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Added the Brighid animation to the archive and also added a Mythra VR alt of the Pyra suck animation to the Tier 2 archive 😎


Quick update!

Left a work in progress of Brighid in the archive(WIP folder), need to fix some bugs when I come back (especially the speed of her hand and fire effects), also gonna leave rendering the mythra VR alt over the weekend and release it next week

*Doc update*

Well I came back from the doc, he saw the results and told me I should go for surgery and sent me to a surgeon he knows.

So the surgeon saw my results and also did some tests and told me that he doesn't believe the cyst is causing me issues and I probably got it from birth. Also told me to just monitor it and see how it goes. The surgeon called it small so I guess it's small for a surgeon's standard (6cm). He said surgery wasn't needed cause in the CT scan it showed that it was filled with liquid but if it was solid he told me that surgery had to be done. He advised I should get a colonoscopy first cause the cyst is just vibing there not doing anything.

So I already talked again with my doc and I'm going to have a colonoscopy in the 26th, I'm a bit young for a colonoscopy but im fine with it. So now its gonna be colonoscopy and wait for results.


That will be all for now,





The VR version of the pyra animation is already available at the archive 😎. Also regarding the Brighid animation, I wanted some stuff changed in the audio so I did the VR conversion of Pyra while I waited. I already got the changes and it's ready to be worked on so I expect a release of that animation this week, sorry for the delays on that 😓

Also made a still of a request from the discord that caught my atention, it was a bit complicated working on the squish but i think it came out alright 😎


This part won't focus on my current projects but lately I've been stressed and anxious cause of some things that have been happening in my life rn, wasn't sure if I wanted to address this but it has taken a toll on my productivity sadly :smiling_face_with_tear: so I'll talk about it a bit.

Last November I think I told ya guys they found a benign tumor in my knee, well the update of that is that I went to another doctor and told me that surgery wasn't needed cause I didn't felt any pain and because it was between the bones instead of in one of them so I didn't and tbh I think it was the right call cause now I can't even see it anymore it shrank on its own or disappeared idk but it's not there anymore or at least I can't see it when I previously could with ease.

Well now I went to the gastroenterologist cause I was having issues going to the bathroom and he sent me to get an ecography ( I'm still in my 20s so they sent me to that instead of a colonoscopy) and a stool test. Don't want to get the details of the stool test but in summary there wasn't any thing to worry about in my stool besides higher amount of mucus in it but in my ecography they found something around my belly button that appears to be something named a mesenteric cyst.

A mesenteric cyst is a type of tumour that apparently is from birth and benign but there's a slim chance of it becoming malignant later on. So the doctor sent me to get a tomography to see if it's obstructing parts and causing me my difficulties to go to the bathroom and to see its size more accurately

Well I already got the tomography done and haven't gone to the doc yet (going on Wednesday) but I messaged him and according to him it's a bit big (volume of 62cc if anyone knows what that means) and that it requires more research

So that's where I'm at atm, getting found 2 tumours in less than a year of difference has gotten me really scared and anxious 😥, been going to the beach on the weekends to get my mind out of it, I think I'm a bit more calm now but I was a mess weeks ago but I'm still scared

I'm still gonna finish Brighid this month and maybe work on something else that I can show, so this month is already covered so there's no worrying on that.

That will be all for now,






Hey bro, wish you all the best and have a speedy recovery! Really love your content, do take your time to finish this, your health is more important after all


Hope you feel better. Will there be a VR of the Mythra version?


Health scares are always terrifying! Take whatever time you need! Your health matters most, both physical and mental!


Hope you're doing well Blob! The Brighid animation is absolutely perfect! Any chance we can get a VR version of that? You don't have a VR Brighid video yet and this would be amazing in VR