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RePlant System Active

Day: 60

Daily System Credit: 2

Consumed Credit: 539

[Spend Credit?]

No… it’s not time… I need more strength. Status.

[Demonic Shoot (Age: 2 Months)]

[Chi Power: 5th Stage] 600


  • {Absorb [C]}

  • {Basic Sight [C]}

  • {Basic Chi Sense [F]}

  • {Polyglot [C]}

  • {Improved Sight[A]}

  • {Basic Hearing[F]}

  • {Deeper Roots[E]}

  • {Enhanced Growth[E]}

  • {Combatative Roots[D]}

  • {Luring Scent [E]}

  • {Expanded Domain [C]}

  • {Demonic Companion [B]} - Fufu (Rank Unknown) - Able to Summon

  • {Demonic Fighting Mode [C]}

  • {Empowered Body[D]}

So, I was right. Six hundred chi is my cap… 

Haylock was frustrated when the chi from both disciples stopped and the system notified him he couldn’t absorb any more. He pestered Nini, and after about twenty minutes of motions, drawings, and a lot of flower shaking, she gave him a wild chi ball. None of it was added to his total.

I guess I’ll have to wait till I reach level six… not sure how long that will take, though.

A soft hum came from inside the tent behind him, and Haylock felt a little joy at knowing Mimi was slowly starting to recover.  She had woken up late yesterday evening, and after eating a little bit of food and getting some water, she was asleep in a few seconds, snoring all night long.

“My, how my little flower has grown,” Mimi said as she made her way out of the tent.  She used the staff Nini had cut for her, looking less certain of each step as she moved into the sunlight.  

Haylock held up a vine before her, offering it if the woman could figure out to take it, but Mimi just smiled and nodded at him.

“You look very strong.  No need to show off.  Now tell me where that granddaughter of mine is?”

Pointing toward the house, Haylock knew Nini had been up early, already meditating for a few before telling him she was going to go cook some food.

Fufu… let Nini know her grandmother is out here.

His bond with the rabbit elicited a sense of acknowledgment, and a high-pitched squeal followed a moment later.  Soon, both the teen and the rabbit were coming toward Mimi in a sprint.

“Grandmother! You should be resting! Let me get you a seat!”

Nini was glancing around, trying to find something her grandmother might use, when the old woman grunted and shook her head.

“Hush, child, I’m fine.  I’ve been on my back for at least two days.  The last thing I want to do is sit right now.  Tell me, what happened after that water cultivator attacked?”

“Oh, that’s a long story,” Nini replied, frowning. “Are you certain you don’t want to sit down?”

Leaning against the staff, Mimi nodded. “Just get on with it,” she groaned.

Mimi’s face had only betrayed her once during the telling of the fight with the earth cultivators.  When Nini mentioned having struck a deal with Racha, the old woman’s face went taunt, wrinkles vanishing from her cheek and eyes, instead appearing as folds along the top of her head.

“And now, I am just working on absorbing the chi I have gained from the wild orbs,” Nini said as she tapped the ugly belt buckle.  The thing had a hideous-looking woman’s face on it, and it appeared a cow, or something was perhaps pooping on her.  Haylock wasn’t certain, but he was glad no one wanted him to wear it.  “Maybe a week now at best, and I should be in the fourth stage.”

Sighing, Mimi gave a tight smile and moved to where Haylock was.  She ran her hand up and down his reinforced shaft and then gave it a good thump.

“Thank you for protecting me and my granddaughter.  I can tell you have grown even more.  Are you completely full of chi?”

Haylock nodded his flower, and the older woman flashed a toothy smile at him.  

“I can see how bright you are and how it is coursing through your whole body. It seems you have been practicing what I showed you. We’ll need to find another way to get you through the ranks—perhaps more creatures or people.”

“What about my bargain? Are you ignoring it?” Nini asked, her voice sounding defeated.

“In the moment, it sounded like a good plan,” the older woman replied, leaning a little less on the staff now. I wish I could say the story he spun was true, but only time will tell. An ally on the inside would be an asset, but if he is an ally for them, now inside our circle…”

Mimi trailed off, her eyes taking in the destruction that covered her once beautiful flower garden, wall, and open area.  

