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Hey all, Esper here. any chance you're interested in Three New Kurt Feldman Tracks?

we've been tinkering with the idea of the show having ambient music during questions. I mocked up a version of episode 159 - Loopy Lorries, with Ash Parrish (chosen because I think it's a good episode in general) to communicate what we're thinking about. (you'll hear it after the intro, at about 4:50)

please enjoy Kurt's excellent lofi beats, and absolutely hit us with feedback. is this something we should do from now on? for special occasions? does it conflict with your personal IC vibes? leave a comment, and enjoy!



I like the music, especially at 1x speed, but I don't actually listen at that speed. I usually listen at 2.7x and with the music it is slightly less intelligible. This is not a common problem, but if you know what speed listeners typically listen at, test it there, too. I'm cool with or without the music and, overall, I think it helps to cover up a few inconsistencies in the recording quality and make it sound a bit more polished and professional.


I like the music but don't know that it adds anything? I found myself just listening to the music sometimes and then realizing I had missed what was said. It's a good vibe, but it also takes away from some of that morning radio discussion vibe. If you believe in it, do it. Otherwise, the show is good already. Especially when that ending music fades in from silence each week.


In this particular mix, I think the BG music needs to come down and it'd be OK. That said, it would mess with people who listen to the podcast at speeds other than 1x. Personally, I don't enjoy the music. I find it distracts me from the conversation, and if I wanted some music as a backdrop I could always play some under the music-less version. One thing I think it DEFINITELY detracts from is the uniqueness and vibe of lightning round. Having only the music there really gives it an extra special feeling.

George Rohac

So having gone through half of this I would have to say - I'm mostly neutral on it? I'm not sure whether its that this is an ep I've already listened to or the music but I did like, tune out the podcast faster. Maybe its a bit of both? But yeah. Ambivalent.

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thanks for your feedback - I (brandon) didn't realize til today that people listened to podcasts at speeds other than 1x, I think that'd drive me batty!


It's my current default listening speed, so it sounds about as good as any other podcast without the music. If the volume of the music were just a little lower, it'd probably work great.


I love the podcast, but I think that the music is best saved for the bonus round at the end. Also, please consider the fact that many podcast players remove silence in podcasts and I'd you have this fesutte turned on with music in the background, it often sounds more choppy than you'd think.


I strongly dislike this. Please don't play audio underneath people talking - it's distracting and makes it more difficult to clearly understand the conversation. I don't like it when you do it for the introduction question and lightning rounds already. I also listen to podcasts at 1.4X speed with a player that removes silence gaps and agree with some of the other feedback that playing music all the time makes those features less usable.


for whatever reason, i have a hard time focusing on thing without something else in the background (i sleep w/ white noise, i can't focus on reading without ambient music, etc.) so this was a cool version of the podcast that feels like it was made just for me! i will say that the music felt a bit too loud in the mix and also some sections of the tracks were a little more distracting than others when multiple people were talking (see 41:00). overall, a neat idea and i like it! however, i wouldn't be heartbroken if the rest of the episodes aren't like this because i know it's distracting for most people


I don't know about a continuous soundtrack to the show but there should be a seasoning of music here and there to add some spice when necessary. I'd also be open to more wacky shock jock sound effects if Esper is up to it.


I loved this!

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I'm really learning how many people are trying to listen to this stuff as efficiently as possible. it is changing my perspective on the podcast in general!

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thanks! this is what I (brandon) hoped it'd be like, but it seems that's not the case for most.

Anders O.H Moberg

Maybe a late comment.. but I did like this experiment!! I think I'd liked it if the music wasn't placed as compact.. it starts the same moment the intro music is over and during questions it just switches over. I'd like it if there was a little fade, maybe a bit of silence to signal overtime.. to then start a new track at the next question. With a little breathing room it can be a bit more tasteful


Also late, but I liked it! Proposed compromise for previous commenters... special IC occasions only? I also never considered changing the speed of consumption. Knowing this... 1x is way too fast. 0.5x will be my default for IC from now on to truly savor the greatness.

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yeah, I can see that! we're thinking maybe we'll add it as an option for folks on here who like hearing it.


I sampled and enjoyed this but agree the music was mixed a bit too loud. This would potentially be a fun subscriber perk? Also worth noting IC is one of the few podcasts I never listen to at 1.2x because I like the podcast so much!

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yeah, we're thinking we'll go that direction, since it took esper 30 minutes to do - we'll have it available in case people like it basically.