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Adrenaline and R-Line battery testing. Two of each pack, so four packs total. Performed the 1C "capacity test" discharge. Performed the 10 and 20 amp discharge test.

Work on formatting blackbox volts/amps data from Evan Turner for import to battery test software.

Recorded video for the Crossfire flight test. This video is to examine whether the lower latency of Crossfire results in noticeable better flight feel, responsiveness, etc. 

Recorded an informal, non-scientific range test for Crossfire, where I basically walked all the way to the end of my neighborhood while watching how the Crossfire link parameters changed.

Started work on the BF 3.3 filters video. Flew three packs with three different filter settings, focusing on propwash performance and motor temperature. Recorded commentary in between packs.

Recorded, edited, and uploaded Drone Drop February unboxing.

Start the process of getting an Immersion RC LapRF 8-way lap timer to be used for SouthEastern Region MultiGP Qualifier. Hope to be doing a video with a local guy who built his own lap timer with Raspberry Pi and 5808 modules, but ultimately he ditched it because of technical difficulties. Compare/contrast the LapRF to the homebrew, show LapRF setup and use, etc.

Start the process of getting the not-yet-released 2nd-gen ImmersionRC RF power meter. The 1st-gen unit had the problem that its power resistor was not well calibrated, and so the power measurements were not accurate. The 2nd-gen unit will be factory calibrated for perfectly accurate measurements. I actually shot some video a few months ago testing the power output of five or six different video transmitters, but I wasn't able to make a video out of it because the meter was not accurate. It showed a 25 mW output as 100 mW, for example. It would have accurately showed how powerful each vTX was relative to each other, but not which vTX was putting out the CORRECT power level. So I had to scrap all the footage. I am hoping that the 2nd gen unit will allow me to repeat this testing with usable results.

Purchased an IRC Tramp for the eventual vTX testing.



Thanks Joshua, it's a great idea 😎


What a great idea JB. (Y)


Wow, wish I could pack as much as that into my day, great idea JB.(Y)


Keeping busy! You are really a goldmine when it comes to informative videos. I have soon completed my first 5" build (whitout major problems) thanks to your videos out there. Keep them coming!


Wow JB, you’re a busy guy. Wait a minute, you bought something 🤣


I like it, certainly keeping busy! 😁


I have magazine subscriptions that I pay for that don't provide status reports :) Thanks for all you do JB!


I get payed a lot more (than I pay you) and do a lot less.


Appreciate your hard work JB!! Goldmine of information and help. Thanks!


Awesome Josh! It's awesome to be on top of the pulse of the legend that is Joshua Bardwell. Looking forward to the content and the videos - my money is being well spent :)


I like this new thing! It’s kind of a way to live vicariously through you. I wish I had the time to be doing all the things you’re doing


As my employee, I want you to procure me a JB FC and mail it to my house. After that you can go on a smoke break.


I just purchased an IRC Tramp, going to replace my TBS that finally gave up the ghost. I'm hoping I won't be disappointed in video quality.


Very excited to hear about the second gen rf meter. I recently tried to buy one of the originals for work but couldnt find one anywhere. Now I know why!


I only paid you 0.067 cents. Go home before I have the department of labor on my ass.


Seems like a lot of overhead for your time. As a very small percentage of your boss I’d prefer you spend more time learning something new or creating a new video to share with us. If you insist, I’d prefer the info in a sprint or kanban format where we could view the progress of your items across a visualization board.