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Just a quick update on current stuff 😎. 

First of all, after finishing all the alts I decided to take a small break until the end of the month. Still, it wasnt a real break but I just took it a little slow, made a new Eunie model just for fun. Its still a work in progress, need to work on some small stuff but its nearly finished, some images are a bit outdated and the physics need some fixes. Also i always have a hard time working with Eunie for some reason, last time I did try to make something with her I had to cut it cause I didnt liked it enough, maybe with this simpler model it will be easier to have something done with her. 

Also about Brighid, I already received the audio and will take a look at it on Monday, gonna leave again for the weekend but when i come back ill start work with brighid again so theres probably a release of it soon 😎. 

That will be all for now 






Yusss, Eunie's the buss