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Kaen and Pammon were waiting in the area where Foros and Tazorath had been setting the stones inside the outer walls of the capital.

I’m impressed.  Seems they realized sooner than later the number of stones that might be too small.

“And there are at least sixty stones here.  I guess they didn’t want to go back and start again.”

Both dragon and rider laughed, watching as Foros and Tazorath each came with a large stone in their claws.

They have grown, even with less food than I know they would prefer.  I can see the muscles that I did not have at their age.

“That’s because you spent more time playing.”

Pammon huffed, and Kaen chuckled, feeling the acknowledgment but frustration at his statement.


Phillip and Frederick were coming from the wall, looking a bit worn out but also displaying a few extra muscles than a week ago.

They have grown as well.  Perhaps you do know a thing or two about training people.

“Hey boys!” Kaen shouted back, watching as both of them started to race toward him, pickaxes swinging in each hand as they ran.

One of them will figure out that running like that isn’t intelligent.

I agree.  Now tell me, how many days do we want them to rest before I break their spirits again?

Pammon thrummed and considered what both groups would need to recover.  Foros and Tazorath started to descend only a hundred yards from the ground, each displaying their teeth in a smile, knowing the task was finally complete.

You two have done well, Pammon praised his children.  I am proud to see that you made good choices as well as getting stronger.

We owe our mothers for the food they brought us.  I haven’t seen anything beyond a rabbit in the last few days.

Pammon smiled and saw Foros. His golden eyes watched his sire as he spoke.

You, Tazorath, look to be getting stronger as well. Your mother will be very excited to hear how much you have grown.

A trill came from his daughter as she gently set the rock on the ground.

I am grateful for your instruction.  I can tell a difference now in how long I can fly and what I can carry.

Kaen smiled and shook both young men’s hands as they arrived, dropping the tools on the ground and panting from their race.

“I almost had you,” Phillip said between breaths.  “That stupid series of holes slowed me down.”

Frederick nodded and stretched, looking at his dragon as Tazorath flew toward him.

“Tell me we are going to get at least a day off,” Frederick asked, returning his attention to Kaen.

“I’m still waiting on Pammon to decide how many days you need before we start the next part of training.”

Both groaned at Kaen’s choice of words.

“How many will we need?” Phillip said, repeating the words they knew held their next stage of training. “Do we want to know what is coming next?”

Kaen shook his head and grinned.  “Nope, but just enjoy the time you get.  You deserved it.  I would make sure you eat and sleep.”

Reaching out and scratching a few scales on Pammon’s leg, he turned and saw his dragon watching him.

Three days. You four have three days until you must meet us at the pass to the north. I suggest you prepare a little more this time. Bring some extra food and clothes.

Pammon leaned down and put his head near Phillip and Frederick.

You two also need to make sure to bring rope.  Lots of rope.

Both boys nodded, refusing to allow their bodies to step back from Pammon's presence like they wanted to.


Pammon nodded, turned back to his children, and moved forward, giving each of them a few gentle rubs with his chin before returning to his original spot.

“You heard Pammon,” Kaen said, shifting his gaze between men and dragons.  “Phillip and Frederick, get on Pammon.  Foros and Tazorath, go ahead and head wherever you want.”

Both dragons turned and moved to where their riders were, each spending a moment with a little scratching of scales before the red and silver-scaled dragons took flight and made a beeline toward their caves.

“Can you drop us off at Hess and Sulenda’s Inn?” Frederick asked. “I know we smell, but we can get some food there and see our parents before heading back to our place.”

Kaen nodded and watched as the two boys grabbed their tools and moved toward Pammon.

Three days.  You’re very generous.

Pammon thrummed, ignoring the glances the two boys gave him.

I have no doubt that may not be enough for what is coming.  Just exactly how many trees are you planning on cutting down?

Kaen smiled and shrugged.

A large part of the forest… Enough for you to teach your children to fly.

Thrumming louder, Pammon smiled, his massive teeth on display as both boys groaned.

“We’re totally getting screwed,” Phillip declared.

Nodding, Frederick sighed.


Pammon hovered above the forest, shock and awe coming through their bond as they looked down at what the two boys had done over the last two weeks.

If you had told me this plan and we had bet on it two weeks ago, I would have lost.  You really do know them better than I can believe.

Rubbing Pammon’s neck, Kaen took the compliment and smiled.  He was looking through Pammon’s eyes and saw what amazed his dragon.

That is wide enough, correct?  You can use Glynnis and teach them to fly through that run.  It isn’t as good as the one we had back in Roccnari, but it was the best we could do in only two weeks.

Pammon thrummed and shook his head.

Only two weeks… It took us a few months, with the help of the elves, to build our course.  I’m not confident they would like to know you were able to accomplish what you did with those boys.

