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Helionaut is a 3d space exploration game where you explore a galaxy of micro-planets in order to fix your TV! 
This one is pretty special, because I feel it's my personal favorite game that I made over the last 5 years. It features space and land combat, resource collection and a cool crafting system. I got Tom to do the audio for it back when we shared a house during the pandemic, which made it extra special. And there's alien news and commercial breaks on the radio by Tijmen! These days, I can't fathom that I made this in the short time frame that we were on back then... I remember feeling kind of sad that I didn't get to work on it more when it finally did release!
It's rare for me that everything in a game comes together as nicely as it did with Helionaut, so I hope you'll enjoy (re)-playing it as well!
- Ruben

Get the game through sokpop.co/patreon.

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Helionaut - Official Trailer

Official trailer for Helionaut, part of Sokpop Season #8 Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1356480 Itch: https://sokpop.itch.io/helionaut We're releasing a new game every 2 weeks! Subscribe for 3$/month at https://patreon.com/sokpop


Éric A

😍 are keys supposed to be accessible now on your website, or could it take a few days to be active?

Zach Gregory

I played through this game to 100% and it was a lot of fun! Thank you devs for hooking us up with this really entertaining game!