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If you wanted to buy my FC but it was out of stock, here's my little gift to you. There is one more shipment coming in some time on Wednesday. (I wish I could be more specific but I just don't know the exact time.) 

After that, it will be several weeks until RDQ gets more in stock, although there will be tons of boards showing up at approximately 25 resellers around the globe, so you'll still have plenty of chances to get one if you want.



I got one. Ordered the parallel charging while I was there too. Thanks for the headstart.


Going to order one. Just need to figure out a starter 4in1 ESC to go with it. I don't need anything crazy.


This Hobbyking one is the cheapest blheli32 I've found... <a href="https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-multistar-blheli-32-4-in-1-32bit-21a-11g-race-spec-esc-2-4s-opto.html?countrycode=US&amp;gclid=CjwKCAiA9rjRBRAeEiwA2SV4ZZWBLfUW5LE-S12qD8xOabOHmzzkvmeuVfDBBPfC6rqNFBtEDxe5rxoC7RAQAvD_BwE&amp;gclsrc=aw.ds" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-multistar-blheli-32-4-in-1-32bit-21a-11g-race-spec-esc-2-4s-opto.html?countrycode=US&amp;gclid=CjwKCAiA9rjRBRAeEiwA2SV4ZZWBLfUW5LE-S12qD8xOabOHmzzkvmeuVfDBBPfC6rqNFBtEDxe5rxoC7RAQAvD_BwE&amp;gclsrc=aw.ds</a> comes in 35 amp too.


Preordered one, hopefully I'm in the Wednesday batch....and hopefully they weren't rush assembled as many 2nd batches are... But i figure what the heck Roll the dice. 🖒


Can i set up some kinda logic switch so taranis turns off incase there is no antenna attached?


Woo hoo! I got one!


Just ordered mine!


need to try one of these