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Vance stared, gaze hard and unflinching down at the image plastered on the unblemished screen of Chrysante's newly repaired cell phone. He wasn't sure how long he'd been rifling through the device, but he found himself charmed by the many destinations his companion had experienced--unable to stop what some might have called snooping.

Typically, he cared very little for whatever shenanigans Chrys would get himself into, but seeing as they were officially a couple now--there was no harm in a little peek, right? After all, Chrysante had made it quite clear that he'd be going through every bit of Vance's cell so long as it was in the civet's possession. What's good for the goose, was good for the gander...

Dragging his manicured fingertip across the screen, a subtle smile tugged at the hyena's bronzed maw as the newest image replaced Chrysante's latest trip to Adabat. As he took the image in, Vance squinted and raised a heavy brow.

He recognized this one.... kind of.

The memory was fuzzy, but he definitely remembered those marks on his back, and exactly how uncomfortable they made sleeping for at least a week afterward. Chrysante was always a bit of a fighter. The weakling he was, he loved to throw his tiny weight around as if it didn't make him look even smaller by comparison. Vance chuckled upon noting the raw notches in his boyfriend's ear--remembering the cute little whimper he made when he finally submit to his better half.

'Cute...' he thought.

Vance's ear flicked eagerly as the sound reverberated through his inner ear again. He wondered how Chrys would react to having his old device back. Would he squeal? Maybe. Perhaps he'd memorialize the event like he had this one. The night Chrys finally got the blowjob he'd been vying for, and the first time Vance would give one. It was certainly a special occasion.

But this night, Chrys didn't have his phone. He had Vance's. So when exactly did he take this picture? How did it get on this phone, and what was with that cheeky pose? Surely he didn't take this picture for himself, not when it'd been sent to this number.... and another one?

"Chrysante" he called out...

While he waited for a retort, Vance thought back to the morning before that night. On set, with Sevira. Chrysante was pretty pissed that she'd gotten Vance's mouth before he had, and he was always known to be a bit of a braggart...

"When did you take this picture? ...And who did you send it to?"

He knew the answer. But... seeing Chrysante apprehensive and on edge was always a good time. 



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