar paused for a moment and tapped the map way off to the east. "Someday I hope we can have our home back. A place where goblins and orcs can feel safe enough that we will not have to live this way."

Brar walked over to where his chair was and he moved a few bags that were stacked up behind it. He reached down and pulled out an object wrapped in a cloth.

“Come and take this Zolb. This was sent by the King and arrived a few days ago.”

I strode over and held out my hands and watched as Brar unfolded the cloth to reveal a black-handled sword in a black metal and leather scabbard. It seemed to suck the light from the room. I could feel the power from it and I was not even holding it. He put the sword in my hand and let go.

The moment I put my hand around the hilt and felt the cool metal of the grip against my skin, power flowed from the sword into me. Grasping the black scabbard I slid the sword out and stared at the blade. It was pure black and it seemed to hunger and thirst in my hand.

“That sword is Light Drinker. It will cancel out some of the holy spells healers and paladins cast as well as occasionally curse them. One of its greatest strengths is its ability to heal you as you kill people.”

Brar thumped his staff on the ground to get my attention.

“Listen to what I say. The King himself sent that sword to you. He took it from his personal vault. He expects you to do great things with it. He also has this for you.”

Brar held out his hand and I noticed he had a gold ring in it. This one had three black stones in it.

“From the King?”

He nodded.

“He will not reach out to you until he feels you have earned a name to be feared. Do your best to put the fear of goblins and orcs into the hearts of these pink-skinned children. Only then will you one day find a way to hopefully live in peace with your sons.”

I chuckled.

“I would like to thank you for your friendship but that might be dangerous. Are orcs and goblins allowed to have friends?”

Brar shrugged and made a weird face.

“Let us call ourselves brothers. I promise you that I will do all that I can to support you as you support our kind.”

I nodded and slid the sword back into its scabbard and then paused for a moment.

“I almost forgot. Can you show me how to use this bracelet?”

Brar laughed and then walked up to me and slapped me on the shoulder.

“I was waiting for the day you would ask.”


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