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Breaking Bad 5x5 Full-Length Uncut Reaction



Upgraded my membership to full-length uncut reactions today. Looking forward to watching this tonight, and catching up on your past full-length uncut reactions. You guys are the best.

Chris B

Upgraded too recently with ep 5-16 in mind ;) The fun begins. Let's get this train rollin' ! (sorry;)

N.T. Stars

I kept pet tarantulas for years, so this one hit pretty hard back in the day. Instant Todd hate!

Mike Minerals

Nice job in remembering what the cold open meant; most reactors forget about it... I definitely did, the first time I saw it. Still, part of the great writing in this show is that even if you can predict what's going to happen, they put a spin on it. Eric laughing like a madman while Kailyn looking horrified was everything!


totally agree they should've been wearing masks. but also the scene could work if they just took off the masks after the train started moving again before they see the boy ya know? also masks might obstruct the ability to yell to each other, & cover the actors faces which im sure they wouldn’t like lol


Okay I couldn't wait, and I finished my work early so ... my thoughts. Kailyn is right that Walt is not Gus. Both men are/were smart, but Walt has something Gus never had: immense ego. Remember that when they first met, Gus told Walt that he is NOT a careful man, and Gus was right. Not wearing masks isn't a plot inconsistency, it's intentional: Walt is arrogant. "Because I said so." It's a dead zone, it's the middle of the desert on a hot day, nobody will see, nobody will catch them, nobody will care, and if someone does 'so what?'. Something to keep in mind about that poor sweet boy: we only hear the sound of his motorbike when the pumps are turned off. We have no idea how long he was sitting there, nor what he saw. Todd killing that innocent boy rips my heart out every time I see it. Since I know you've already seen s05e06 you know how everyone reacts. Painful!


I think there are a few explanations for the lack of masks. For one, based on Mike's speech about witnesses, they weren't planning on letting anyone see them and live to tell about it anyway. Of course, they didn't account for an innocent child to be out in the middle of nowhere. Also, if someone did happen to see them (let's say from afar) they likely wouldn't think twice about a few guys working on a stopped train -- unless those guys happened to be wearing masks. That screams criminal activity and gets reported for sure. And finally there's the simple fact that Walt's ego is astronomical at this point. In his mind, why bother with masks if you're not going to get caught?


The reason they're not wearing masks during the heist is the same reason they're replacing the methylamine with water. They're not just robbing a train- they're robbing a train with no trace left behind. Even if they had masks on, they still would have taken out the kid

Chris B

This! Wanted to write this as well. First time I'm seeing any "masks" converstation. The point wasn't for nobody to know WHO robbed the train but for noboody to know that the train even got robbed. Masks don't change anything.


A closer “plot hole” would be Lydia calling Mike an asshole after he was about to waste her even though she put a hit out on him just 3 episodes ago…

Zack Rapp

Had to sub for the end! No matter how many times I've seen this show, seeing people experience it for the first time will never get old lol