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Sweat poured off everyone's back as they dug the pits where Osvif had marked them.  

Time was their enemy, and the scouts were further out, closer to the lake and stream area, making sure the trolls didn’t approach while they worked.

Everything was done as quietly as possible and more logs were lowered on the into the holes, being driven into the pits.

Three had been dug, all only four feet deep but about seven feet wide and fifteen feet long.  The goal was to main and injure the trolls as they brought them into the killing box they were setting up.

Wires were run in a maze, the newest ones which Osvif said were stronger thanks to Nienna’s constant guidance and technique.

Each Viking had a new axe blade, and all of them were anxious to test them out.  Slightly lighter, but also sharper and stronger.  

“Einar!” Osvif yelled as quietly as possible. “Be ready to pull!”

Giving his friend a thumbs up, he motioned to Skardi and Hallad.

Each of them gripped the thick rope that was tied to a log, sharpened on one end.  The other group had theirs in position as well. All that remained was pulling them into position and ensuring the distance was where Osvif said they needed to be.

“Did you ever hit Osvif in the head with a stone when you were younger?”

Unable to help it, Einar laughed at Skardi’s joke.

“No but I mentioned doing it multiple times.  He’s always been sharp.  Some of us can’t be the size of you, Hallad and Thorodd.”

“True, but both of you makeup for your shortcomings in other ways.”

A chuckle came from the warrior at the back.

“You’re more than your size, Skardi.  Don’t ever think I picked you because of who your father is or just because you are tall.”

“I never thought that till now,” the giant replied, turning around and winking. “Still, I often wondered why you picked me out of so many others.  Pity, to show off, my father, or any of another hundred reasons.”

Sighing, Einar gave a quick whistle and the three of them pulled as Osvif held his hands up.

The rope was tight and the weight of the log wasn’t near as bad now that it was suspended above on two long ropes.  Instead it just needed steady tension to keep it from slipping and swinging across the clearing.


All three stopped moving and stood there, waiting for Osvif to decide if they were done.

“I picked you because of the warrior you are and the warrior you will become.  If you don’t believe me, ask everyone of these men here.  The ability you have with an axe, combined with your natural strength and skill, will make you a combination of Hallad and Thorodd in time.  

“You, Skardi, are a gem that just needs some polish.  Soon you’ll be bright enough on your own and that shadow I see you always trying to escape from won’t be there anymore.”

“Stop flirting and just kiss the man or at least buy him an ale,” Hallad said. “I ain’t got time to listen to this kind of foreplay unless you bring one of those Elven warriors over here.”

Skardi laughed and said nothing else.

Some day Skardi, you’ll be a warrior greater than your father ever was.  If only you could see the thread I feel that is connected between us. 


“We need to decide what to do,” Lyeneru whispered. “The trolls aren’t here and they might not move this way until tomorrow or a few more days.  Raihan said he couldn’t spot them, which means they are probably off on the other side of the lake.”

“Best to return tomorrow then,” Osvif replied, pointing at the traps. “I’ve got a brake on the ropes so unless something chews through them and then steps on that trip line, those two logs won’t move at all.  I wouldn’t worry about the wires or pitfalls either.  Unless something large steps on them at a full sprint, they won’t give away either.”

“So we head back, return in the morning.”

Everyone began to move back in the direction of camp and as they set out, Raihan made his way to where Einar stood with Lyeneru and Varitan.

“Can I bother you for a moment?”

“Sure, what’s on your mind?”

The one-eyed archer pointed at the traps they had set up, only getting to see them now after returning with the other scouts.

“It’s a good plan. A really good plan, and those platforms up above are a blessing for an archer like myself.  Even the weighted lines to get up to them seems ingenious, but what I am concerned about is how narrow those traps are set apart.”

“You seem to expect the trolls to rush in a line, not side by side or spread out even more.”

“Do you know how they will come?” Einar asked, seeing the area and the potential concern that might come from what Raihan was saying.

“I’ve only fought two trolls in my time, both in larger groups of about twenty-five warriors and each of the trolls were by themselves.  We didn’t have traps like this and now I wish we had.  Instead, we did what we always had, aim for the eyes, trust the mages to do the same by aiming spells at their face, while the warriors surrounded and attacked from all sides.

“Never once did that plan go completely as we expected.”

Pulling an arrow, he nocked it and fired it through the trees, embedding it in the bark of the first tree with the metal hooked wires.

“I can see that from here.  You can’t hide the glint of the metal and while trolls aren’t smart, they aren’t stupid either.  Maybe you get one, the first one but after that I would expect if more than one comes, they won’t repeat the same mistake as the first.

“Now you have one or two trolls that aren’t going to come down this same path.”

“Why did you wait till now to say something?”

Raihan scoffed and gave Varitan a frown.

“You said they were building traps.  When we left this morning to scout I didn’t get to see everything they had laid out.  This is the first time I really got a chance to give you my opinion.  Tell me I’m wrong.”

“I can’t.”

“So what would you recommend?” Einar asked.

Scratching his cheek, the archer tsked his teeth a few times and studied the area a little more.

