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Hey all!

We've been a bit silent on our part lately, sorry for that! We've all been busy with life, Aran Tom and Tijmen went on vacation (separately) and Ruben had been doing a lot of renovation/construction work on his new home!

That doesn't mean we have been sitting still, we're working hard on new games, but first, let me introduce the bonus games for April and May.


For April, everyone that was a patron during that month will have received Wurdweb! Made by Aran and Adriaan de Jongh


wurdweb is a word puzzle game with sunday morning vibes

May's bonus game is Luckitown, made by Tijmen!

 Luckitown is a Yahtzee inspired tower defense

you can download the games on sokpop.co/patreon


We're all currently working on new games and two of them are almost done.

1. Aran just came back from a long trip to Japan and is now diving back into the final stretch of his game clickyland! A tower defense game where clicks are your resource! Read more about it in this post.

2. Tom has been working already over a year on his mystery gardening game: GRUNN 
It is really cool that we now have more time to work on projects as this game is quickly becoming the largest project we have ever done! We hope for all of you to be able to play a demo in the near future 👀


I can't tell much about Grunn since it's a mystery game, but here's a sneak peak regardless

3. Tijmen has been working on a local multiplayer game called Bachelairs, which isn't officially announced yet.

In Bachelairs, colourful muppet characters compete with each other in a race to marry the prince or princess. Run through short dungeons and collect as much treasure and money as possible. Buy better equipment in between runs or save your coins as the bachelor player with the most cash at the final ceremony wins the cup and gets to marry the prince or princess!

4. Whenever Ruben has time besides working on his new home, he is also creating a new game! However he decided at this time he would like to keep it a secret for now!

Ruben about to demolish the bathroom shower in his new home


Finally, we want to talk about Sokpop Takeovers, which are games made by other people, commissioned by us, released for this Patreon! We have only done one before:
Berry People made by our friends Bas and Jasper.


Sokpop Takeover #1 berry people (released)

We really like this idea, so we decided we want to do more Sokpop Takeovers! Currently there are a few projects lined up, and two are those are set to release very soon! So keep an eye out for Patreon posts about these games:


Sokpop Takeover #2 (soon TBA)

Sokpop Takeover #3 (soon TBA)

Alright, that covers it for now, a lot of information! We hope you will have plenty of our games to play soon :)



