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Hi all! Its about time for an official release.

Since 4.25 there have been a LOT of changes.

I've also included a new AI in the test version. It's supposed to try to flank the player and stuff but it might not work properly and it might honestly have just made the game easier. I'm also worried about it causing lag due to the calculations. If you want to try it, feel free to leave a comment. Otherwise, hop onto the official version to enjoy the latest without as many bugs

Official Game: https://ada18980.github.io/KinkiestDungeon/?test=true
Test Build: https://ada18980.github.io/KinkyDungeonTest/?test=true

Here's a big list:

4.74 (Sep 2023) - TEST VERSION ONLY
- Added experimental new AI, let me know how things go
- Enemies can now sprint for a short time and recharge when idle
- Added inventory and spell filters
- Using Remove Slime on encased adventurers frees them from their predicament
- Split the panic perk into two different ones (by popular request) for chest traps vs floor traps
- New enemy, Masterful Lock
- Many animated restraints now have backup restraint types
- Also fixed some bugs with certain restraints never being applied due to a calculation not working as intended

4.73 (Sep 2023)
- Enemies now say things when helping their allies in combat
- Mage Circuits is now wizard-exclusive, adds +400 mana pool instead
- New Wizard upgrade: Mana Harvesting
- Hard Mode is moved to the game setup screen, and now you can choose to have extra perk points
- Bondage buster buffed to add binding
- Edge of reality smaller and more intelligible
- Freeze does damage now and has similar stipulations to ice shard
- Enchanted rope now does 50 magic binding instead of 30
- Many enemies had their armor increased
- Fixed some bugs with mana costs

4.72 (Sep 2023)
- Replaced High Profile with Precise Targeting for Rogue class
- Added High Profile perk
- Added Commerce Goddess Rewards Program
- Added Heavenly Crunch Macaron to shops and gold chests
- Inner Power now reduces mana costs instead of regenerating mana
- Spell point costs are now doubled for spells obtained thru multiclass (will affect all classes in old saves )

4.71 (Sep 2023)
- Fix encased enemy sprite not showing
- Fixed mimics being passive
- Fixed slime ball not damaging the player when self cast
- Made enemies more likely to use high level restraints on you when playing
- Fixed shatter proccing infinitely on helpless enemy with Staff of Permafrost out.
- fixed psychic perk doesn't let you unlock some restraints that you should be able to

4.7 (Sep 2023)
- Added some new upgrades to Rogue (Well-Placed Traps, Hard to Catch)
- Mage Circuits now gives +200 mana pool and costs 1 spell point
- Archmage no longer requires Mage Circuits
- Arcane Recharge replaced with Akashic Conflux, changed to "Consume 100 Arcane Energy to gain 100 mana and ignore components for 3 turns"
- New trainee spell: "Chaotic Overflow" - Spend 25% WP to refill mana and ignore spell components for 10 turns, but receive a crystal restraint at the end.
- Stamina regen is doubled while waiting
- Some other formula tweaks and bugfixes

4.69 (Sep 2023)
- Flanking an enemy now only stuns them if you teleport
- Added 'Battle Rhythm' and 'Limit Surge' to the Fighter class
- NG+ is much harder now
- Latex elemental should no longer use cuffs
- Added latex boxbinder
- Trainee should be more likely to orgasm while using Mana Burst
- Changed accuracy formulas for enemies
- Made enemies more picky about which types of restraints they put on you

4.68 (Sep 2023)
- Handcuffs now have Simple Locks which can be easily removed and don't consume a key after the first time
- Simple Locks create a Simple Key consumable in your inventory which lasts an unlimited number of uses and lets you remove simple locks
- Many enemies now use Simple Locks instead
- Added thumbcuffs and hinged cuffs
- Added Arcane Blast, Arcane Barrier to wizard class
- Added 'The Reaping' to the Peasant class
- Added 'High Profile' to the Rogue class
- Can no longer get upgrades via Random Spells
- Arbalest now pierces enemies and has 250% crit modifier
- Fireball is now Fireblast, added Fireball as further upgrade
- Fix bug where enemies cant pathfind back to their home spot
- fix bug where enemy cancels attack randomly
- fix bug where guards run off into oblivion instead of tending to the prisoner

