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Breaking Bad 5x5 Reaction [Early Access]


Phil Jacke

Wow Eric did a little joker laugh when Todd shot that kid! I would've enjoyed it if they were wearing masks like an old fashioned train robbery. Todd still might have killed that kid though. He doesn't seem too bright.

Natalie Johnson

So fun to watch you guys react to these highly anticipated episodes! Way to go Kailyn calling it half way through. I think the need for masks was a moot point when Mike said the only way to get away with a heist is to leave no witnesses. No point in covering up if you're going to kill anyone who sees you anyway.

Phil Jacke

Yeah breaking bad makes me laugh a lot, sometimes because it's funny and sometimes just to break the tension. Great reaction as always!


You got it! Very few reactors connect the little boy as soon as you did. Impressed! And as for masks, do you mean the masks with the fuzzy balls on top as in the first methylamine caper? LOL! Part of me thinks that would make them look even more guilty if they tried to explain to the boy they were just there to work or something. It was Jesse who explained to Todd that there were to be absolutely no witnesses. Todd was just following orders. Totally amazing train heist, with a classic Breaking Bad ending.


good thoughts, and thanks for your comment! as always 😊 we called it, but didn't think it was actually going to happen!

Daunte Johnson

I feel like them explaining that they were just there for work would have made them look way less guilty. Todd is wild!


Walt is definitely a Dutch Van Der Linde type character. Hat and everything included.


I don't know if you already know, but this show was originally planned to be filmed in California. But they had to settle on New Mexico for budget reasons. In the end they were glad they made that choice coz NM added a "western" flavor to the show.


I hope I’m wrong but something inside me feels like Eric has seen this before 😭


Hi! There’s just been a lot of little things you’ve guessed would happen and you look towards Kailyn and smile which would make it seem like you know it’ll happen and wanted her to remember that you called it. I’m not assuming that’s the case of course but I’ve thought a few times that I hope you haven’t already seen it! Kailyns reactions seem shocked whereas yours give the impression you might have known things would happen. Love your videos though, can’t wait to get deeper into this season and the next!


eric here. haha, not really sure what exactly to say in response. obviously i could never prove that i've never seen it before, except by perhaps gathering thrid-party testimony from family and friends who have wanted me to watch the show over the years. i definitely don't mean to give the impression that i have, and in fact have i gotten so much wrong in my predictions of the show that i often times look like a goofball. the only thing i could really say is that, genuinely, reacting to something i've seen before would to me be boring, degrading, and stress-inducing... can't imagine having to publically play-act for so many hours of content, consistently and somehow convincingly! i can assure you, i have no idea where this is going, or any of the rest of the plot moving forward. we just have fun with our predictions. all that to say, we appreciate your time and thanks for watching with us! 🙂

Scott Johnson

Another example of clever writing: Hank asks Walt Jr. if he wants to watch the movie "Heat" with him. The mid-90s classic features not one, but two major daring heists with an obssessed lawman on the trail of an extremely wily criminal mastermind. Meanwhile, Walt Sr. is preparing a major daring heist.

Scott Johnson

I searched to see if anyone else caught the parallel and it is was mentioned multiple places. They also pointed to another similarity. ***spoiler alert*** Both the movie and this episode involve a crew member shooting a potential heist witness without consent from the other crew members.


Eric, I dont believe you've seen these episodes. You both have genuine reactions. You will enjoy the rest of the show!