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I am curious...

What made you pledge to my Patreon?

What makes you stay on my Patreon?

What do you feel could be better about my Patreon?

Are you fine with small constant uploads or spread out larger ones?

Just seeing how things are and what is doable for me. Obviously things like Tier IV comics and Tier V OC stuff has been on hold for a while and I am sooooo eternally grateful these people continue supporting but I wish to know what I could do more.

I would like my Patreon to grow but never really know how.



you're a great artist who cares greatly about his quality, while also asks nothing from his fans and doesn't parade around with a big ego


Ass and titties


Im dealing with anxiety and your art helps me to calm down and ignoring everything bad in my head. Love The Suri Pics and everything els of your amazing work :3 Keep it up :D


I can't imagine having a big ego. I have seen so many furry artists with that and it just seems so wrong.


Not just because you are a friend, but I love your artsyle and wish to support. Hell you spawned me making Ocean Drive and several ocs purely from your art style alone. I wish you well in your future and will always support when financially capable. I'm at a loss of what to say to help the patreon flow sadly


👍 but seriously I enjoy seeing how an artist was drawing years ago to present day to see how good they get and you’re art is great and I enjoy supporting the people that work tirelessly to make something that they enjoy and or feel good about doing.

Flashy Wolf

I'm mostly around to pledge to help out with most I can do. I don't talk much cause I'm mostly dealing with some personal things, but it's nice to see a kinky pic here and there. I'd like to be friends and have a talk like we did a few months ago, just need to set some things straight with my personal life, so I'll mostly pledge and talk here and there. The massive amount of detail put into your art is just astonding..and it's mostly just big butts & booba. X3 But I have been pretty fascinated with them, and how they'll go.

Ceres The Stardroid

I thought your comics were nice and wanted to see more of your work.


In order: I found your Temptation comic and wanted to see more of your art. I stay to see how many fucks people owe you when you draw bigger tits when people complain about the tits. I think that your patreon is fine, but I would like to see more updates with that storyline you've got with the Church of Bah-Rest. And finally, I say upload at your pace and not what needy people want, as your true fans will understand fewer uploads so you don't burn yourself out.


Despite what you may say about yourself, you're a talented artist that continues to seek improvement and the shape of your ladies really hits home with me. I don't know if you have the time/patience to put in the extra work, but you could probably throw out an inquiry as to what edits people like in the monthly image (within reason, and especially not anything you/Patreon won't agree to). Assuming the same amount of content monthly, I enjoy the regular trickle of updates, less chance of last minute rush causing even more stress for you.


What made you pledge to my Patreon? I saw a few of your images, wanted to see more. When that happens, I figure it's worth throwing a few bucks to the artist. Short version : I thought it was worth it (still do, too) What makes you stay on my Patreon? The images are still really cool to see, you produce consistent quality stuff. Plus you obviously care about your patrons, as evidenced by posts like this one. What do you feel could be better about my Patreon? I'm honestly not sure. You do what you promise, you upload what you produce. I mean, you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, and I don't know how you could do more. Are you fine with small constant uploads or spread out larger ones? Small uploads are fine, it becomes a kind of 'daily surprise' that brightens my day. (Not necessarily daily, buy you know what I mean). I open my email, see that Suirano has uploaded, and immediately go "Hehe, I wonder what Sui's cooked up this time". This is not to say I have a problem with big uploads, it's just a different kind of fun. :-)


Supporting an artist I like, simple as that.


For both of the former questions, it's cause you're both a great artist and an awesome guy in general. In terms of things that could be improved, this is more broader than just Patreon, but I do feel like uploading stuff in general needs to be improved, especially in terms of the early access rule . Some stuff gets made public before or alongside the Patreon upload, whilst others take months/years to be made public. Some don't even get posted to Patreon and are left in the archive. I believe there does need to be a more refined formula for uploads. Personally, I'd say use something like PostyBirb to help with smoothing out the uploading process so you are able to make it more consistent and so posts/commissions don't get left on the uploading backburner indefinitely. That's just my personal opinion, but it's a criticism I have that I think would help out considerably if improved. As for smaller posts vs bigger posts, I think either or works. I feel like that should be more so whatever works better for you and your schedule. Both have their pros and cons, so finding the optimum balance for you personally there would be best.


Its simple, you make art I like and for that you deserve something in return so this is what I can do.


