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Reading you guy's response to my earlier post was just...wonderful.

I am so happy so many of you really enjoy what I do and support me for that reason. I am also happy that you are all completely fine with how I run my Patreon and what I put out. 

Honestly for the longest time I felt I was running this account awfully and that I wasn't doing enough for my patron's money but so many of you countered that.

Seriously, thank you all so much for your words and for your continued support for my shenanigans.

To those who are new, to those who have been here from the beginning and future people. Thank you so much. You have no idea how happy that makes me.



So is this an admission of being a good artist? :V


Thank you for your wonderful art


Hey, no worries, man, it's all good. Thank you right back at you. You do good work, so it's only normal to tell you you do good work.


Your welcome sui! Here's to more years of support to your work!


Honestly thank you for all the cake you've drawn over the years. Glad I found your work on derpibooru when I did


Hey man, thank YOU for putting yourself out there and doing what you do. I know some posts dont get the love you think they should, but honestly as long as 1 person loves it thats means it still got that love from someone. And Im here for what ya wanna post, IDGAF if its stuff I specifically like I just like your art ^^




Man your art is amazing never doubt yourself bro keep a positive attitude always