“You will need to fix this child.  Some good hard labor will help you with that chi and finding the next rank.  Don’t be fooled. A strong body is just as important as a strong core.”

Groaning, Nini nodded.

“Now then, go get me something to eat.  I want to sit and meditate near our protector.”

Without waiting for any more instructions, Nini turned and started to walk off, her head angled toward the ground.

“Nini, wait.”

When the teen girl had spun around, she saw the smile on Mimi’s face.

“I’m proud of you, my child.  You defended the property and faced down cultivators higher than you.  Our ancestors and the heavens bore witness to your bravery and honor.”

The sad, beaten-down expression on Nini’s face was gone in a moment. Praise like that didn’t come often from her grandmother, if ever, and now the young girl had her head up straight, shoulders back, and moved with pride.

“Now, go fetch us something to eat. I’ll help you meditate after.”

Nini was gone, running this time, a smile plastered on her face and a pink rabbit right behind her.

“Tell me, flower,” Nini said with a sigh, “did she do well?”

Haylock nodded.  He had been impressed with how the young woman had held her own.  If this had happened back on earth, Haylock would have crapped his pants and offered them anything they wanted.

“That is good to hear.  Now then, let me see your vine.  If you’ll let me I’d like to try and absorb some of your chi. I want to test something.”

Haylock wondered what Mimi wanted to do, but he knew there was no way he could tell her no. She had given him life, helped him grow, and made him into the flower he was.  

Surely, she wouldn’t do anything bad to me.

Moving his vine to where the old woman could grab it, he watched as she studied it, sliding her hands back and forth, avoiding the thorns that would easily cut skin if sliced across.  She pulled the knife she had on her belt and showed it to him.

“Don’t fight me. This shouldn’t hurt too bad.”

Moving his flower up and down, he relaxed, calming himself down, drawing the chi away from the area Mimi pointed to.

Haylock wished he could have cursed after Mimi cut into his vine.  Her blade seemed to cut so easily, and it shocked him, feeling the thick skin part like it was paper thin.  Black blood began to ooze from the wound, thick and syrupy.  

She put her knife away, glanced up at Haylock, and grinned.

“Ok, this part might hurt a bit.  Just remember, I’m not intending to harm you.”

Haylock roared as his mouth opened.  Birds all around the property left their perches in trees, and even Nini came running out.

It felt like Mimi was trying to pull the ball of chi from his core and to the cut she had made.  

His roots had started to move in her direction, and he had to fight the urge to pierce her.

“I know!” Mimi shouted, her hand moving in a cupping motion, pulling a ball of blood from the wound that had a portion of his chi inside it.  “Almost done!”

It took maybe ten seconds at most, but it felt like an eternity.  

“Finished,” Mimi said, letting go of his root with an iron grip.  “Just so you know, that is what Nini felt when you took her chi from her.”

The corner of the old woman’s lips was turned upward slightly as she moved the ball of black blood around in the air, studying it and spinning it around quickly.  Slowly, she brought it closer to her pursed lips.

“Mimi!” Nini shouted. “Don’t!”

Her grandmother turned her head and saw the concerned look on her granddaughter's face.

“I’ll be fine. You know how this works.  Eventually, when you’re strong enough, you’ll do the same.”

With that said the old woman turned her face back to the ball of black blood and drank it quickly.  Not a drop was spared, and Haylock felt something weird inside him.

Black and red lines appeared on Mimi’s face, starting from her red eyes which blazed like a ruby with a light shining through it.  They raced across the old woman’s face, covering her nose, cheeks, and even her lips.  

Spasms began to take place, and Nini started to cry as her grandmother stood there shaking like someone having a seizure.

Haylock’s vines whipped out and carefully encircled the woman who was moaning loudly.  

Without warning, the white-haired woman leaned her head back, and an unholy sound came from her open mouth, chi that he could sense leaving as she let out a primal roar.

Then she went limp in his grasp, and Nini rushed forward.

What in the hell was that!



Is she do demonic cultivation by using the flower’s nectar or blood as a catalyst. So now she can cultivate similar to his type by draining from monsters and other cultivators.