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Hey Fallers, 

B-bomb here, I'm currently sat at my desk with a sleepy cat next to me with full intentions of writing more Beth's blog posts, as a few of you have told me how much you like them, and to be honest, i love writing them!
But before i delve in, i want to know what topics you guys are interested in and what kind of stuff you want to hear about, whether that's stories, poems, topic discussions, adf stuff, or even me giving you a full blog post about my cats. The choice is yours! 

Please comment as many or as little things you think would be good, be specific, or not specific at all, no answer is a bad answer so lets goooooo! 


Lee Wilson

Would love to hear about your cats! Also, don't underestimate how interesting just day to day life can be and that your fans may love to hear just about your routine sometimes and what you've been up to! Would love to think you go to the dinosaur golf sometimes and just let it all out on the crazy golf course!!!!

Dominic Davidson

Another suggestion for blog - would be interesting to hear more about how you come up with / choose filming locations for videos.