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I can't believe everything that's happened so far for it only to end like this lol



Anthony Smith

At the beginning of the season McNulty and Jay Landsman had a cash bet about how soon McNulty would be riding the boat; Jay is middle management and essentially haggles with Rawls on the going ons of the department and is the only person that could have told Rawls where McNulty didn't want to go. Jay won the bet 🤷


Did you catch that the "nicely done" line was actually a call back to the pilot episode when McNulty said it to Stringer when they were both in the courtroom and D had just been found not guily. This time Stringer said it to McNulty.


I really enjoyed your reaction to the 1st Season, I’m ready for your first impression of Season 2, very interesting story and just has good if not better then the first in my opinion


"Nothing really changed." yep, i love how realistic the ending to this season felt. sure, some of them were caught but, at the end of the day, the game will still go on and i just find that cycle interesting. can't wait for s2 with you!!

Janet Ex

Thank you for joining me (: I'm looking forward to starting season 2 this week

Janet Ex

Yessss I haven't seen another show that sticks close to reality like this

Tyrone Tyrone

What happened to episode 12


One of the reasons that this show feels so real and “lived-in,” as I’m sure many comments have said by now, is because a lot of the background/recurring actors are not only real Baltimore locals but, like, current and former Baltimore cops, reporters, politicians, public officials, criminals, or whomever else playing some version of themselves. Meanwhile, the writers room was staffed mostly by former Baltimore Sun reporters, and Ed Burns, the co-creator, was a police detective who became a public school teacher. So there’s a lot of firsthand experience with the inner workings of the city’s policing, its culture, its sociopolitics, and its political machine both on the page and on the screen.