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Hello dear Patrons! 

I've been working hard on the game for March, but couldn't get it done before the end of the month. I decided to delay it by one week so I can get it out more polished and fun! 

No worries: you'll still be able to claim the game if you were a Patron in March through our Patreon Access page.

The game is called Toverblade, it's a magical strategy game, with deckbuilding and RPG elements. It might be my biggest Patreon game yet! :O

To give an impression I added a short sneak preview video of the game, and there's some info on the Itch page: https://sokpop.itch.io/toverblade

Thanks for your patience!

- Tom


Toverblade - coming early April


Brad Beyea

Deck-building 👀 yes please


Looks amazing - and worth the wait!


getting dizzy looking at those screenshots. reminds me of a gone crazy chromatic abberation effect

Daniel Russell

We will gladly take a more polished version in exchange for patience. Thank you much!