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ASMR Bakadere Mothboy Holiday


Summary: Attracted by the holiday lights, Floof visits the listener again and is silly, chews on the socks hanging off the chimney and bonks against several illuminated decorations. He also catches up with the listener and then after having a sip of hot punch falls asleep on their bed.

Ambience: Snowy window ambience


Floof bonks against the window of the listener 3 times attracted by the lights. Muffled "ow ow ow" can be heard and they open the window and he flies inside, shaking off the snow. He greets them with a "hey there" and "I didnt see you in awhile...I think...right? Right! Oh lotsa little lamps!" Before he can be stopped he gets tangled up in a chain of fairy lights. He flails "Ahh I am caught! Now the light is eating me ahhh" the listener frees Floof and with a relieved sigh he thanks them again. That light almost got him! Oh a lamp! *bonk* he is helped again and remembers why moths don't live in houses. For a moment he gets a focus and asks them what they have been up to since he last saw them.

"You met lots of monsters huu like me? Well let me tell you no one is fluffier than me. Yes yes my hugs are the best" for some reason he feels like he has to compete with the other monsters and glomps them with all his arms.

"Seeeee?? I'm floof and I have many arms to hug." He enjoys the hug and is then asked what he has been doing. He has to think hard to remember. He's mainly been flying around and ate the free food hanging from laundry lines. He says he only ever eats one sock of a pair because he is a good boi. So the others have food too. His attention span is at the end and he notices a sock hanging before the chimney and begins chewing it. It Is made of Satin though and he spits it out because it's gross. He doesn't like the "fuzzies" on his tongue and makes some bleh bleh noises as he uses his lil fingers to clean his tongue. They offer him a drink, a glass of hot festive punch. He doesn't know what it is and they explain it's made of juices and spices. He is fascinated and mentions he knows moths that live in the jungle and only eat fruits and juice. He feels sad for them because they don't have any fabric to eat in the jungle and appreciates his good life. Still, he's curious and takes a sip. "Mmm sweet I like" he drinks up and gets drunk immediately. Whooshies he feels dizzy, the room is spinning to him and the many lights double and he bonks against several of them before the listener catches them. He chews on their sweater "mmm wool is tasty hehehe.. hwee I don't think I can fly like this...everything is woozy..mm bed? I can sleep in your bed?" He is put in their bed enjoys the soft beddings and notice it smells like them which he enjoys. He chews the beddings and pillows. "Hehe you're so nice...can you pet my antenna for me?" (Scritch scrotch sounds like when petting inaris ears) floof enjoys the scritches and wishes them happy holidays and then falls asleep with soft snoring.

(You can add 30 seconds of just sleep breathing for relaxation and helping the listener fall asleep)



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