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The panel reassembles for the 4DO, digital deluxe horses, and most importantly the Season Finale of Violence Island, the Shadowban Championship. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.

  • Tim Rogers asks: What’s it like going to a chiropractor? (05:08)
  • What’s the Metal Gear Solid 2-style subversion Death Stranding 2 will have? (13:23)
  • What would it take to get you to buy alternate costume DLC? (19:56)
  • What would we do if we bought EA? (25:56)
  • Jaffe Guesses The Golden Age of Konami – Attempt 2 (32:02)
  • Anonymous asks: Design a mascot for the ESRB (32:26)
  • What is the Porco Rosso of video games? (37:37)
  • Violence Island – Shadowban Championship (42:41)

LIGHTNING ROUND: GameFAQ&As – Minecraft (01:19:16)

Recommendations & Outro (01:27:02)



Brandon: City of Blood by Akvan

Frank: George Carlin’s American Dream

Tim: Severance

DIRTBAGS: You can submit your questions to the show using this form. And, thanks!


Nathan Grim

Great episode! I coincidentally watched Porco Rosso for the first time a couple days ago and was going in and out of conciousness for the last half hour, was planning on rewatching the end but now I am conflicted since I apparently got the intended experience lol. For the record I did not feel like falling asleep during it made me enjoy it more than I would have otherwise haha (I was on the couch, not a plane however)

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(brandon:) I expect the in and out of consciousness thing was at least somewhat hyperbolic!


i hope brandon and frank both enjoy god of war. ;-)

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(brandon:) I tried! I am not loving it! it's very dour and sour, and I'm pretty over "tough guy who can't express his feelings" - it's been done so many times, so much better, that once I see that this is the drive, I'm kinda already over the core story device. So that's a challenge, and I'm not loving the combat! But I like the minimal exploring and collecting of things, so... I'll give it another shot.