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Hey gamers! The second game of February is called Hamster All-Stars. It's a hamster betting game where you build chaotic race tracks for cute hamsters. After building a cool track you bet on who will win to earn credits. Use these credits to unlock all kinds of objects, like bumpers, funnels & tubes. You can make some really intricate and weird tracks! It was inspired by marble racing videos on YouTube. I'm really happy with how the game ended up looking and playing, I think the tracks are fun to build and the hamsters are silly and fun to watch :) Enjoy!
- Aran






Hi. I've been trying to open Hamster All-Stars mac os 11.2.1, and the computer keeps telling my I don't have permission to open it. I've tried all the tricks I know (like control-clicking the icon, etc). Is there anything else I should try? Sorry to be a bummer.

Rugbug Redfern

This is so cute! Can't wait to play it.


Hey Demian, someone in the Discord ran into the same issue and mentioned going into terminal and typing the following command fixed it: chmod +x Hamster\ All-Stars_v1.0.0.app/Contents/MacOS/Hamster\ All-Stars Fixes




Not only did that work, I had to figure out how the terminal works! Thanks (and thanks for the person who figured it out).


The interface for placing blocks is kinda goofy when you adjust their height.


Have you considered randomizing which tube is blue and which is red post-betting? So you don't know before you bet which color will come out of which tube? As it is, changes to the course can make it easier for one or the other color to more easily succeed. An extreme example being intentionally blocking the red tube and betting on blue, but the subtle examples, and wondering if I am making it easier for one or the other group, is a question I'm facing.


Having massive fun with the game right now but I'm also having trouble with the elevator item. It seems like it's not able to pick up any of the hamsters? The paddles go right through the hamsters so it fails to push the hamsters up the elevator. Does it need to placed in a particular way?