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Patrick Miller victoriously rejoins the panel to cover high literature, experimental film, and the ultimate fighting game tournament arc. Original music by Kurt Feldman.

Questions this week:

  1. Previously on Insert Credit: What can you tell about a person based on their fighting game style and preferences? (04:41)
  2. As far as video games go, what is and is not cyberpunk? (10:50)
  3. What studio which has never made a fighting game before could probably make a pretty good fighting game? (16:36)
  4. What did Adobe Flash mean for video games over the past 24 years, what have we lost, and what can be saved? (22:12)
  5. Design The Great Gatsby 2 (28:00)
  6. Which video games make you feel the heaviest?  (34:40)
  7. What are some games you went too easy on? (40:32)
  8. What is the Eraserhead of video games? (46:34)
  9. Giant-Sized Violence Island: Fighting Game Protagonists (51:35) 

LIGHTNING ROUND: Patreon Suporter Grandbag’s Funeral presents Name Design: Baskin Robins Ice Cream Flavors (01:03:40)



Patrick Miller: Patrick Miller's Patreon, twitch.tv/pattheflip steam Mon-Thur ~7:30 PM PST

Brandon: Don't take Insert Credit too seriously, form your own subjective opinions, Shadow in the Cloud (2020), retracting last week's The Mandalorian Season 2 recommendation

Frank: Hollow Knight with a Benj Edwards fight stick

Jaffe: Ted Lasso

Tim: Perry Mason (2020)



Once again, with more gusto, YES. PLEASE.


Funny to listen to the discussion about whether or not Gibson has become a neoliberal a few hours after he tweeted about Jeff Bezos ‘saving all of our asses.’

George Rohac

So I don't know why, but my cat absolutely loses her mind when I listen to Insert Credit. No other podcast does she start to scream and launch herself against the door frame and dart around. What subliminal messages are you sending to felines?


Patrick Miller!


Probably Roblox replaces Flash for the younger generation.