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Preparing For The Harvest Festival With Melo The Mycelium Elf (Daddy Dom)

Ambience: Forest Sounds 

Summary: Melo and the listener go foraging ingredients for the harvest festival and he explains the tradition, how to harvest the ingredients and shares lots of lore while being sweet and caring.


Melo takes a deep breath, he and the listener arrive at the surface, in the middle of the forest.

He sighs pleasantly. The air is nice and crisp, he is happy that the summer heat has come to an end and that he can come up to the surface again. The summer heat is just too much on him. ‘’Thank you for your patience, little one. I know you wanted to go to the surface together.’’

He asks them if they have their basket ready and he is pleased when they show it to him. They did so well weaving it and he praises them. Then he gets back on topic and explains that they’re gonna go foraging for the ingredients for their harvest meal. The traditional meal Elves have when the Red Moon is at full moon in the sky. He elaborates that of the 6 moons of Oceanside, the Red Moon stands for a good harvest and they celebrate it’s gift by making a feast. He’s gonna get the cockatrice, eggs and dairy products from a vendor later so they stay fresh until he cooks them.

They’re looking for honey potatoes, rainbow carrots, mulberries and herbs for cooking. He tried cultivating in his garden but unlike the other vegetables and mushrooms they don’t want to grow in the caves so they have to go up here and look for wild ones. Can’t be helped, but the fresh air and gentle sun are nice so he doesn’t mind.

The leaves crunch as they walk for a bit and Melo spots a sun bee hive. The honey potatoes, which the sun bee’s polinate and make honey from usually grow near those hives. He tells the listener not to worry, the bees already went to sleep at this temperature. He quickly spots the honey potato leaves and with his big hands, easily digs them out. They look great, just big enough. The listener offers some help but Melo says to leave the dirty work to him and asks them instead to fill their basket with Mulberries, the bushes grow all over the forest they shouldn’t have trouble finding any. ‘’Why a whole basket? Oh I want to cook Jam for the cold months and we need some for the sauce at our feast. Allright, thank you for your help.’’

Melo fills his basket with the potatoes, pats the dirt of his hands and checks on the listener. He gently advises them to not pick the berries one by one but to get whole branches because once they’re picked they spoil really fast. He pats their head and then picks up some herbs. Some rosemary, thyme, chives, chervil and edible flowers to make the side salad pretty.

‘’Oh yes, the rainbow carrots are for the salad too. It’s more fun to eat your veggies when they’re colorful right? We’re looking for curly green leaves with red and yellow spots. That’s when they taste the sweetest. They usually grow on meadows because they need lots of sunlight. We might have to walk for awhile. (he chuckles) don’t worry if your feet get tired i’ll carry you.’’

(the leaves crunch again as they walk)

‘’Oh you’re curious why Mycelium elves don’t go to the surface during summer?’’ he explains that they’re adjusted to the underground life, their eyes glow to see in the dark and their thick skin keeps them warm. The Summer heat is just too much to bear and bad for their sensitive eyes. Quite similar to mushrooms, they like dark, mild places. He does like going to the surface though. Some Mycelium elves work on the surface to afford things that don’t grow in the caves. Usually they take jobs as dungeon guides, tanks, security or vendors. Because they’re so big and robust no one usually picks a fight with them.

He chimes happily about that with a touch of pride. ‘’It’s nice when things are so peaceful.’’

They get to a meadow and the listener spots the curly leaves of the rainbow carrot. Melo praises them ‘’Oh good job, little one~ let’s get them and make a delicous salad.’’ They dig them out and add them to the basket that is getting full. He’s happy about the good harvest.

‘’You must be tired now, want to get some sweet earthnut bread at the wood elf village nearby? Great~I know you’d like that. We can trade it for the mushrooms we brought. Maybe I Can get some wine for cooking too...ah, yes..let’s go. Come take my hand little one. I’ll guide you.’’

(video end <3)



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