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Thanks for taking part in that poll. I didn't expect the Gang Beasts one to be so far up, good to know! So Rocket League and Gang Beasts are quite sought after, alongside Arma. Also so was Kerbal oddly enough. I'll certainly keep that in mind going forward.

Right now though I probably need to get my arse in gear and put some work into that Dungeons & Dragons bullshittery, which has been barely touched since May. The draft version is available here for those curious. 

To explain my plan, I've made a video update here

But the short version is: A hand-drawn cartoon is too expensive, I need to compromise. Therefore I'm going to commission an artist to provide the assets for all six characters. And then use those assets in a cut-out animation, which I'm going to animate myself. This week I'm going to attempt this for one of the six characters to see how it goes.



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