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Kevin Tipcorn

No doubt you have us beat on the beans. Not just with Mexico like you said, but even Texas does the same beans in a BBQ sauce better than the watered down ketchup we have. Even when they're in the same Heinz cans. Using the same Kraft/Heinz factories, making everything from American Mac & Cheese to British HP "Brown sauce".


This episode always makes me so sad for Becky. :( Not only does she come face to face with her future, but we also learn about the trouble and pressure she's facing in the present in that opening scene AND she has to stomach putting up with the scientist talking shop about her and her dad's past all in the same day. What a hard day that must be. Too much stress lol. If I were Becky, I would have told Wilson to let me "talk" to the Corvadt scientist instead. Btw, you asked "Who's this guy?" in the opening scene. That is Professor Donaldson. He is the guy that Michael Dugdale chased around and gave the infected sample to.

Janet Ex

Genuinley didn't know Heinz made your beans....does not sound very appetizing sorry to say haha

Janet Ex

oh my gosh youre right lol im so sorry I missed that. Idk why but I'm terrible with names and faces but yes I would be extremely stressed if I was Becky