I've been a fan of your art for a long time, super happy with what I see from your patreon and just looking forward to seeing more and more in the future


Hm. Interesting set of questions. Let me see: -Ive been wanting to support you and throw money your way for a good fuckin while now. If I cant get a comm, sometimes the best way is either donating or pledging and I felt I was long overdue giving you some of my dosh. I like your stuff and I wanna give money pretty much -Similar answer to before, I just wanna support ya in any way I can, even if its not as much as I feel you deserve, as your stuff is worth way more then I pay -Hmm... Im unsure tbh. I dont really see much of a problem with your Patreon atm really, so I think its all good imo -Dude, its your Patreon, do it the way you wanna do it bruh. Every artist works at their pace and has a life outside of the pen, by all means run it your way. Wanna do consistent small uploads go for it, less consistent big posts sure, Im fine with whatever ya wanna do mang ^^


I’ve followed your art for a long time now, and I wanted to support you in any way that I could. Wish I got more comms from you though. And you produce some awesome pieces and always deliver on everything. As for small or large constant uploads, I would say whatever works better for you. Both have their merits. The small ones mean your always producing art and improving on areas, so it can basically be considered practice for you. The large ones mean your producing the high quality stuff and you wouldn’t be as over exerted with the smaller one. All in all whatever you choose will be fine with me But if I had one complaint, it’s that you don’t actually do much for tier V :v


I fell in love with your art style and your Red Dragon character


I've been a fan of yours since early 2015 when I first saw your art I fell in love immediately and when you got the patreon account I immediately signed into it I really love your art style and it just gets better every single year and I can't wait to see more of it in the future and I'm a huge Barb fan but I think you already knew that with the amount of times I asked for her LOL fun fact you actually were the one who got me into rule 63 and made me fall in love with big butts so much more.


I initially got into your art after seeing either something of Eclipse or Melting Point back in like 2015 or something I don’t really remember but since then I’ve been a big fan especially of said moody dragon pony. I support your patreon nowadays instead of when you originally set up your patreon as I have the money to safely do so and so I can support my favourite artist and why I keep supporting is so that not only can I experience said art but also so I can give my appreciation to such an incredible artist. As for improvements for your patreon I don’t really know I suppose my one complaint is how everything that is made in recent times isn’t posted on the patreon other than the Nintendo shit which I understand and as for the uploads I think a mix between shorter and longer posts are a good balance, maybe every few months you can roll out a longer one but I don’t really know too much about all that.


1) I simply figured I could. 2) I just stay. I enjoy being in the discord, and the money helps you, so that's that. 4) small frequent uploads may help with the page activity, but you already pretty much upload every piece immediately after finishing. I suppose you could share the sketches here too. If nothing else, those who think about pledging will see fresh posts on the page. You could also try promoting the patreon more aggressively in the Twitter replies under every post since it doesn't generate thumbnails in image posts. All of this is just a shitty suggestion tho, you run the patreon fine!


1) Your art 2) Your art and you as a person 3) I wish we'd see more comics, I love your comics 4) I don't mind, each has their pros and cons.


1) I found some of your art to be pretty awesome the moment I saw some of your earlier pics and comics. 2) I'm interested in your future ideas for more stunning pics. 3) Nothing really comes to mind so I guess I'd leave that up to you. 4) Whatever makes you feel comfortable and efficient.


1) I was in a position to finally be able to support artists. You were one of the first. I vast majority of the art and wanted to support you 2) Your art, value for money & you're a decent chap even if we have the occasional disagrement 3) Not really sure, sorry 4) Happy with either or


1.) I really liked your OCs, especially Suri and Allin, and I love how thicc you make all your drawing in general. Came up on the means to support artists I like and you were one of them. 2.) The art be good and you seem like a chill dude. It's that simple. 3.) Nothing comes to mind honestly 4.) Whatever is easier for you to manage is fine by me.

Blue Phoenix

I began supporting you because something about how you constantly work to improve your craft while also having a bit of fun seems inviting and on top of that the work you put out is good quality stuff. Making this caliber of art can't be easy and if I can give you support while also getting to see some fun and interesting art pieces then hell I'm down! More over I don't feel much has to be done in the way of changing your Patreon page or how you run things. It's your show here and honestly I'm happy with how you're doing things right now so don't you worry about that. Looking forward to whatever comes next!


This is a bit late but here's my two cents for what it's worth. 1) I had been wanting to support you when you first made the Patreon as I enjoyed your art and wanted to help out in what way I could. 2) You, the others on the Patreon Discord, your art. I enjoy the banter and other perspectives from those in other locations across the world. 3) I am honestly not sure, I think your Patreon is fine really. I've got no experience with that kind of thing so I can't help there. I just think you should do what you want to do. 4) Like in 3, just do what you want to do. I enjoy your uploads regardless. New characters, old ones revisited, any of them I enjoy as I like your style.


I support you on tier 5 because I just like your content and want to show support.