4.67 (Sep 2023)
- Bows and crossbows now use a mechanic where they must be loaded before firing
- New weapons: Pistol Crossbow, Recurve Bow, Longbow, Arbalest
- Weapons now have a 'critical strike' modifier, which determines the damage boost they do to unaware or vulnerable targets. spells and bullets can also have one.
- Spells can now crit
- Critical Strike renamed to Precise Critical, affects only critical strikes
- New upgrade: Magical Overload (+crit based on total DP)
- Fixed a crash where there were no factions available to place a guarded chest (now defaults to bandits)

4.66 (Sep 2023)
- Returned the original multiple-clicks-to-walk feature since there is now fast travel.
- Added 'One-Click Move' to options menu to walk like before

4.65 (Sep 2023)
- Flirting menu now has two options, 1st is to initiate a play event, 2nd is to start a bondage offer
- New option to hide bullet and enemy warnings if the mouse is not on the map

4.64 (Sep 2023)
- Rope Snare has been renamed to Rope Rune, standardized with the other runes, weaker now but AoE and roots in place instead of stuns
- Rogue now starts with an ability that makes traps not channel

4.63 (Sep 2023)
- Trainee has been buffed: Everything now restores a baseline amount, plus restoring the mana pool if you have willpower.
- Mental Resistance can now toggle the orgasm prevention effect (QoL)
- New wizard spell: Arcane Recharge
- Split battlemage into two upgrades, one for attacking and one for casting

4.62 (Sep 2023)
- Fix duplicate shop items
- Fix ally summons not carrying over across levels
- Fix fuuka's zombies (and all bosses really) from not aggroing on player
- Fix game calling auto-equipped items cursed when they aren't
- Split Smooth Lighting and Enhanced Fog of War in the game options menu

4.61 (Sep 2023)
- Bugfix patch to hopefully fix a lot of the prison and map persistence bugs
- Truss em Up now applies status effects from restraints but also takes 1 turn
- Wall can now be cast on doors to do a special effect
- Perks which increase enemy resistance flatly now instead increase HP
- You can no longer stack multiple trap type spells on the same tile
- Added some lighting changes
- Added a rudimentary UI background that can be toggled off in the game options
- Added kitty chests in the Ancient Tombs
- New sensory perks added
- New game-changing perk,: Curse Seeker, Novice Pet (and upgrades)

4.6 (Sep 2023)
- You can now backtrack to previous levels! This is a start toward a future system to make the map more sane and understandable
- The shopkeeper is now in regular games! She basically functions as a very expensive shrine you can backtrack to the start of the game for
- You can now apply non-special bindings from your inventory to enemies that are disabled, adding some points of binding
- Some changes to enemy behavior based on the map faction and whether or not you are hostile to them

4.52 (August 2023)
- Can now flirt with NPCs to trigger a play event
- New sound feature that makes enemies more visible depending on situation
- Plugs and vibes now indicate the type of vibrations they do in their description
- Item and spells show their images in their description always
- Scarves now deal Plush damage (plush content will be expanded in future)

4.51 (August 2023)
- Shadow hands now take you to the Edge of Reality
- Patron NPCs now tell your their name when they first become aware of you!
- Added lesser shadow chests to the Edge of Reality
- Added much more variety to the enchanted restraints you get grom chests
- Enemies now mumble helplessly if they can't speak
- Optional enemy struggle animations (toggle off in game options)
- Enemies now have semi-directional vision (they can still see behind themselves, just not as clearly)
- Added a lot more Fuuka dialogue (about those reincarnated ones...) for those interested in lore. Talk to her after defeating the Dollmaker for an extra branch!
- Added 4 types of Fighter
- Convincing Disguise can now be toggled
- Added indication of which spell you are currently casting
- Added some new map tiles with more guarded chests and vent puzzles. Take True Sight to see through walls!
- Security level only increases by 10% instead of 20% when escaping
- Security level now only increases when escaping if you are unarmed or if you attacked an enemy on the way out
- Second Wind now restores WP when free
- Added more restraints to the loot tables
- Cursed armor now no longer functions as armor while cursed but otherwise functions normally
- Enchantments can no longer have duplicates
- The Underground Jungle is now the Overgrown Ruins, with new graphical variation in the tileset
- Catgirl enemies (Bast mummies + one of the new fighters) are now weak to water/acid damage
- CMD: Unlock now properly castable with Conjurer perk
- Fix issue where kitty blindfold was treated as a gag in code
- Fixed an issue with flexible map tiles creating unreachable zones
- Removing cursed restraints with a shrine correctly deletes the curse
- Fixed longstanding issue where clicking on an upcast spell in the spell list would sometimes choose the wrong spell
- Added tool to get the category and tag of a generated map tile (useful for post-worldgen tweaks like the Overgrown Ruins)
- Enchantments and hexes (cursed item effects) can now see a list of other enchantments/curses (respectively) already applied to the item
- New 'resistance profiles' which allows you to set specific sets of resistances that are shared between enemies and easy to apply/change across categories