“Get your short friend here so I don’t have to worry about something being left out.  I think with a little more work tomorrow, you could have a few extra spots ready to help ensure you don’t get pinched from three sides as easily and you don’t find yourselves surrounded.”

“You mean us?”

Laughing, Raihan shook his head.

“I’ll be up a tree and trust me, if this goes sideways, I’ll be one of the ones that doesn’t die.”

Lyeneru opened her mouth but Einar held up his hand.

“I said I wanted people to share their thoughts and he did.  I also think Raihan has made some good points.  Give me a moment to get Osvif and we’ll work again tomorrow until the trolls come or we head home again for the night.”


More pits were dug, dirt hauled away in wooden casks, covering the sweaty, bare chested Vikings as they worked.  Their tattoos were on full display for anyone wanting to watch, some having the same ones while a few had a different one.

At least seven times in the last two days, Einar had been asked about his chest tattoo, as none had seen it before.  

Yet no one bothered to question his answer that it was an advanced one, knowing he had a rune crafter in his pocket somewhere.

“That should do it,” Osvif announced after taking a drink from the water bucket a worker provided.  “Raihan was right.  I didn’t consider how the trolls might respond and we were not set up wide enough. The old wires that are weaker won’t do much, but make them hesitant to keep running wildly through the forest after they snag into one.”

“And all we can do now is wait,” Thorodd muttered.  “This is what I hated about hunting.  One wasn’t sure when the creature they sought would actually appear.”

“Have everyone eat and get into position,” Einar said as he motioned to the groups who were moving the tools further back into the woods and away from where the fighting was supposed to take place.  “I want to be ready if the horn comes. Also, make sure Bodalf has that goat ready to go.”

“That will teach someone to show how fast they are when running.  It’s one of the reasons why I always stayed near the back of the pack.”

“And not your short legs?” Thorodd teased.

“Maybe those as well.”


Another day had passed and when the first scouts came back, Einar was excited, each warrior immediately moving into position.

“Are they close?”

“No, but they are on our side of the lake and moving slowly.  The three of them are together.  One is a few feet shorter from what we could tell but I believe tomorrow they might finally make it here.”

Frowning, Einar waved everyone off and watched as Lyeneru drew close.

“Tomorrow they say.  Can we pull back the other scouts?”

“I can go,” the taller of the two scouts who had returned said. “I’ll track and find them.”

Lyeneru nodded at the elf who immediately took off, bounding like a deer through the forest and moving with a grace that made Einar wonder just how fast the man was.

“One more good night's sleep and then tomorrow we'll see what the gods have in store for us.  Tell me, are your people still excited about all this?  I notice the two warriors stay near the healers most of the time.”

Grinning, she motioned to the four with her head.

“You do realize that your warriors are slightly different than our men and sometimes they can be a little… forward and crass.”

“I have mentioned that a few times, but they think I’m a fool.  Don’t worry, I’ll have a talk with the offending pair.”

“How did you know it was a pair?”

“I have eyes and ears.  It’s also not the first time I’ve been around Vikings who like to talk big.”

“According to them,” Lyeneru replied, “everything about a Viking is big.”

Groaning, Einar nodded and gave a sharp whistle, summoning everyone to him.


A shout came from the direction Bodalf and Lyeneru had headed out.

Another pair of roars echoed through the trees, bouncing off them and silencing the birds that had finally begun to sing, now accustomed to the presence of everyone below.

Crashing sounds and thundering steps announced the presence of multiple trolls and when Einar could finally see his Viking and the ranger coming toward them, dodging one trap, sliding under the wire, moving along the small section of dirt between the pitfalls and jumping over the log tripwire.


Her voice didn’t have the usual tone of life in it. Gone was the soft tone that could make one smile the more Lyeneru spoke.  

Instead was a hint of fear.  

Everyone hoped that they could somehow draw just one or two by themselves.  No one wanted to face three trolls like this head on, no matter how much they had prepared.  

Gods watching or not, this wasn’t a fight anyone wanted to do with only twenty fighters.  

Studying the field before him, Einar held his new shield, grateful for the added protection of the metal and knowing it wasn’t going to do much against a real hit.

Hallad and Starkard were both on opposite sides, their new shields in hand, larger, thicker and carrying a spear.

Each Viking had weapons ready, waiting for the call.

Glancing upward, the trees had their fighters ready, standing on platforms thirty feet above.

As the first troll came running toward them, Einar saw it was as large as the first one they had faced.  The same greenish hue of moss and also what looked like slime covered its skin.  Another gnawed on tree trunk, stained with what must be blood, in its left hand.

Worse yet, the troll behind the first, three feet taller, appeared.  

Odin, Thor, Freyr… heck anyone! Protect us!

As Bodalf made it to the center of the killing zone, he cut the rope, depositing the goat he had slaughtered to lure them with blood.  There he and Einar stood, shoulder to shoulder as the Viking picked up the shield and spear waiting for him.

“For Odin!”

“For Odin!” Einar shouted, matching his warrior's cry.


Stuart Nathan

"Glancing upward, the trees had their fighters ready, standing on platforms thirty feet above." Should that be archers not fighters?

