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Hey gamers! It's been a while, but it's finally time for a new Sokpop takeover :) For the Sokpop takeover, we commission our favorite developers to make a new game for the Patreon as a bonus. This way, we can support other creators as well as give you something extra!

Takeover #2 is Human Souvenir by Shaman Garage:

You just returned from a vacation in planet Earth. You wanted to stay longer, but you did not have any more vacation days left... Instead, you bought a Human Souvenir to relive your memories of interacting with Earth Humans. And, of course, to impress your colleagues that you own a Human now.

Human Souvenir is an arcade toy-like game in which you are tasked with fulfilling the ever-changing needs of an Earth Human. The Souvenir includes a party mode, mimicking the parties you attended to watch Earth Humans dance funny. Since the Earth Human had to be genetically modified to fit into the Souvenir, it tends to be even pickier than their original form. So, be aware that your Souvenir will require constant attention! Don't worry if you don't manage though, we figured out a way to unlock Earth Human Reincarnation, so you will never run out of Humans to play with. This toy is not intended for aliens younger than 300 light years. Play at your own (and the Earth Human's) risk. 

Enjoy the game! Get it through sokpop.co/patreon or buy it seperately here.

Much love,

Sokpop & Shaman Garage


Sokpop Takeover #2 - Human Souvenir

Buy it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2817970/Human_Souvenir/ or get it through the Sokpop Patreon: patreon.com/sokpop


Brianna Allen

Neat! But can't play it as there is no exe attached


Yeah seems like there is a problem with the Steam setup right now. Looking into it!


Tried redeeming on steam but it says the code was already redeemed on another steam account. Very odd


Just wanted to check in if the steam codes would be fixed? Feel free to take your time but want to know it's being looked into. Thank you!


sorry about that! not sure how that happened - if you go to tthe portal you should have a new key available