4.5 (August 2023)
- Cursed Loot is here! Currently only cursed item set are the Stardust/Moondust Curse
- Added Cursed Epicenters, powerful new enemies that spawn only from shadow/gold chests when you are wearing a cursed item
- Added 6 new curses exclusive to the Stardust Curse
- Optimize fog rendering while the player isn't moving
- Added Shadow Heels
- Fix bug where gold locks layered under something were not being updated
- Fix jail mode setting not remembered after refreshing the page
- hopefully fixed bug where removing an cursed enchanted restraint did not preserve in inventory
- Fix glitches relating to item data not being preserved through links
- Fixed issues where linked items were not triggering events properly

4.4 (August 2023)
- Added X-ray vision feature to view your character through wrappings (such as slime) and tape
- Added some lower level versions of the plug gag and panel gag
- Added Shadow Latex restraints
- Fix bug where the game drops an equipped restraint instead of the one in inventory
- Fix bug where linking an enchanted restraint on top of an existing one would not carry over its special properties

4.35 (August 2023)
- Armor and restraints are now separate in inventory screen
- Some armors now have multiple enchantments
- Can now drop items from the inventory
- Added special and mundane filters to armor and restraints screens
- Allow removing and struggling in the inventory
- Inventory scrolls faster
- There are more shadow chests in hard mode
- Cursed items now display 'Cursed' instead of unlocked
- Restoration shrines are more common
- Enchanted restraints added to silver chests
- Changed colors of slash, crush, and pierce damage types
- Fixed double '-' in enchantment tooltip
- Cursed items not only have more enchantments but also better enchantments
- Curbed the enchantment strength of tougher restraints and higher level armors somewhat
- Prevented long enchantment tooltips from overflowing the inventory background
- Enchanted armor names are displayed property when dropped
- Torch weapon is now properly tinted a fire color
- Minimap border expanded to reflect actual area the minimap occupies
- Enchantments which add elemental damage to attacks no longer hit if the player misses
- Fix hard mode deactivating mid run
- Fix bug where vibe modifiers didn't stack properly
- Added a function to get the current number of cursed items
- Added loot prerequisites to require a certain number of cursed items for the loot to appear
- Added "specialChests" event to allow adding more special chest types to levels via event

4.34 (August 2023)
- Added enchantments to armor
-Reworked curse system entirely

4.33 (August 2023)
- Added a new minimap in the top of the screen, hover over it to enlarge!
- New enchantments applied to armor, giving random stat boosts. More common on cursed items--beware!
- Fix bug "Can't hear you" perk broken
- Fix bug where floating weapon still took accuracy penalties from arms being bound (due to the way it was being calculated)
- New system for temporary variants of items, created dynamically using a helper function

4.32 (July 2023)
- New feature (standalone only, unreleased): Option to desaturate areas that are dark (and lighten them a bit) in order to make light vs. dark regions more apparent
- Added two new upgrades for the wizard class
- New perks: Wizard multiclass, No Police
- Added a more powerful anti-magic gag, and also made it so enemies will use it on you in jail
- Lockpicking on prisoner NPCs now has a chance to trigger a safety shield
- Ice restraints now eventually melt off

4.31 (July 2023)
- Added ability to add temporary curses onto items using console -- TODO test this to make sure the curse is persistent and gets filtered when the item is removed
- New weapons: Industrial Tape Wand, Bag of Goodies, Magic Remote, Rubber Stick, Blade of Fla'peh, Enchanted Rope, Wooden Bow, Crossbow
- New series of spells which modify arrows fired by bows
- Some enemies now come pre-equipped with a toy
- Added quick inventory setups
- Large, slow enemies have reduced evasion
- Pristine is 70% reduction now instead of 100% and bug fixed so it works on regular levels


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