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A bit of a boring update from me I'm afraid. The work on the DayZ critique continues to progress. But I'm afraid it's still too early to show anything new, sorry.
  • I'm currently working on the script for part 10/10 - Development. In which I have a look at the development actions Bohemia have taken over the last few years. And as expected it's turning out to be the lengthiest chapter. But, I've managed to finish writing about 2/3rds of it and it's turning out really well. I've already started recording some parts of it for editing, but my efforts have been hampered by a fairly silly problem - rain. The roads of Brighton are slick with rain, causing a lot of background noise as cars drive around. Even at night. And with no sound-dampening and single-glazing windows it means I'm having to hold-off on voice work until there's less of a background whooshing sound from the roads outside.
  • Also, that final 3rd part of the script I need to chew over some more, as it includes the final thoughts and a summary. And is undoubtedly the most important chapter, as I hope to demonstrate. I'm probably going to go back and forth thinking about it for a few weeks while working on bullshitteries. Just to try and perfect it.
  • In the mean-time I've been working on polishing off part 3/10 - Activities, which was one of the earliest chapters done. I was always dissatisfied with how this one flowed, and felt it looked a bit scruffy. There are too many low resolution .png files that then look terrible as I zoom into them. Therefore I've been going over and redoing a lot of the diagrams in After Effects. So they'll be smoother looking and include animation. So it should look nice.

So this is probably going to be the last week (for now) on this project. Starting next Monday I'll likely start putting together the next bullshittery and will get your opinions on that soon. 

Thank you for being patient with me as I indulge in my little side-project. I'm really keen to get it finished :)




All we ask from you is to take your ur time mate. It’ll be alright


I think you should get the project fully finished before moving onto another bullshittery, I'd love to see them out in the wild


Ahhh alas, this last chapter is simply going to be too big for one single effort I'm afraid. Once I've got the voice recording done (for the first 2/3rds) it's probably going to be 20-25 minutes long. Then the visual editing takes a few weeks on its own. We're probably looking at a 6-8 week push. That's much too long.


Understandable, I had the impression it was already mostly there. If it needs time to be perfect, then don't be afraid to take that time, sorry for being so impatient!

Cody Gerard

Damn, I was thinking this was gonna be the final push. I'm actually so hyped for the final version of this. YouTube needs more long form critical content like this, even if audiences and the algorithm isn't all that friendly towards it (which means we won't be seeing more of it, but let's not go down that rabbit hole). I do of course understand your need to make sure you produce content though.

Cody Gerard

I love the work you're doing on this. Hope to see the final version as soon as you're able!


You’re welcome mate. I’m sure it’ll be fantastic


I've been astounded by the previous parts you've shared, and I'm looking forward to this next part! A question though, and I hope I'm not speaking from a broken record, but do you fear that due to how long this project has taken over the past year or so in order to promise perfection, that the general audience surrounding DayZ related topics may have dwindled? So much so that the conversation won't be as large and satisfying?


While these chapters have been a blast to watch it does feel like something is missing. It feels as if today when I watched your stream (the 'you know stream') you were having a little rant and it felt much more alive. I think the difference here is simply that speaking about a topic when an audience is watching live is very different from actually reading it to your microphone. It's not to say that this project isn't goood because I can't wait to see it up on Youtube but there is a noticeable change of character. It really reminds me of another YouTuber by the name of Lemmino. He does many documentary style videos. I recommend watching his earlier videos from 3 or 4 years ago and then watching one of his brand new ones. Try looking at the differences and then see what areas he improved in and try applying it to yourself (not as in do the same things but rather see where, and how he improved). Anyways I can't wait to see this whole thing come together Womble (or Sarah as you've said that's your name for today on stream). Keep up the great work and good luck moving forward! :)


I think the fact that you take your time to make a quality upload rather than just shove anything online like 99% of gaming channels is your strength. You'll never hear me complain about how long something takes, or why there hasn't been an upload in a while. Quality over quantity, it's why I'm here at least. Also I think that you should not fear moving into new territory (not saying you are necessarily), there's funny, there's interesting, there's both, but either is fine, I can imagine the pressure of having to make everything funny, but I honestly don't think your fans would begrudge uploads with a different tone if that's what you want to do. Very much looking forward to this plus the upcoming Bullshittery. P.S. I accidentally wiped you and your squad out in RS2 because you, quite wisely, have team voice disabled, and couldn't hear my danger close call. Sorry not sorry though, as it was actually quite funny having the piss taken out of me by my squad for team killing a huge streamer and co live.


Pleasure is mine, it's one of my favourites so it's brilliant to see it get the Soviet treatment.


i have a question, what happened to parts 1-8? i never saw part 8, and i liked to watch the other ones from time to time. i had compiled all the links into a notepad and just played them, just for something to listen to, while doing this or that. kind of like a podcast. i must say though, you have a rather enjoyable radio voice.