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Few big things to chat about!


So its crazy to announce that I finished the first draft of book 6 for UL1. I still need to go back and do some editing / changes but it just flew from my head! Chapter 330 is where we end book 6 (so obv 100+ more chapters ahead).

3 more books to go and we wrap this part of the series up! Super pumped to get at it.

That said - some have asked if there will be more than 9 books.

The short answer is I'll wrap the series up in 9. My 'end' goal is done. After that I have a few other books in mind for beyond that finish if people want it but I also want to have a hard 'ending' which I feel is important to any reader.


Book 2 is going good - writing chapters and working through the story I got in my head and on paper. Looking forward to some fights that are coming and how things go.

Book 3 - I'm going to need some names again - So stay tuned for those. We're going to hit the realm of the dwarves and I'm excited to get to there. As always, I'm super excited to get to sprinkle your contributions of names in these books, hoping that you will enjoy knowing a piece of you is in them.

Time Loop

Haha - I'm trying to get a chapter written here or there. Kids go back to school middle of next week and I'll have a little more time. Focusing on Viking right now as I want to get a bigger backlog and have some time to edit more.

Don't worry though, I'll be doing some extra work on the series and making some changes. Makes me happy to know many of you did like it though and I appreciate the Feedback.

Changes in Release Schedule

Ok, ignore my original statement that I will be going 4x a week for now in September. To keep my UL1 scheduled date, we need to stay at 5x a week, so you're going to get 5x a week :) I'm sure no one will complain about having to endure humpday without a chapter.

Dragon Con

Aug 28th-Sept 2nd I'll be in Atlanta, Georgia for this con. If you're there, I'll have some info each day on where to find me :) Might be doing some contests/give aways for those lucky enough to make it! Just have to wait and see!

As always, thanks again for the support!


Thaddeus Lemelle II

Really excited for more UL1, and Time Loop. Got my little one starting school next week too.