I agree… now let’s go down there and see how the transportation of those logs is going.


Kaen watched as Phillip and Frederick finished cutting two trees into more manageable sections.  Each had their shirt off and only wore some pants and boots.

Their hands were covered in calluses from the labor they had done over the last three weeks.  Each of their muscles looked ready to burst through their skin.  Food had been plenty, but the amount of work they put in every day had stripped their bodies of any ounce of fat.  Nothing about them looked like a boy about to be seventeen years old soon.

You definitely did not look like that at seventeen.

Kaen nodded and said nothing.  Pammon was correct.  Had Hess tried to push him like this, there was no doubt in Kaen’s mind that he would have fought and complained about it every day.  Yet every moment these boys trained, Kaen knew their commitment and trust in him.  They were a totally different class of worker.

I’m going to go help them.  I could probably use a little exercise also.

Groaning, Pammon watched as Kaen jogged to the area with the axes.

Turning his neck, Pammon looked at his two children, who were waiting for their rider to attach the rope to the harness they had created for them to help drag logs.

Tell me, are you two ok with what this training has required of you?

Tazorath took a deep breath and let it out before she chose to speak.

While I would prefer not to be turned into a mule or some other common animal, it is hard to argue with the results.  Look at Foros and his back legs.  They have grown as mine have from the work we have done.

Foros trilled at the comment from his sister for a brief moment.

We both have grown stronger.  Tazorath has gained more size than I thought she might.  Mother warned me that she would not be as large as me, but it appears she will eventually outgrow Mother.

Pammon thrummed and moved to give an affectionate touch to his children.

You both are correct.  This training may seem beneath you, but Kaen has years of seeing what worked for us and is making sure you two are prepared for what is coming.  I told you that we have only half a year before you must show the world how strong you are.

Snorting, Foros shook his head and bent backward, adjusting one of the ropes with his snout.

Should I ask what is coming up after this?

Pammon grinned and gazed at both of his children.  Pride and love overwhelmed him.

You two will be spending a few weeks with me and Glynnis.

Foros and Tazorath glanced at each other, locking eyes for a moment before looking at their sire.

I’m unsure if I should be afraid or excited, Tazorath said as a shiver ran through her spine.

Thrumming, Pammon gave each of them another moment of physical affection before sensing Kaen coming toward him.

“Push, and I’ll pull!” Kaen shouted.

The rope he had slung over his shoulders was tight, and Phillip stood next to Frederick, hands outstretched as they pressed against the tree trunk they had hacked into a smaller section.

All three men worked together, dragging the thirty-foot section of wood toward the dragons, moving quickly through the dirt that had been packed from all the other trees that had been drug and rolled over it.

Pammon backed up, watching both boys smile as Kaen showed off, doing far more work than they were.

Yes, boys, he is showing off.

Laughter came as the two stopped pushing, watching the tree continue, albeit slightly slower, in the same direction Kaen was moving.

The rope strained under the weight, but Kaen never missed a step.  His legs continued to drive power with each step, moving a weight that most would never imagine was possible.

You two realize he can most likely lift that if he wants to.

That’s not possible!  Is it?

Pammon turned and looked at Foros, who was watching Kaen intently.

He has done it before.

Kaen stopped dragging the log and stood up, sighing as he looked at Pammon.

“You’re running the moment.  I’m not here to show off, just to help!”

Frederick and Phillip caught up with Kaen and held their hands out, waiting on the rope.

“We’ll take over.  Something tells me we both need to get a little stronger,” Frederick said.

Smiling, Kaen nodded and handed both boys the ropes he held.  “I’ve got years on both of you, but I have no doubt if you two keep doing what you have been doing, there will be a day that nothing will be impossible.

Each of them smiled and got set, pulling together with practice, and the log moved again.

“Once you get these last four trees to the road, you’re done,” Kaen announced.  “After that, we’ll head back to town.”
“Where you two going?” Phillip asked, glancing over his shoulder at Kaen.

“I want to scout with Pammon for a few.  We should be back in a few hours.  I’m assuming you all will be done by then?”

We would be done faster if they played less.

Kaen chuckled and looked at Foros.

“I’m ok with them playing.  I’m also glad that you are being kinder to your sister.”

That statement caused Foros to shift his head.

I have never been –

A gentle growl from Pammon cut Foros off.

“You haven’t always been kind. While not mean, I do not mind your confidence. Just know your sister has talents that make her just as special as you are. Rejoice that you have someone to help push you to be better. If Pammon had a brother or sister like you do, something tells me he would be stronger than I can imagine.”

Pammon thrummed and shifted lower.

We need to go.  Otherwise, they will not finish, and I will not get my dinner tonight.


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