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Hi all! Dropping some new features.

Please enjoy the new version!

4.7 (Sep 2023)
- Added some new upgrades to Rogue (Well-Placed Traps, Hard to Catch)
- Mage Circuits now gives +200 mana pool and costs 1 spell point
- Archmage no longer requires Mage Circuits
- Arcane Recharge replaced with Akashic Conflux, changed to "Consume 100 Arcane Energy to gain 100 mana and ignore components for 3 turns"
- New trainee spell: "Chaotic Overflow" - Spend 25% WP to refill mana and ignore spell components for 10 turns, but receive a crystal restraint at the end.
- Some other formula tweaks and bugfixes

4.69 (Sep 2023)
- Flanking an enemy now only stuns them if you teleport
- Added 'Battle Rhythm' and 'Limit Surge' to the Fighter class
- NG+ is much harder now
- Latex elemental should no longer use cuffs
- Added latex boxbinder
- Trainee should be more likely to orgasm while using Mana Burst
- Changed accuracy formulas for enemies
- Made enemies more picky about which types of restraints they put on you

4.68 (Sep 2023)
- Handcuffs now have Simple Locks which can be easily removed and don't consume a key after the first time
- Simple Locks create a Simple Key consumable in your inventory which lasts an unlimited number of uses and lets you remove simple locks
- Many enemies now use Simple Locks instead
- Added thumbcuffs and hinged cuffs
- Added Arcane Blast, Arcane Barrier to wizard class
- Added 'The Reaping' to the Peasant class
- Added 'High Profile' to the Rogue class
- Can no longer get upgrades via Random Spells
- Arbalest now pierces enemies and has 250% crit modifier
- Fireball is now Fireblast, added Fireball as further upgrade
- Fix bug where enemies cant pathfind back to their home spot
- fix bug where enemy cancels attack randomly
- fix bug where guards run off into oblivion instead of tending to the prisoner

4.67 (Sep 2023)
- Bows and crossbows now use a mechanic where they must be loaded before firing
- New weapons: Pistol Crossbow, Recurve Bow, Longbow, Arbalest
- Weapons now have a 'critical strike' modifier, which determines the damage boost they do to unaware or vulnerable targets. spells and bullets can also have one.
- Spells can now crit
- Critical Strike renamed to Precise Critical, affects only critical strikes
- New upgrade: Magical Overload (+crit based on total DP)
- Fixed a crash where there were no factions available to place a guarded chest (now defaults to bandits)

4.66 (Sep 2023)
- Returned the original multiple-clicks-to-walk feature since there is now fast travel.
- Added 'One-Click Move' to options menu to walk like before

4.65 (Sep 2023)
- Flirting menu now has two options, 1st is to initiate a play event, 2nd is to start a bondage offer
- New option to hide bullet and enemy warnings if the mouse is not on the map

4.64 (Sep 2023)
- Rope Snare has been renamed to Rope Rune, standardized with the other runes, weaker now but AoE and roots in place instead of stuns
- Rogue now starts with an ability that makes traps not channel

4.63 (Sep 2023)
- Trainee has been buffed: Everything now restores a baseline amount, plus restoring the mana pool if you have willpower.
- Mental Resistance can now toggle the orgasm prevention effect (QoL)
- New wizard spell: Arcane Recharge
- Split battlemage into two upgrades, one for attacking and one for casting

4.62 (Sep 2023)
- Fix duplicate shop items
- Fix ally summons not carrying over across levels
- Fix fuuka's zombies (and all bosses really) from not aggroing on player
- Fix game calling auto-equipped items cursed when they aren't
- Split Smooth Lighting and Enhanced Fog of War in the game options menu

4.61 (Sep 2023)
- Bugfix patch to hopefully fix a lot of the prison and map persistence bugs
- Truss em Up now applies status effects from restraints but also takes 1 turn
- Wall can now be cast on doors to do a special effect
- Perks which increase enemy resistance flatly now instead increase HP
- You can no longer stack multiple trap type spells on the same tile
- Added some lighting changes
- Added a rudimentary UI background that can be toggled off in the game options
- Added kitty chests in the Ancient Tombs
- New sensory perks added
- New game-changing perk,: Curse Seeker, Novice Pet (and upgrades)